Adam 2 points ago +2 / -0

This was the most recent article I could find of his, but yes, these are not the papers he referenced. Pointless reporting.

Adam 1 point ago +1 / -0

It is easy. I block it because, for me, it's slow, but more importantly it's a dead end of information. It provides a random video with no hint to where it came from or the surrounding context. When you watch a video on Catbox, you're invited to feel a rush of emotion, but not presented with any sort of fact trail to back it up. I appreciate the pleasure of emotions, but that's not what I'm personally looking for. Certainly when Q said to save everything metadata was implied.

Adam 1 point ago +1 / -0

Personally, I just block catbox. Videos/Files on that platform have no source information so there's no point in viewing.

Adam 2 points ago +2 / -0

It doesn't seem that Japan has done anything, which I can confirm since I'm in Japan. Instead, a paper was published.

All this "Japan did this, Japan did that" is largely BS. Some researchers in Japan researched stuff.


Adam 1 point ago +1 / -0

A good rule of thumb is that anything you read about Japan online is probably not true. I imagine that goes for other countries too, I just happen to know about this one. Anyway, it's still interesting to see what's circulating.

Adam 4 points ago +4 / -0

I'm here, it's not true, obviously.

Adam 1 point ago +1 / -0

I'm glad this was helpful.

each tool has extensive documentation. You can remove all dates, or anything else, like so:

exiftool "-*date*=" file.mp4

The idea isn't to identify yourself, but to identify the video.

I use some of the following before re-encoding archival size:

yt-dlp --f bestvideo[ext=mp4][height<=1080][vcodec^=avc1]+bestaudio[ext=m4a][abr<=192] -o '/Videos/%(uploader)s/%(playlist_title)s/%(upload_date)s - %(title).190s.%(ext)s'

With this, you get the upload date, uploader name, and video title in the filename, which is helpful in identifying the incident recorded when the metadata is lost.

Similar processes are available for images as well.

Adam 1 point ago +1 / -0

You seem to enjoy what you do.

I'm not sure if you're aware, but you can use yt-dlp (or youtube-dl) to download videos from most places and it will embed video information in the metadata.

You can then use exiftool to copy the metadata from the original, or if you converted with handbrake, the metadata should be copied during conversion.

With Exiftool, or Handbrake, you can preserve the creation date, source url, original description, subtitles... all valuable information when reporting the news.

Adam 3 points ago +3 / -0

Where did these videos come from? I appreciate catbox, but they have no metadata, subtitles, source.... just random videos out of nowhere.

Adam 1 point ago +1 / -0

Is this part of a larger documentary?

Adam 2 points ago +2 / -0

If you recall, this would have been world war II. From there you can guess the colors. Yellow: Japan, Puce: UK, Red: USSR, etc

Adam 19 points ago +19 / -0

GPT4 (EDIT: this was answered by a machine):


  1. Capital letters are used for the first word of a sentence, proper nouns, titles of respect, important words in titles of books or articles, the pronoun "I," the interjection "O," the first word in a direct quotation, and the first word of each line of poetry.
  2. The parts of speech are noun, pronoun, verb, adverb, adjective, preposition, conjunction, and interjection; those without modifications are interjections and prepositions.
  3. Verse is a single line of poetry, a stanza is a grouped set of lines within a poem, and a paragraph is a distinct section of a piece of writing, usually dealing with a single theme.
  4. The principal parts of a verb are the base form, the past tense, the past participle, and the present participle; for lie: lie, lay, lain, lying; for play: play, played, played, playing; for run: run, ran, run, running.
  5. Case in grammar denotes the relationship of a noun or pronoun to other words in a sentence, with three cases: nominative (subject), possessive (ownership), and objective (object).
  6. Punctuation is the use of spacing, conventional signs, and certain typographical devices to aid understanding and correct reading; principal marks include the period, comma, question mark, exclamation mark, colon, semicolon, apostrophe, and quotation marks.
  7. A composition demonstrating the practical use of grammar rules would include varied sentence structures, correct punctuation, and appropriate capitalization, while conveying a coherent and concise message.


  1. The fundamental rules of arithmetic are addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division.
  2. The wagon box can hold 60 bushels of wheat (Volume = 2 ft x 10 ft x 3 ft = 60 cubic feet, and 1 bushel = 1.2445 cubic feet).
  3. The wheat is worth $94.60 (Net weight = 3942 lbs - 1050 lbs, Bushels = 2892 lbs / 60 lbs per bushel, Total value = 48.2 bushels x $0.50).
  4. The necessary levy is $0.022 per dollar (Total cost = 7 months x $50/month + $104, Levy = Total cost / $35,000).
  5. The cost of the coal is $201.60 (6720 lbs / 2000 lbs per ton x $6.00).
  6. The interest is $24.01 (Principal x Rate x Time = $512.60 x 7% x (8 months + 18 days/30 days per month)).
  7. The cost of the boards is $128 (40 boards x 16 ft/3.2808 ft per meter x 20).
  8. The bank discount is $7.50 (Principal x Rate x Time = $300 x 10% x 90/360).
  9. The cost of the farm is $2,560 (Area = (640 rods/4)^2 x 160 square rods per acre, Cost = Area x $15 per acre).
  10. A bank check, promissory note, and receipt would each include specific details pertinent to their individual purposes, such as amount, date, payee, and signature for a check; amount, date, terms of repayment, and signature for a promissory note; and amount, date, and nature of transaction for a receipt.

