MalonLabe777 1 point ago +1 / -0

Honestly...if our treasonous government and illegal migrants can successfully take over our country, then they deserve to have it. We won America via violence from the English and the Native Americans. We fought a bloody Revolutionary War and an even bloodier war against the Native Americans in order to have this land between the Atlantic and Pacific. If we lose our country to a rogue government, globalists and illegals, we deserve to lose it. We should only be allowed to keep this land if we are willing to fight to keep it (as opposed to hoping there's a PLAN in place to save our country). So far...I am not seeing one iota of evidence that tells me Natural Born Americans deserve to live in America any longer...

MalonLabe777 4 points ago +4 / -0

I have friends, both are pilots, very intelligent individuals and successful in their chosen careers. However, they are both quite incredible examples of suffering from Cognitive Dissonance.

Over the years I have tried to Red Pill them and on many occasions brought up facts about the IRS and our corrupt tax situation in America. Today, as I read this meme, I thought about these two and realized that IF we indeed were able to flush the IRS, get our government under control to the point we only had to pay Constitutional Tax, my two friends would absolutely fight against it and ultimately find a way to pay the government based on the current system! I know this sounds like complete lunacy, but I am being very honest here. People are so conditioned to the way things are, they will find a way to maintain the status quo even if it ultimately destroys them!

Oh...and BTW...these two friends of mine are what I would consider Conservative Normies. Definitely not liberal. But the things they have said to me when we talk about the tax situation really leads me to believe they deep down feel it's their "religious" duty to pay income tax! This is what we are up against friends...severe Cognitive Dissonance!

MalonLabe777 6 points ago +6 / -0

This is a great idea...where do I send the donations to build the cage?

MalonLabe777 3 points ago +4 / -1

But the one thing this gentleman doesn't highlight at the end of this video is the fact that Hamas, Isis and Hezbollah were all created and funded by the United States and Israel for the express purpose of creating instability and chaos in the Middle East, Europe and the US in order to further advance the NWO agenda. It's called the Hegelian Dialectic...order out of chaos.

MalonLabe777 1 point ago +1 / -0

For the "Umpteeth" time since the beginning of the year, we are seeing another glaring problem with out current Constitution. How is it no one seems to consider the fact that our Constitution holds those, who willing and willfully abrogate in the most horrific ways their Oath of Office, to no account? This is the real discussion people should be having at this point...

If you abrogate your Oath of Office, it's no different than committing perjury in a court of law...in fact...it could be argued that its much worse and far more destructive! Yet...people are thrown into prison all the time for perjury. When was the last time you saw any one of the DC swamp creatures, or any sworn Public Official taken to task for abrogating his/her Oath of Office? I never have in the entire 59 years I have lived in this country.

The reason the Oath has absolutely no teeth is because the Constitution doesn't give it teeth. I have said this before and I will say it again, "We are in the situation we are in BECAUSE of the Constitution, not IN SPITE of it." Think about what I am saying here. Let it sink in.

On this forum are some of, if not the brightest researchers on the planet. I enjoy this site tremendously. I don't always agree with everything of course, but the HEART of this forum is unmatched! That said, I present to everyone a major issue we are going to have going forward should DJT drain the swamp and we Make America Great Again. We are going to have to deal with the glaring weaknesses with regard to Freedom and its security as maintained by our current Constitution as written.

Only one I will talk about here...and that is there needs to be an amendment wherein the Constitution, in the utmost severe manner, hold those who abrogate their Oath of Office accountable for their actions. I think the amendment should make it a crime of Treason to violate your Oath of Office. Should you be convicted in a criminal court of this crime you are dealt with the same as if you had sold nuclear secrets to Russia.

As most of us on this site consider ourselves Patriots, we have been force fed this idea that our Constitution is as perfect a document as any in history when it comes to securing our God given freedoms. I am here to dispel this false idea entirely! This needs to be researched thoroughly. How many here have read the Anti-Federalist Papers? How many have actually read The Articles of Confederation? The only thing I will say is that EVERYTHING the Anti-Federalist said would happen if we adopted our current Constitution has HAPPENED! Patrick Henry...a Patriot amongst Patriots said the new Constitution was "Masked Aristocracy!" Why would he say that? What did he know that 99% of Patriotic Americans don't know today? What was he concerned about and why was he a staunch supporter of the Articles of Confederation? In fact...2/3 of the Anti-Federalist Papers were written by Patrick Henry.

I personally am against another Constitutional Convention for the same reason the Birch Society is against this action. However, I am definitely for major changes in pursuit of Freedom and its Security being amended into our current Constitution. Term Limits (the Birch Society is against this...go figure?), stronger and a less wordy version of the 2nd Amendment, Amendment to take away Congressional benefits and pay raises unless voted on by We The People, Severe penalty for Oath Violation, Straight forward language making it illegal to tax anything but imports and exports, make the Central Bank and Fractional Banking illegal...etc. Just a few issues off the top of my head.

