MAGA_mandalorian 1 point ago +1 / -0

It's gonna have to be world shattering to wake up the normies and make them go "wuuuhhh...?" I have a feeling we won't get to the elections this year either. It just feels like theres something big coming down the chute before 'Blonald BLumphf' gets into office and starts really messing with the deep state fags. Nothing is off the table, the fear of close looming nuclear war could be the precipice. I mean look whats all over social media and being super duper popular again lately out of the blue almost.... the new fallout show and fallout 76 getting new content.... While its a good show, really good, i can sense some predictive programming coming from it. Really betting on a nuclear scare honestly

MAGA_mandalorian 1 point ago +1 / -0

You can go out somewhere remote, by yourself, and do this for the price of the gas it took you to get there. Significantly less than $4k.... And the added bonus of not looking like a lunatic from the dark ages

MAGA_mandalorian 1 point ago +1 / -0

kekek its kinda funny, but i'm glad we can all help people when they finally see what we see and their brains start to collectively melt

MAGA_mandalorian 1 point ago +1 / -0

Literally me explaining things to my wife lately kek. She's been awake for awhile but just recently went full force on her research and digging, and i've had to recall things i haven't researched about in awhile and its kinda fun

MAGA_mandalorian 16 points ago +16 / -0

I see the devil. Where the face of the baphomet was, is the body, above that you see a long neck and a demonic face with small horns curling backwards on the top of the head, and the two hands look like they're holding chains or something like the king is a captive. Next to the heads of Charles are the wings half folded. Maybe I'm crazy but that's what I see

MAGA_mandalorian 1 point ago +1 / -0

closes eyes, puts hand to temple, gasps dramatically and spazzez out* I'm sensing.... the same thing about my future

MAGA_mandalorian 2 points ago +2 / -0

The top horn is supposed to be like a lit candle or torch. Its supposed to symbolize the 'enlightenment' (using ginormous air quotes IRL) you gain by following the demon. There's a whole thing i could go into about all the symbolism in the original black and white image, including the choice of using the colors black and white.

MAGA_mandalorian 2 points ago +2 / -0

If it is indeed baphomet, which i think it is, the stick on top of its head is supposed to be a lit candle. sybolism for the enlightenment you gain through the being.

MAGA_mandalorian 9 points ago +9 / -0

yep! This may have also been a WH message if it was on celebrity WOF.... just saying!

MAGA_mandalorian 2 points ago +2 / -0

We don't have to participate anymore? BET! I already decided to homeschool my kids. The school system as it is now, needs to die horribly and be mocked forever

MAGA_mandalorian 5 points ago +5 / -0

Why do you think there's 'bird flu' and 'swine flu' here in the midwest..... constantly..... To kill off our cattle. Last avian flu epidemic there werent hardly any cases but full barns were culled anyway....

MAGA_mandalorian 3 points ago +3 / -0

I watched the fallout show, I'll be fine kek

MAGA_mandalorian 4 points ago +4 / -0

So have they gotten to the point of circle back and started cancelling their own team? Sure seems like it kek

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