U.S. History

  1. U.S. History is divided into the Colonial Period, the Independence and Formation of the Union, Expansion and Reform, Civil War and Reconstruction, Industrialization, World Wars, and Modern Era.
  2. Columbus discovered America in 1492 while seeking a westward sea route to Asia.
  3. The Revolutionary War was caused by colonial resistance to British taxes and interference, resulting in American independence and the creation of a new nation.
  4. The territorial growth of the United States included the original 13 colonies, the Louisiana Purchase, acquisitions from Mexico, Alaska Purchase, and Hawaii.
  5. Kansas history includes Native American habitation, part of the Louisiana Purchase, Bleeding Kansas conflicts, and statehood in 1861.
  6. Three prominent battles of the Civil War are Gettysburg, Antietam, and Bull Run.
  7. Morse invented the telegraph, Whitney invented the cotton gin, Fulton pioneered steamboat technology, Bell invented the telephone, Lincoln was the 16th President and led during the Civil War, Penn founded Pennsylvania, and Howe invented the sewing machine.
  8. 1607 marks the founding of Jamestown, 1620 the landing of the Pilgrims at Plymouth, 1800 the U.S. capital's move to Washington, D.C., 1849 the California Gold Rush, and 1865 the end of the Civil War and Lincoln's assassination.


  1. Alphabet is a set of letters, phonetic relates to speech sounds, orthography is the conventional spelling system, etymology is the study of word origins, and syllabication is the division of words into syllables.
  2. Elementary sounds are basic speech sounds, classified into vowels and consonants.
  3. A trigraph is a group of three letters representing one sound, subvocals are voiced consonants, a diphthong is a sound formed by two vowels in a single syllable, cognate letters are letters that share a similar origin, and linguals are sounds produced by the tongue.
  4. Four substitutes for caret 'u' are 'o,' 'oo,' 'ew,' and 'ue.'
  5. Two rules for spelling words with final 'e' are to drop the 'e' when adding an ending that begins with a vowel and to keep the 'e' when adding an ending that begins with a consonant; exceptions include 'peaceable' and 'noticeable' for the first rule, and 'truly' and 'argument' for the second.
  6. Silent letters can indicate a word's origin or affect the pronunciation of other letters; for example, 'k' in 'knight' indicates Old English origin and 'e' in 'make' changes the pronunciation of 'a.'
  7. Bi means two, dis means apart, mis means wrongly, pre means before, semi means half, post means after, non means not, inter means between, mono means one, and sup means under.
  8. Card: [kärd], ball: [bôl], mercy: [mûr'sē], sir: [sûr], odd: [äd], cell: [sĕl], rise: [rīz], blood: [blŭd], fare: [fâr], last: [läst].
  9. Cite: to reference as evidence; site: location; sight: the ability to see; fane: a temple; fain: gladly; feign: to pretend; vane: a weathercock; vain: overly proud; vein: a blood vessel; raze: to completely destroy; raise: to lift up; rays: beams of light.
  10. Ten frequently mispronounced words are often [ô'fən], mischievous [mĭs'chĭ-vəs], library [lī'brer-ē], February [fĕb'ro͞o-er-ē


  1. Climate is the long-term pattern of weather in an area, depending on factors like latitude, elevation, nearby water, ocean currents, topography, vegetation, and prevailing winds.
  2. The extremes of climate in Kansas are due to its location in the central United States, far from moderating ocean influences, and its varied topography.
  3. Rivers are useful for providing water for drinking, agriculture, and industry, and for transportation and hydroelectric power; the ocean is important for climate regulation, transportation, food, and as a habitat for a vast array of wildlife.
  4. The mountains of North America include major ranges like the Rocky Mountains, Appalachian Mountains, Sierra Nevada, and the Cascades, characterized by their varied geology, ecosystems, and significant role in weather patterns.
  5. Monrovia is the capital of Liberia, Odessa is a port city in Ukraine, Denver is the capital of Colorado, Manitoba is a Canadian province known for its prairies and lakes, Hecla is a volcano in Iceland, Yukon is a territory in northwest Canada known for its wilderness, St. Helena is a remote island in the South Atlantic Ocean, Juan Fernandez is an archipelago off Chile's coast, Aspinwall (now Colón) is a city in Panama, and the Orinoco is a major river in Venezuela.
  6. Principal trade centers in the U.S. include New York City, Los Angeles, Chicago, Houston, and Miami, known for their significant roles in finance, commerce, media, entertainment, and international trade.
  7. The republics of Europe and their capitals are Austria (Vienna), Bulgaria (Sofia), Croatia (Zagreb), Cyprus (Nicosia), Czech Republic (Prague), Estonia (Tallinn), Finland (Helsinki), France (Paris), Germany (Berlin), Greece (Athens), Hungary (Budapest), Ireland (Dublin), Italy (Rome), Latvia (Riga), Lithuania (Vilnius), Malta (Valletta), Poland (Warsaw), Portugal (Lisbon), Romania (Bucharest), Slovakia (Bratislava), Slovenia (Ljubljana), and Spain (Madrid).
  8. The Atlantic Coast is colder than the Pacific at the same latitude due to the Gulf Stream carrying warm water northward in the Atlantic and cold water currents flowing southward along the Pacific coast.
  9. Water from the ocean returns to the sources of rivers through the hydrological cycle, involving evaporation, condensation, precipitation, and runoff.
  10. The Earth rotates on its axis once every 24 hours and revolves around the Sun once every 365.25 days, with an axial tilt of approximately 23.5 degrees, causing seasonal variations.
Adam 5 points ago +5 / -0

There are old Roman/Nazi/etc tunnel systems, 5-30m deep, under most European towns/cities, and kids partying in them. These are urban explorers and friends - if these tunnels are physically connected to the bad tunnels, they're walled off.

Calling it a DUMB is dumb.

Adam 2 points ago +2 / -0

Not True. In Japan, where I live, they do start vaccinating right after birth. Vaxxes are bad, and the death rate is high, but Japan isn't what you think it is.

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