MalonLabe777 1 point ago +1 / -0

Exactly! What "Hope" said! I will take it a step further...if you work for any government alphabet agency...doesn't matter at what level or what you do...if you are a high level intelligence officer, an IRS goon, or a janitor drawing the lowest pay grade from the government...you are done...prosecuted for treason and sent to prison...in other words it's no quarter...no excuses...the agencies that are unConstitutional (basically all of them) are shut down and the people in these agencies are sent to prison.

MalonLabe777 1 point ago +1 / -0

Christian here...I totally agree with this guy's take on AI as far as it being demonic in nature (basically I believe AI is just another tool of the occult to allow demons to communicate with WILLFUL participants), however that's where our my agreement stops.

As a follower of Jesus (Christian) I am always offended when someone involved in a non-Christian cult claims the moniker of Christian for their belief system in an attempt to give it equal credence with Christianity. All the popular cults like Mormonism, Jehovah's Witnesses, and in this case Catholics do this! Catholicism is as much Christian as a McDonald's hamburger is a Taco Bell Taco! In fact I would be hard pressed to find a more idolatrous belief system than Catholicism.

Catholics pray to and worship mere men and women who they term "Saints" over and above Jesus and God the Father. They pray to these saints, they worship these saints and they make molten images of these saints. This is condemned in the Bible all over the place!

Then there is the belief in Papal Infallibility. Again, this is giving a mere man the same status as Jesus (God)! Complete idolatry.

Jesus said you will know them by their fruits. Well, anyone who has done even a cursory study of the history of the Roman Catholic Church KNOWS how corrupt and wicked this belief system is. Need I mention the Inquisitions or what this church did to the Waldenses? Remember the selling of Indulgences? Seriously?

Literal books have been written about the evil history of the Catholic Church. Even it's own church Fathers have said it was satanic! Read Windswept House by Father Malachi Martin...he goes into great detail about the outright satanism practiced within the walls of Catholic Churches and the Vatican! Why do you think most of the Priests within the Church are male child rapists? Fr. Malachi Martin explains this in detail! This is from the mouth of someone who loved the Catholic Church, but his conscience forced him to tell the world the truth and he was killed for it!

For the longest time this Church forbid people from having a copy of the Bible under penalty of the most severe torture and death! Why is that? Does anyone think that was Jesus will? Of course not...it was an instrument of satanic control over the people to keep them from knowledge of Salvation by the Grace of Jesus! It's what satanic institutions do...they use any means necessary to keep truth from the people because "The Truth Shall Set You Free!"

His take on the King James Bible is also completely off base as well. The other books he mentions were not added to the canon of Scripture primarily because either there were doctrinal inconsistencies that proved they were tainted, historical inaccuracies or outright doctrinal heresy! Anyone who takes a hard look at exactly how, why and from what manuscripts we get our KJ Bible will clearly understand that not only is it God's perfect Words in English to be used to evangelize the world, but that God's hand was massively involved in it's creation! Just do a study on the backgrounds of the translators that were chosen...this is an amazing testament in an of it's own! So for this man to disparage the King James Bible is just anathema to the truth!

MalonLabe777 2 points ago +2 / -0

The only other document(s) I would suggest is a book called The Secret Founding Of America by Nicholas Hagger and How Alexander Hamilton Screwed Up America by Brion McClanahan...

MalonLabe777 7 points ago +7 / -0

Macgregor...I love listening to this guy! He's so on target. He is devastatingly correct when he says that the Bill of Rights is what separates us from all other countries! It isn't our Constitution! These are two entirely different things.

Our Constitution was a result of a Rothschild orchestrated coup over and against the true freedom document of the Articles of Confederation. The Bill of Rights was the "Stop Gap" measure forced in place by the real Patriots of the day like Patrick Henry who wanted NOTHING to do with our current Constitution. In fact Patrick Henry said our Constitution was "Masked Aristocracy!"

I love telling Patriots, Birch Members and other hard-core Constitutionalist that America is in the situation it's in BECAUSE of the Constitution, not IN SPITE of the Constitution! Their reaction is always...HUH?!!!

Without the Bill of Rights...America would have been just another failed dictatorship before the end of the 18th Century had it not been for the Bill of Rights! As Macgregor said, "The best feature of the American Political Experiment...The Bill of Rights..."

It's interesting he also said that our Constitution no longer fits. I only partially agree with this take. I would add that it no longer fits (nor did it ever fit) to maintain or keep the fires of Liberty burning in America. It was designed to methodically cause all power to be accumulated into a Central Federal Government. This was the main issue the Anti-Federalists had with our Constitution from the onset of the Constitutional Convention. They knew clear as day that one day we would wake up as servants to a governmental behemoth that would be completely uncontrollable and a disaster to the will of a free people.

It's been my opinion that we need to do what Macgregor only hinted at...and that's return to the support and defense of a government operating under the Articles of Confederation.

