ShakeAndBake1776 4 points ago +4 / -0

I thought of the Pharisees. They were extreme but for the wrong reasons. Sometimes we (including myself) tend to get stuck in our own understanding, self-righteousness, or zeal that we miss what God is actually up to. Stand firm, but make sure you are still operating in God’s character (fruit of the Spirit).

ShakeAndBake1776 12 points ago +12 / -0

I knew that stupid Texas song by Beyoncé was some sort of warning/witchcraft. The song talks about a “tornado touching down in her city” and the reports said a tornado touched down in Houston. That witch is from Houston. The lyrics say Texas is going down (down down down down). And she has the sleep walkers singing it and posting it all over social media in agreement with them.

ShakeAndBake1776 2 points ago +2 / -0

That’s interesting, I didn’t know they were accredited for that. I just saw something yesterday that there are some ancient Egyptian drawings that depict some of their gods with blue skin. I know other religions have blue gods too, Hinduism being one of them. I wonder if those entities they saw showed them how. Hope your pain is doing better from the ER visit!

ShakeAndBake1776 2 points ago +2 / -0

Hahaha 😂 did I just unlock tin foil hat status?

ShakeAndBake1776 2 points ago +3 / -1

Hi! I just wanted to share that I had a similar experience. I was always taught the futuristic viewpoint, but something always sat wrong in my spirit with it. A few months ago I was reading revelation again, and a strong sense came through that these events already happened. It’s something I can’t fully explain, it just felt true in that moment of reading. I didn’t really look into it further and put it down. I got some rest from it all, but then a few weeks ago I got that feeling in my spirit again. So I gave it up to God, and asked what is really going on. I woke up the next morning and the direction to read Rev 20. And I realized, there is really not much in there about satan’s short season. And I had a lot of questions. So I did some research which lead to some people talking about this is where we actually are in the timeline of things. And everything just started clicking. It almost felt like a heavy weight off my back. It’s been an interesting couple of weeks since then. I’ll have to check out that video you recommended, thanks!!

ShakeAndBake1776 5 points ago +5 / -0

I can see how 1, 4, and 5 go together. So what if this Tartaria was actually the millenial reign. (Tartaria is just what others call it and claim it to be something else). These advance structures were build under the guidance of Christ for peace. Kind of like how the fallen angels gave knowledge to the nations to build the pyramids, but now the power was being used for good rather than oppression like it was in the OT. I think I read somewhere the giant cathedrals and buildings acted like giant energy centers (why they have the large tower structures) that provided free energy and technology that was governed for good. Maybe that’s how Tesla got his blueprints (there is nothing new under the sun!). Of course I don’t know if that is really true, but it’s really interesting to think about! So then when that time came to an end and satan was released , his way to deceive was to rewrite that entire period (enter theory #1). Which is what is known to us now as the “dark ages”. We are told everything will be backwards and upside down. And funny enough, what came next, the “enlightenment” period. Light…Lucifer. That’s when science really took over, the heliocentric earth, evolution, advancement of medicine ect. So as we got thrown into the dark, the truth is blacked out, and we are calling it the enlightenment period. Wasn’t the Illuminati also formed around that time as well? Everything has been in decline. Our buildings don’t compare, the food, medicine, water, and air are almost all poison, and we are in the screen era-an even stronger way to be deceived. It’s all been designed to keep us dumb and complacent. Those still sleeping are like walking zombies hypnotized to attack anything that questions the narrative. So now, what if we are more toward the end of satan’s short period? Why now so many people are awakening? Is our awakening causing satan’s time to come to a final end? It ties a lot of things together with the timeline we are witnessing today. Thanks for putting this all together. I’m new to all these theories and still learning and piecing it together.

ShakeAndBake1776 3 points ago +3 / -0

That’s interesting. I’m on the east coast near Philly and noticed the same thing. I had to run out in the middle of the day to run some errands and usually the traffic/people usually test my patience lol. Yesterday, it seemed too quiet and easy to get through it all. I mean, it wasn’t “bone dry” like your said, but the numbers of people out were significantly less.

ShakeAndBake1776 8 points ago +8 / -0

Praise God! We will continue to pray for his ongoing recovery.

ShakeAndBake1776 4 points ago +4 / -0

You have a beautiful family. I am praying for our kids every single day.

ShakeAndBake1776 1 point ago +1 / -0

Amen! May we all find rest in the Lord.

ShakeAndBake1776 5 points ago +5 / -0

I agree, frequency has something to do with it too. It's like those resonance experiments where the salt moves and takes physical shape depending on which frequency is played. Our words have much more power than we think and how we "speak" things into existence.

ShakeAndBake1776 3 points ago +3 / -0

There is definitely so much more behind the scenes that happened that day. Trump’s truth that said hopefully TODAY will be one of the most important days in history of our nation. Yeah, most people are saying that’s just how Trump is or it was to bait the Deep state (and it did work). But something tells me within my soul that something else was triggered that day too. It’s hard, but I just need to remember that it is God’s timing and not my own.

ShakeAndBake1776 4 points ago +4 / -0

I’ve seen him say that on his replies to people. It’s what he’s been saying all along though. He will still run it for now until it gets stronger and then will slowly find someone to be CEO. Here’s just one of the replies I stumbled across. https://twitter.com/elonmusk/status/1593084628709314560?s=46&t=CywrXhzNgUMzpBumcZKTAw

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