LukyNumbrSlevinteen 3 points ago +3 / -0

I've fasted for years from like 5:30pm to noon the next day, but never actually tried the 36h or more. You got me gunning for it now.

LukyNumbrSlevinteen 5 points ago +5 / -0

All the libs I know are cringe as fuck at the Sleepster. They avoid avoid avoid bringing him up.

LukyNumbrSlevinteen 3 points ago +3 / -0

Q kept saying Trump would be completely removed from the takedown/Storm situation. I still feel it will happen under the pResident.

LukyNumbrSlevinteen 1 point ago +1 / -0

Yeah, we looked like fucking idiots to the normies, we red-pilled most of them to the brink and then it was all pulled back on us lol. We'll get our pay off but it's kinda funny this strange little process we all will have to go thru like "maybe he's right, nope, he was wrong, oh shit, he actually was right." I did actually buffer all my hot takes saying "this is ME speaking, I don't actually know the plan...in fact, whenever I think I have it figured out it's completely flipped on me so be prepared for that."

LukyNumbrSlevinteen 2 points ago +3 / -1

The biggest deceptive, manipulating, lying, psychological warfare group on the planet declassified these docs, for you, the reader! I'm sure it explains the truth about everything!

LukyNumbrSlevinteen 3 points ago +3 / -0

If the Election actually happens it can only be stolen again. Looks like the other side is prepping their base as a psyop to also question it. There is simply no way Trump just "wins big", it nullifies 2020. So if Trump just 'wins', what is he going to do, say, ok, let's start investigations into 2020 now even tho no one who needs to believe me on the other side will because I'm running the investigations?

LukyNumbrSlevinteen 2 points ago +2 / -0

Fuck that. He's here, now, in the greatest time in the history of the World. He wants to see this through. This is the Final Battle. It's beyond anything you can epically comprehend.

LukyNumbrSlevinteen 5 points ago +5 / -0

I have two barometers on forums. One is thecoli, a mostly black website/forum for Sports/Hip Hop. I've seen it change over the past few years. More and more black men are on there going "whoa this won't age well" to political posts dissing Trump or praising Jay-Z and the like...and the other is macrumors (an Apple MACOS forum) and it has almost totally flipped from liberal yahoos spouting little comments to the user base calling them all out. Sight to see. These are huge forums too, not some rinky dink 10 comment reply ones.

LukyNumbrSlevinteen 1 point ago +1 / -0

This shit has exposed them both. It's glorious. That Asain dude literally stepped to everyone and they called him pussy for...???? reasons? lol!

LukyNumbrSlevinteen 2 points ago +2 / -0

I still think this was Epstein. It's in EVERYONE'S subconcious now. It is a meme. It lives in everyone's head. It also signaled to the DS (future direction) about what was in store for them, as he was one of the untouchables. THEN, Gislane was even 'more' untouchable and she was nabbed.

LukyNumbrSlevinteen 13 points ago +13 / -0

I have someone close (super left liberal) who a year or so back was 'fucker needs to be in prison' and during a recent UFC event I ordered (Trump surprise appearance) said to me "I mean, I'd be fine with Trump if he just wasn't running for President, like, I can see the appeal! I'd hang out with him". I think more are slowly coming to than you think.

LukyNumbrSlevinteen 7 points ago +7 / -0

Hmm. The more I think about it. The more I think these people were caught, under some sort of Military Law, and will be tried for Sedition/Treason. They all 'think' they got away with it but Space Force/etc has them recorded.

LukyNumbrSlevinteen 1 point ago +2 / -1

It’s when women question you to gauge your response and reaction. An example of a shit test is: “sure I’ll come to your place after meeting you on tinder, but I don’t do hook ups!” That’s a shit test. She wants to see what you’ll say to an inane statement or question.

Of course if a chick is coming over to your place the first time you meet her you’re expecting to get laid. So, her “prior week” statement to you was a shit test. She was fishing for a response that didn’t really matter in the grand scheme. She had made up her mind already and was testing the level of your response. You need to clip this whole agreement, and fast.

LukyNumbrSlevinteen 2 points ago +3 / -1

Women who flip out of the blue from what she told you a week prior are just trying to convince themselves. She cheated and then tried to see if she could mentally walk it back via reading your responses to her in a “shit test” as we call it. The only thing puzzling is why she hasn’t bolted to move in with the new guy so I suspect the new guy said hell nah.

LukyNumbrSlevinteen -1 points ago +1 / -2

Yeah, she found someone else. Groveling to her just turns her off more. My guy needs to go out and get laid it will wash his mind of all of this. Instantly flip him from his predicament and into the zone of how was I marred for 10 years to this broad?

LukyNumbrSlevinteen 1 point ago +1 / -0

I looked him up recently and absolutely couldn’t believe he was married to a woman. He is insanely gay. I wonder why he’s so adamant about woke politics because his career did nothing. He was in a movie with Michael Dudikoff the American Ninja and I actually watched the movie to see Dudikoff. Think about that.

LukyNumbrSlevinteen 2 points ago +2 / -0

The big reveal will be the Pharm companies switched out Trump's approved Vaccine at the last minute, will be a boomerang moment. Crimes Against Humanity and all that. And before you blame Trump for anything, he always gives everyone a choice, even the DS. He's like Jigsaw in Saw basically. Even Q post's SPEAK like Jigsaw in some instances.

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