MajorSalt 5 points ago +7 / -2

Q clock is disinfo, never used or even referenced by Q in this manor, date fagging gets us no where anyway but the clock has never made sense.

Excellent post that explains when this clock crap showed up: https://decodingsymbols.wordpress.com/2021/03/18/decoding-disinfo/

Quota from the post below:

To date I’ve seen it in countless posts and every single memory I have of anyone talking about it falls into three categories.

  1. People (possibly clowns) pointing to it with exclamation marks with grandiose claims of great meaning trying to get people to spread it around.
  2. People who spread it around without knowing what it is and copy pasting the former category.
  3. People who are perplexed by it and ask what it is and how it works and get no answers or vague ones. This template is the same as many other disinfo pushes.
MajorSalt 11 points ago +11 / -0

How is it that people can claim Trump is in charge of the military but also blame Biden for the afghan withdrawal?

MajorSalt 1 point ago +1 / -0

I've read a few sections from the PDFs on their policy website, just normal ideas, no religious aspects as far as I can tell but I guess since its normal and insists on strengthening America and mentions support families and children they think its insanity.

Edit: Reading more sections, it supports the ban on abortion, removal of legal gay marriage, and banning of porn so I guess this is the religious aspect some are talking about, not exactly "fascist".

IMO fascism would include vast control of individual lives, abortion is murder under most circumstances (convenience), I don't think the government should be involved in marriage at all but they want their cut of taxes, and porn can be dangerous if abused but I don't think it needs to be out right banned either but even if it was my mind would not jump to "fascist".

I don't agree with everything in the document but this isn't world ending.

MajorSalt 3 points ago +3 / -0

Let's not spread bad info, Cholecaliciferol is the same hormone that your body makes naturally under sun light. Producing it in a lab and taking it as a supplement, assuming there is nothing else in the pill except a simple fat like olive oil which is used to increase absorption rate, then it is perfectly fine to take in normal quantities.

Just to be extra clear, producing synthetic Cholecaliciferol in a lab doesn't automatically make it some toxic material that will hurt you. That's not how chemistry works. Though having said that you do need to ensure you're taking a pure supplement because not every company producing supplements is trustworthy so do your research and ensure the company is providing some kind of independent verification of their products.

You would have to take a stupidly high amount (50k ui+) daily and then not go out in the sun for it to actually cause any problems, excess vitamin D intake is actually negated by sun exposure at normal (read safe) dosage levels.

A lot of research shows that depending on local climate, average duration of daily sun exposure, skin tone, weight, and even if you've been sick recently all make a difference in the amount of vitamin D your body needs for it to function normally. Dark skin doesn't produce the hormone as much as fair skin, heavier people also produce less, if you've been sick then vitamin D is used with white blood cells to help fight infection and is thus used up and gets depleted.

The currently recommended dosage that gets mentioned (400-600 ui daily) is based on research done all the way back in the 1920s for kids to avoid rickets and the suggested daily amount has not been re-investigated since then because they don't care about simple cheap effective medicine.

This article is a hit piece, don't fall pray.





MajorSalt 2 points ago +2 / -0

Fox has it embedded at the bottom of this article: https://www.fox5ny.com/news/lawmakers-push-for-program-that-would-expedite-citizenship-for-migrants-who-serve-in-us-military

They mention some FBI background checks (totally trustworthy those are especially for some random person from a random country with zero paperwork) and a few other sections on them not having been CONVICTED of a felony or misdemeanor (section 244) lol

MajorSalt 5 points ago +5 / -0

My research suggests all of history has been rewritten. Understanding the Empire of Scythia/Tartary plays a huge part in understanding the level of fuckery there.

Can you share this research about Scythian to Tartarians and how they may have lasted for between 2500 and 5000 years?

MajorSalt 2 points ago +2 / -0

It was not Jan 20th 2021, it was March 20th 2021.


The page was edited by user 'Qwashere2021'

If you check the post from 2 years ago some of the top comments suggest it was a troll, https://greatawakening.win/p/12jvuF6lSl/

MajorSalt 1 point ago +1 / -0

I haven't read much into it but I think the general idea is that the historical account of his actions were written to make him look worse since he wanted to overthrow the British Empire, he's portrayed as a French Hitler basically.

MajorSalt 2 points ago +2 / -0

Having worked with these companies "AI" tools I can safely say that if they actually have real AI then its a secret buried so deep not even senior (20+ years) engineers know about it.

The tools the media keeps rambling on about from Amazon, Microsoft, and OpenAI, things like ChatGPT, or the GPT model in general, are not AI. GPT is an abbreviation for generative pre-trained transformer, you pass in data and associate that data with a response and train a data model to predict the next response. It is glorified autocorrect.

Will it be helpful in some situations? Sure, but it is not artificial intelligence like people imagine from books/movies/games. It does not think, it is simply another algorithm that does exactly what it's trained to do.

Does that mean it can break encryption? Probably not but even if it couldn't it won't matter because quantum computers will at some point and big companies like Google already have at least 1 quantum computer.

MajorSalt 2 points ago +2 / -0

Ah I didn't see any posts come up when I searched for the term 'qofficial.net'. Thanks for the quick answer.

MajorSalt 2 points ago +2 / -0

It was registered on 11/17/2023 with godaddy.com

MajorSalt 2 points ago +2 / -0

Is this from a specific episode or cut from multiple?

MajorSalt 3 points ago +3 / -0

Got any good sources for this? I only ever found an author and 1 small journalist with vague details.

MajorSalt 5 points ago +5 / -0

Second, we have no speaker

Why do people keep saying this?

Patrick McHenry is interim speaker. Do interim speakers not have the same authority?

MajorSalt 3 points ago +3 / -0

Do you have any links that tie Hamas to Mossad?

MajorSalt 3 points ago +3 / -0

I'm aware of the CIA creating Al Queida but do you have any links that tie Hamas to Mosad?

MajorSalt 9 points ago +9 / -0

He had them put the mugshot on the donation page as well.


He makes them look pathetic with every new move.

MajorSalt 5 points ago +5 / -0

Report it as fraud as discussed below.


Edit: Actually I see that you mentioned Winred which is the service that Trump uses for his online merch shop so that may not be fraud.

If you go to the Trump website and then click "Shop" on the top right and then check the URL that the shop uses you'll see its Winred.


MajorSalt 1 point ago +1 / -0

Anyone got a link to this documentary or more information on its production?

I hadn't heard about this until now.

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