Cuckoo 5 points ago +5 / -0

Oh but it's a "cult" they tell us.

Cuckoo 8 points ago +8 / -0

Agreed. Before that speech at Wills Park here in Georgia I had never heard of her. But I happened to hear it while cleaning the barn.

I have thought since that the purpose of it was to reveal what happened to those of us who knew in our souls the election was rigged -- it was so obvious -- with all that astonishing info. Astonishing, but not surprising to many of us. It helped me keep my faith.

Glad I didn't know then it would take this long. But the Kraken is coming!

Cuckoo 1 point ago +1 / -0

Great explanation. My only question is are the Americans staying there to "fight terrorists" i.e. install a puppet and plunder?

Cuckoo 9 points ago +9 / -0

Thats what rsbn said right before Trump came on. Then Trump said 100k.

Cuckoo 4 points ago +4 / -0

I need vets like Steve's vet!!!

One of my horses, a 26 year old Mustang who I am fostering, reacts to shots in her neck. Swollen, and can't reach down to eat for several days. The vet's response is to give her an anti-inflammatory, Banamine.

This year as usual, the vet arrives and warns me about Cushings for this mare. One of the big no-goes for equine metabolic issues is to forego vaccines. (My friend's Cushings horse has issues after vax.) The other, no Banamine. Has she mentioned that? No.

Last month it was time for her rabies. An hour after the vet was there she was flat on her side. I had the vet come back, By then the mare was up. The vet's suggestion? Banamine. And no, she's not going to report it to the manufacturer; it's a normal reaction.

The rescue has agreed -- no more rabies shots. And besides, studies are clear that the effective lasts at a minimum for 3 years.

I am also in the dog house with my horse vet for enlisting the help of a natural balance dentist, rather that their power saw approach. With a shortage of horse vets I don't want to lose her, but I need to do what I know is right for my mares!

Just put my dogs on raw and am about to stop any more vax on my cats in their teens. Here we go with the small animal vet -- who comes to my house -- as well.

Cuckoo 2 points ago +2 / -0

Since for most of America, the vast majority of their perceived worth is in their home, the collapse of housing market will be a death blow to their finances.

That makes perfect sense. We've all known it has to hit people close to home. Bullseye!

Cuckoo 20 points ago +20 / -0

They did. A few months ago.

Cuckoo 2 points ago +3 / -1

Note that Durham was sent this info, but no response. Think perhaps it may be part of what was redacted from his report?

This came out in November and hadn't been posted here.

I've long felt that Sidney Powell and General McInerney's uncovering all of this (and it being called ludicrous and then silenced) after the election was for us, "dig here!"

Cuckoo 7 points ago +7 / -0

My vote did count!!! Just wrote to Rep. Loudermilk and thanked him. Looking forward to voting for him again. By filling in a square on a paper ballot.

Cuckoo 4 points ago +4 / -0

My brother-in-law is literally on his death bed from bone cancer. In ar-home hospice under my sisters care. Its so dicey that even though I drove 20 hours to see them I am still waiting

Yesterday she left him to get her $#@%! Covid shot.

Cuckoo 3 points ago +3 / -0

I can attest to this being, as the person says in this longer video linked below, "urgent" because I was told so in the 70's when I was in high school.

We've always said they think we're stupid. Now they are outright saying it.

WEF The New Economics of Water

Cuckoo 4 points ago +4 / -0

Precisely. Withholding was a brilliantly evil move. Rather than having to save to fork out a chunk of money once a year, taxpayers never see feel the pain of paying taxes as they never have their hands on it and it goes out in dribbles. But it's worse than that... My farrier's daughter got her first job at a fast food restaurant. Once she had worked several days he asked her when she was getting her first pay check. She replied, "I guess when the government sends it to me." Programming.

Cuckoo 3 points ago +3 / -0

Yes, both of those shows are the delicious mental gymnastics of putting the pieces we read here all day together. And explains why I don't get up until 8 AM some mornings.

Cuckoo 6 points ago +6 / -0

I'm with you. The goal is the gutting of America, killing the soul of what it is to be an American.

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