Dirty30 4 points ago +4 / -0

Tapping the blue bar at the far left works well.

Another way is by turning your phone sideways from portrait to panorama and then tap the looking glass icon at the top right corner.

The image of DJT will appear, so now scroll down to your heart's content.

Enjoy, fren!

Dirty30 6 points ago +6 / -0

I gather the idea has never entered Clot Adams mind that now a precedent has been set that other former Presidents, Politicians and Bureaucrats can now easily be charged with crimes they may have committed in office.

I wonder how he would feel about that?

Dirty30 2 points ago +2 / -0

Thanks for the information.

I really hadn't researched it that much.

I first heard about around 2017. One of my friends had an online friend who was an aggressive feminist lesbian from San Francisco.

This lesbian from San Francisco would go on about free bleeding.

I often wondered if this would be a rather messy activity, but now after reading the information you have supplied, I see now it's not a big deal and can be managed quite well.

The internet and especially The Great Awakening.win is packed full of excellent information.

Thanks again for that information, fren!

Dirty30 1 point ago +1 / -0

Yeah, I can see where you are coming from.

Internal menstrual hygiene products can be a pathway for infection if used incorrectly.

External menstrual hygiene products are possibly less prone to infection if used correctly.

The correct use of these hygiene products can be quite expensive and time consuming if tampons and/or pads need to be replaced regularly depending on the requirements of individual women.

On the subject of free bleeding you could possibly educate me further on the opinions of women as I'm but a mere male with not much experience on this subject.

Dirty30 4 points ago +4 / -0

You beat me to it,fren! Well done!

I'm still pissing myself laughing! That video is brilliantly made!

Dirty30 12 points ago +13 / -1

OK, nice blonde girls butchering people?

They really have get rid of those Third Reich manuals they keep finding!

Dirty30 4 points ago +4 / -0

They really just can't help themselves!

Where is Basil Fawlty when you need him. Don't mention the War!

Dirty30 8 points ago +8 / -0

That sends shivers down your spine!

What a charming little creature she is!

Ursula Von der Leyen. She is the President of the European Commission.


Born and bred in Brussels, she is a former German Defence Minister. She must have found some old instruction manuals from the Third Reich in a dusty old cupboard!

Joseph Goebbels would be proud of her!

Dirty30 8 points ago +8 / -0

We'll, as he said, he was doing the "Noble" thing to shame those naughty "Antivaxxers"

So he Darwined himself!

Dirty30 4 points ago +4 / -0

A bit like the "Volkssturm" in Germany in 1945.

Same enemy too!

Dirty30 3 points ago +4 / -1

To the unaware,ineptocracy perfectly sums up the Biden Administration and most other Western Governments.

To the aware people, the purposeful maladministration of Government is indicative of the evil behind the plan to destroy free nations and usher in the New World Order.

Dirty30 3 points ago +3 / -0

Hopefully they are also not recommending Free Bleeding!

It also makes you wonder if this is about isolating menstruating women in their dwelling because the woman would be considered "unclean", and she may offend certain people.

This rubbish needs to stop as it's offensive to women and the people that care about them.

Dirty30 2 points ago +2 / -0

Keep fighting the good fight, fren.

We'll keep adding stuff as we find it.

All the best and good luck with your mission of enlightenment!

Dirty30 2 points ago +2 / -0

Another interesting fact to enlighten your target audience is about other similar Government owned Broadcasting Corporations.

The Canadian Broadcasting Corporation (CBC)

The Australian Broadcasting Corporation (ABC)

The New Zealand Broadcasting Corporation (NZBC)

Even though these Corporations are Government organisations, they are supposed to be independent.

As we know, that is very far from the truth. They are Propaganda arms of left wing Government control.

Even when there is a right wing Government in power, these Corporations tend to still be very left wing. In this situation they will continually attack the right wing Government and other right wing Governments globally (examples are the continuing attacks on Donald J Trump from these above Corporations)

Just a little food for thought!

Dirty30 6 points ago +6 / -0

Hi fren, the other frens have made some good comments.

I'll just add some information that might be of help to you so you may cope a bit better with the troubling situation you are in.

Are your vitamin D levels fine? You could try taking 4,000 to 6,000 iu of vitamin D3 and 500 mg to 1,000 mg of Quercetin.

Vitamin D3 and Quercetin can have a calming effect so you can roll with the punches as you try to keep yourself together.

Stick around and hold on to life. It's a shit show at the moment, but things will get better.

All best,fren.

Dirty30 2 points ago +2 / -0

Excellent post, Ash. Very much appreciated,fren.

Dirty30 2 points ago +2 / -0

It was sickening and unsettling listening to those blatant and murderous lies at the time all those years ago.

It's alarming now to see how many innocent, unthinking people swallowed those evil lies and still believe them and believe them to still be true to this day!

Dirty30 8 points ago +8 / -0

Not a problem, fren. I'm also trying to save as much stuff as I can just in case these characters try to "rewrite history "

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