HardWorkinPatriot 3 points ago +3 / -0

I think that is why they quit teaching cursive. These kids cannot read the constitution and other historical documents. It had made it easier to pull the wool over their eyes.

HardWorkinPatriot 6 points ago +6 / -0

These are great! Thanks

HardWorkinPatriot 4 points ago +4 / -0

This is great. " At least we didn't inject it into our own arms!!!"

HardWorkinPatriot 11 points ago +11 / -0

Sounds serious. I think she needs really aggressive chemotherapy for such a bad cancer.

HardWorkinPatriot 2 points ago +2 / -0

I'm not sure. I think this PDiddy downfall has caused a "Rock Fall from Grace" and Diddy is not going down quietly. He has his slimy tentacles far reaching into the entertainment world including Will Smith, Jay Z, Beyonce, Justin Beiber, Brittany Spears. Many celebrities are talking. They aren't silently suffering like Epstein's victims. It is like their handlers have lost their power in the "daylight", and they now feel safe enough to talk ( or are so mentally destroyed they don't care if they are killed). I think Brittany and Kanye have been giving evidence for awhile. A number of them may have flipped and could possibly be talking to save their own skin. Many are going broke, The Kardashians are on the verge of bankruptcy according to the gossip. Diddy's houses were all over mortgaged according to one blog. Were these people ever billionaires? Is that just a cover for their human trafficking and money laundering racket? The human trafficking element in the Celebrity world was huge. It is like a giant house of cards world wide, and it is all tumbling down.( I am just thinking out loud, trying to piece this stuff together.) And then, the other cabal tentacle that is crumbling is the Royal Family. Kate and Charles have cancer, William doesn't want to work half the time, and Meg and Hazzard are running around trying to extort money from the Veterans groups and pretending to perform Royal duties in places like Nigeria, when they had quit. I just heard that Disney World had a terrible Memorial Day turnout. One lady that went there, said it was like a Ghost Town compared to previous Memorial Days. I think the plan is working like a controlled demolition. The corners of the foundations were all destroyed at the same time and the evil cabals are all collapsing. We need to sit back and enjoy the show.

HardWorkinPatriot 2 points ago +2 / -0

Meanwhile, I'll hire a few decades worth of janitors to keep the cobwebs off of you, while you are waiting.

HardWorkinPatriot 2 points ago +2 / -0

Something like " No pedofiles allowed" Restrictions?

HardWorkinPatriot 3 points ago +3 / -0

Isn't that the same city that has a grotesque painting of cutting up a body painted on the exterior of a tall building ? A lot of evil in that city!

HardWorkinPatriot 7 points ago +7 / -0

Exactly! I doubt they are being blackmailed to scream at Trump. I think they are scared shitless because they are pedofiles or worse and know that Trump will go after anyone harming or trafficking children and will take down the evil ones and their networks. The ones who yell the loudest have the most to lose!

HardWorkinPatriot 3 points ago +3 / -0

I thought he was going to post Mika saying "They're telling people what to day. That's our job!"

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