Bigtortoise 3 points ago +3 / -0

Wow! How did I not catch that! I only watched it once and it happened pretty quick, this is so fucked up. Bet he’s regretting that decision

Bigtortoise 2 points ago +2 / -0

That is some good info, I’ll definitely have to change my strategies as I was almost ready to offload what warrants I had because I was getting impatient, but no more! Thanks Fren!🐸

Bigtortoise 3 points ago +3 / -0

When/how can warrants get exercised? They give very little info and people just say “Contact your Broker” do you really have to call them to access your options? Coming from Fidelity btw

Bigtortoise 7 points ago +7 / -0

Hahaha I didn’t even catch that, good laugh for 6am.

But yeah that and so many other variables, they can’t even strategically use these tanks because air support doesn’t exist and then to find out they have all “31” in the same general location, jeez the Russians probably love shooting fish in barrels. Also there is no way we are sending our best surplus armor over there, these donations are just a placeholder for Ukrainian coffins. By now they should realize how little our politicians care for them, they’re not going to stop at the last Ukrainian, they’ll take the French, Fins and Norwegians down with anyone else foolish enough to enter that arena.

Bigtortoise 13 points ago +13 / -0

Its all about the shells, but me being an American civilian doesn’t expect a member of the armed forces of Ukraine to comprehend that TP-T are not HE, which if you were going to fire into a house is exactly the type of munitions you’d want to be using. I have over 800hrs playing Battlefield 4, and mechanized Warfare is my favorite, would be willing to bet my Xbox training far surpasses whatever the fuck they’re on.

Bigtortoise 7 points ago +7 / -0

I’ve never seen an American flag posted on an Instagram story which takes up the entirety of space on the phone when you view it, so I posted one!🇺🇸 Simple messaging with some big dick energy goes a long way

Bigtortoise 2 points ago +2 / -0

I was absolutely about to post some of Mark Passios work, great recommendation! His lectures are bar none, Freemasonry to Ordo templi Orentis this guy knows exactly what he is taking about and will not bullshit you even for a second.

Bigtortoise 3 points ago +3 / -0

I can tell you have achieved some level of enlightenment through this work, and seem to be cautious as you should but I’ll give a little advice anyways. Stay in the light, do not entertain even gray types of thinking, remain a pure vessel of light and the dark will be less willing to attack you. Be careful who you discuss certain topics with, a high percentage of people will not be receptive of what you’re discussing and immediately reject you, even here it’s not really a topic that people can accept to study, much less practice. If it does not contradict your religious beliefs then you should have no problem practically applying what you gain from this path, but be warned it is littered with corpses that came before you and it is as treacherous as everyone makes it out to be, so while your head is in the clouds make sure to have two feet firmly planted in reality and stay purpose driven and goal oriented, also it’s a good idea to take stock along the way, writing a journal is the most common way to keep yourself on track to make sure you’re not slipping into something you can’t slip out of. You talked of pride being a sin, the real downfall of a practitioner of esoteric mysticism Is the “ego” which is pretty much a nice way of saying Psychosis.

Good luck to you, and Frens let’s be supportive of his research into this, many are too scared and do not have the willpower to do it much less the fortitude to come out unscathed. At the end of the day it’s OPs choice to realize their own spirituality and we should be willing to respect that. Just remember, this is real, and it’s not a game.

Bigtortoise 1 point ago +1 / -0

Haha that was kind of funny, except where you fucked up big time. Erin is not an androgynous name, that just so happens to be my wife’s name. Casey would have been a better name for that 😂

Bigtortoise 2 points ago +2 / -0

Belligerent regimes do not offer pardons

Bigtortoise 1 point ago +1 / -0

Pretty sure Biden said you need an F15 though, not an AR15. Too bad we probably sent all of ours to be atomized by the Russians

Bigtortoise 4 points ago +4 / -0

Some girls have a thing for total losers too, kinda funny when you think about it

Bigtortoise 1 point ago +1 / -0

Okay who are we looking at Bacongrease?

Bigtortoise 1 point ago +1 / -0

Your wife needs heavily reprogrammed, I’m really sorry that you find yourself feeling those things, not easy to admit. I’d say maybe approach arguments differently when they arise, metaphorically hold a mirror up to her, press her about not having favorites and how both children can benefit from even and consistent discipline, but when it’s skewed one way or the other then all children are doomed in their own way. And as for the cash app dog walking thing, what a joke, $500 can be really helpful, it obviously was to the other family, that’s why they kept it and didn’t pay! If not solely for the benefit of money you’re owed, it’s a principal that shouldn’t ever be broken, and not even just that, when she says it’s “her decision” remind her that it’s also her decision to be a doormat and get walked on all over by anyone who acts “nice” there’s no logic in that, and it’s devoid of self respect, all for not being “confrontational”

I didn’t really plan on commenting, I don’t have any real tangible advice, the only thing I can say is keep your head high, keep doing the right things and lead by example, day by day things will get better, there’s no imminent destruction by the way so try to keep your head clear from news distractions and take a little time off of here, just focus on what you know you need to be doing and do not deviate. Wish you the best of luck my guy, hang in there

Bigtortoise 5 points ago +5 / -0

Catfish them, show up, and beat the fuck out of a weak man that can’t get girls without help from the internet. Rinse, wash and repeat.

Bigtortoise 3 points ago +3 / -0

Mound Laboratories(Miamisburg)——> WPAFB


“The facility’s trained guards carried weapons, and workers showed a badge to enter and exit the site. There were also restrictions on the items employees could bring into the facility. All employees had to have “Q clearances,” which meant the employees were cleared for working on secret projects.”

Part of The Manhattan Project, I’ve heard stories from someone who worked on the detonators for the atomic bombs, naturally the facility is 3-4 stories above ground and 7-8 stories underground, rumors of a tunnel system connecting it to WPAFB would seem plausible. 🤷🏼‍♂️

Bigtortoise 1 point ago +1 / -0

Hell yeah that shit was ratchet AF frfr no cap

Bigtortoise 2 points ago +2 / -0

I member a furry hacking and shutting down the cloud fare services for the site around 2020-21

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