SkinnyBrewSue 2 points ago +2 / -0

I’ve been reading this series. He’s up to Chapter 12. Needs to get them out a little faster. There’s a ton of drops to get through. Good stuff. Loving the review!

SkinnyBrewSue -2 points ago +6 / -8

I worked with a kind old Jewish/German gentleman in my last job. He’s passed on now but I’m pretty sure he’d take issue with the term “work camps”. He and his brother escaped Germany on foot and was able to get to Britain. He got on a ship to the USA (where he met his wife who also escaped). When he got to the US he joined our army. His entire family was murdered in the “work camp” including his mother, father, two sisters and several aunts & uncles with their children. I don’t believe he ever recovered their remains. He came here with absolutely nothing, turned and fought against his own country and came back here and raised two boys (became doctors) and built a little business. Death camp would be the term he used. There are many books written by the survivors and the soldiers that liberated them from the “work camps”. I don’t suppose all the photographs and stories are fake. Regardless, no one entered the German war to help the Jews.

SkinnyBrewSue -4 points ago +7 / -11

He is correct. The US entered WWIi after we were bombed at Pearl Harbor & Germany declared war on us. We did not enter to stop the extermination of the Jews…we didn’t even know about it until we liberated the death camps. Over 1 million Jews and others had already been murdered and experimented on. He is correct…no nation came to their aid as they were being rounded up and sent to the death camps.

SkinnyBrewSue 1 point ago +1 / -0

Hasn’t the congress already allocated the funds for this? Not sure what the beef is with Trump. He thinks it should be in DC. not Maryland. That’s the issue he’s addressing not whether it should be built or not. And I bet he has very sound reasons why that’s his position.

SkinnyBrewSue 5 points ago +5 / -0

I just ordered again from https://buyivermectin24.com/ last month. Shipping is pretty fast and I’ve never had a problem. I use PayPal so I don’t have to give my cc info although I could use a card that I don’t use. This order PayPal had blocked the site but I was able to go into my PayPal account and authorize the purchase without a problem. I’ve ordered from them 3 or 4 times without an issue. $80 for 100 pills plus shipping.

SkinnyBrewSue 1 point ago +1 / -0

Hakeem is already running things. Actually it’s Pelosi still in charge. Johnson is very weak and MTG wasn’t wrong on one thing she said. The people will never vote out this corruption. I wonder how the movie will end.

SkinnyBrewSue 4 points ago +4 / -0

MTG isn’t stupid. She knew it wasn’t going to go anywhere. This was just part of the exposure of the awakening.

SkinnyBrewSue 4 points ago +4 / -0

I’ve been reading the Q for Dummies series at Badlands media. Someone here shared chapter one last week or the week before and I’m very thankful. It’s a great refresher or for someone that came in late. Sent to my son today..he’s based but pretty unfamiliar with Q. Hoping he’ll dive in. Found this little tidbit last night that hit on just what you seem to be asking

…”in chess, you can have your opponent defeated 10 moves before they know it, and nothing they can do will stop it. In the meantime, they can still take some of your pieces off the board and cause some damage.” Paul Fleuret Q for Dummies

SkinnyBrewSue 1 point ago +1 / -0

The point was he wasn’t unopposed. She got 150,000 votes. More than I think she should have received.

SkinnyBrewSue 5 points ago +5 / -0

The results I saw still had Haley on the ballot and getting a few thousand votes.

SkinnyBrewSue 2 points ago +3 / -1

Many think there won’t be an election. So if that happened wouldn’t it just be another plot of the movie? The only thing I’m sure about is that it’s going to be a hot, hot summer. Not sure of the ending.

SkinnyBrewSue 6 points ago +6 / -0

I’m undecided about most of the cast of characters. This is the first I heard MTG was having an affair with McCarthy. I thought he was gay and he and Frank Luntz were a thing. I change my mind all the time regarding someone being DS or White hat. My thought has been that maybe the plan is to vacate the chair and turn the house back to the Dems so they totally own the coming collapse.
The Great Awakening, Kabuki theater, enjoy the show….its so confusing. LOL

SkinnyBrewSue 2 points ago +2 / -0

I just called PayPal and authorized and it went through fine.

SkinnyBrewSue 1 point ago +1 / -0

I just got another order of 100 12mg tablets from https://buyivermectin24.com/ for $110. They were much faster than they used to be, about 2 weeks. I can use PayPal to pay but I think I got a flag or something and had to call PayPal to authorize this time. I prefer PayPal as I don’t have to put CC information out there but you have that option. I’ve used them several times and never a problem.

SkinnyBrewSue 3 points ago +4 / -1

I agree. It was my first confirmation that the media were a bunch of liars. Nicole and Ron were killed by two or three people looking for drugs and thought the envelope with the glasses had money. Ron had 22 knife wounds like someone trying to get him to talk. Nicole had her throat slit like “leave no witness.” OJ couldn’t stand the sight of blood and was an arthritic old man that never could have overcome two young healthy people and not suffer any type of scratches, cuts or bruises. It was a bloody, bloody scene yet they couldn’t come up with bloody clothes or a murder weapon attached to OJ. We watched every bit of the trial back then and I have never been able to match the evidence to OJ being guilty. I never could figure out why the media and government wanted him guilty. I think I’ve figured it out by the responses today…a black man convicted on flimsy evidence of killing two white people would have definitely been the start of race riots all over the country. I see lots of people today blaming the black jury, but just maybe they looked at the evidence and didn’t find enough to convict. Don’t you all get it yet? It’s not about OJ…it’s black vs white.

SkinnyBrewSue 17 points ago +17 / -0

Well 90% couldn’t convict him anyway. Had to be 100%. Let’s see…. Ramping up the racial division. Must be an election coming!

SkinnyBrewSue 5 points ago +5 / -0

I am a bit shocked by the people that are shouting about the complete corruption of our legal system and corruption and lying of the media all jumping on the hateful condemnation of OJ Simpson, because they’re just positive he committed double murder. Well the tv told you so you know. I won’t discuss or argue the case with anyone that didn’t read Killing Time by Donald Freed and Raymond Briggs. My husband (and a couple friends, who are all Caucasian) watched the entire trial in real time. We were often astonished at the news coverage that would report one thing and we watched the actual testimony with our own eyes. The verdict was absolutely correct as the evidence did not match up with OJ. It just didn’t. Had I been on the jury, I would have voted Not Guilty. The civil trial was a joke and I firmly believe that suing someone civilly after they were found Not Guilty in a criminal court is double jeopardy.

I’m not saying OJ was a good guy. He could be a total jerk and a terrible husband. I’m just saying based on all the evidence he didn’t do it. Killing Time gives the evidence presented, some not allowed in & some suppressed (like three other waiters from the restaurant met either a violet death or disappeared. One was sliced and diced like Goldman) It presents a couple different scenarios of who did it based on the evidence. I’ve always leaned to a drug killing where the killers (definitely more than one) thought the envelope with the glasses held drug money. Nicole was killed as a “leave no witness”. The prosecution and the judge would not allow any evidence or testimony that any way tainted Nicole or Goldman.

You can think what you want, but it does dismay me that even in this community where most know that the media and legal system has lied and lied, are still lying and are totally corrupt….except in the OJ case.

SkinnyBrewSue 10 points ago +11 / -1

Because the eclipse is caused by the moon passing the sun, doesn’t have to do with the path of the sun….its the path of the moon.

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