45-4KAG 1 point ago +1 / -0

Hahaha! True. I see different dates around the interwebs for their recent testing, some blogs pointing to the last few days, but their website says beginning of March.

Found this though: https://www.uaf.edu/news/haarp-to-produce-artificial-airglow-that-may-be-widely-visible-in-alaska.php

45-4KAG 1 point ago +1 / -0

On FB someone I know said HAARP is conducting tests. 🤷‍♀️

45-4KAG 1 point ago +1 / -0

Consult with a few divorce lawyers. I do believe the initial consultation is free. Find one you like. Find a good one. Any of them you consult with your wife will not be able to hire due to conflict of interest.

Do not stay with your wife just for your finances or your daughter. Kids can sense that and it messes with them worse than the divorce. My parents tried to stay together "for the kids" for almost 10 years and it was hell for the whole family. Is your wife working at all? You are working 1.5 jobs, so if she wants out of the relationship she will need to be able to support herself now. She will not be your responsibility once divorced unless she gets alimony or child support. I would fight that if I were you since she wants the divorce. If you file first that will help in court I think. Discuss options with a divorce lawyer. My parents tried counseling at one point. Maybe see if she wants to try that? It really sounds like she's found someone else though.

Your wife initiated the separation and wants a divorce. You need to focus on you and your child. What your wife does or doesn't have is now on her. You find a place for you and your daughter. If your wife won't leave the house have her put everything in her name as part of the divorce and she can keep it and you walk away with a fresh start. If it's something you could afford on your own and you want to stay then fight her for it, but she needs to get out. If you own it, depending on laws in your state, she might have to split half the equity with you if she stays or you sell it. You said you just put her through school, then depending on your degree status, that might be something that goes back on her as well. At least she can't get you on alimony for that. If she's not working then she's probably not going to have much of a choice with the house or car. Since she just got a degree, she might owe you alimony and child support!

It really sounds like she's trying some narcissistic tricks on you to get her way, and that's what's really messing with your head. If so, you need to get out and not look back. Don't let her manipulate you. Think of your child as well. Sending prayers your way to help guide you through this storm. 🙏🙏🙏


45 by unruly
45-4KAG 2 points ago +2 / -0

Need limit 45?

45-4KAG 2 points ago +2 / -0

"Experts" were claiming the quick temperature difference between normal circumstances and the eclipse passing with totality caused the layers of the atmosphere to cool rapidly creating condensation/clouds, which is why it tends to get cloudy during an eclipse. 🤷‍♀️

45-4KAG 1 point ago +1 / -0

They make the laws. It would be overstepping if the enforced them. So who do we get to enforce them? Take evidence to our local law enforcement?

45-4KAG 3 points ago +3 / -0

Have you ever heard of the nose spray Xlear? It's also made with xylitol, and opens up nasal passages. And it's used in sugar free drinks. I don't think there are any long term studies with xylitol, so I'm a little cautious.

45-4KAG 7 points ago +7 / -0

Brittney Spears, Michael Jackson...I'm sure there are more.

45-4KAG 2 points ago +2 / -0

Sorry, I didn't realize there's a term for that. Oh, yeah, no AI needed because I guess overdubbing is still faking. 😅

45-4KAG 7 points ago +7 / -0

Or play another recording while recording. No faking needed.

45-4KAG 3 points ago +3 / -0

Looks interesting, but feels kind of fear porn-ish?

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