For 25 years one of the most poignant questions I have ever asked is simply, "What type of government are we suppose to have in these United States?" I have probably asked that questions hundreds of times over. I can count on one hand the amount of times the people I have asked that question to actually got it right and told me a Constitutional Republic or just a Republic. 99.999999% without hesitation said...you guessed it...a Democracy! Well...I should start asking Constitutionally minded, well researched Anons and other Patriots if they have ever heard of or read the Anti-Federalist Papers? I bet the ratio of the Yes's to No's would be about similar to the question about our form of government!

MalonLabe777 1 point ago +1 / -0

Yeah...and so what? Taking an Oath to our Constitution is like promising a one night stand you are in love and will be loyal to the end! The betrayal is in the works before the statement is even made!

MalonLabe777 5 points ago +5 / -0

I would hope that Putin would be on the inside and understand the dynamics of this type of "over the top" Demoncrap agenda and not react in a way that would actually escalate WWIII despite what that Pedophile, girl sniffing, used tampon of a President does!

MalonLabe777 2 points ago +2 / -0

Did I hear Macgregor correctly...DJT was FOR the recent spending bill funding the Ukraine and Israel?

MalonLabe777 5 points ago +5 / -0

Yeah...we need to stop calling them "Gays" and call them what they are..."Sodomites!" If they want to live their lives being framed by the fact they like to screw other men in the anus, then we should refer to them as such whenever we are talking about them!

MalonLabe777 3 points ago +3 / -0

It's interesting her so called logic is most illogical and the height of hypocrisy. I wish I could have been in that audience! I would have asked her one question...so you say Ms. Rand, that belief in God "Gives man permission to function irrationally," is that correct. Yes! Ok...what is the basic tenant of atheism? Doesn't your very own philosophy or tenant give you the permission to function irrationally AND without any moral constraint as well?! Irrationally in the sense that NOTHING observed in our physical universe that has design was produced without a designer. It is the height of irrationality and takes more faith to believe this than it does that there is a designer who created the universe and exists outside that universe.

My follow up question for her would be show me what the atheist has done for humanity in the last two centuries? Where are their burn centers and institutions of higher learning Ms. Rand!? Show me! NO! All atheism produces is death and destruction and lowers the standard of living for all human beings to that of rocks! Your so called atheist philosophy of logic has caused more human death and suffering in the last 200 years than the entirety of human history before it! So...my dear Ms. Rand...sit on that and spin a bit! Perfect example why women need to just sit and be quiet!

MalonLabe777 1 point ago +1 / -0

Pompeo, Fauci and that beaty eyed Pedo Pence all need to be incarcerated, tried and then executed for crimes against humanity!!!! Monsters all!!!!

MalonLabe777 6 points ago +6 / -0

I have not witnessed a more powerful or succinct message to America with regard to the crux of the underlying issue that's causing our countries massive problems. It is and always has been a Zionist Jew Kabbala problem from our very beginnings! People need to read what Martin Luther thought of the Jews; people (Zionist Evangelical Christians especially) need to read what the Talmud has to say about Jesus; people need to read what really happened when God sent the Romans to grind Israel to dust in 70AD! Christians are not taught this stuff from the pulpit or during Wednesday night Bible Study that's for sure. Our 501c3 Churches are lying by omission to their flocks weekly and on purpose!

I am convinced, if the followers of Jesus could all start reading from the same Bible translation instead of all these NWO fake bibles, if we could all learn the truth about what happened to Israel in 70AD and why, if we could all learn the truth about the modern state of FAKE Israel that was funded and set up with Rothschild money (Balfour Declaration) and the murder of 500,000 Palestinians and Christians...I believe there would be the greatest revival in world history. Father we pray Thy will be done on earth as it is in Heaven!

MalonLabe777 1 point ago +1 / -0

Aaaand, it wouldn't surprise me is Elon was part of the same club at this point. To say X is now a free speech platform is also hypocritical! People are still shadow banned and try and upload a video from Briteon.com. It's a no go!

MalonLabe777 3 points ago +3 / -0

Didn't Q out Bill Maher as a member of the "Red Shoe Club?" This guy is truly unbelievable! The hypocrisy coming from the Left knows NO BOUNDS! Everything he said was true...albeit the comedy I can do without because it's the height in poor taste...but everything he said reflects directly back on HIM! Unbelievable!

MalonLabe777 1 point ago +1 / -0

We all have bad days...in fact...I think men go through hormonal dips just like women do every month...except I have noticed with me it's about every 6 months that I just feel down and depressed. I don't have the same energy level and everything is a chore...even the things that I normally love to do...hobbies, etc.

But I am mature enough now to understand that it's very temporary so when I am feeling this way, I know it too will pass shortly.

That said, here is the main reason I think I am seeing the world situation as the glass half full. It's simply because I believe that Jesus destroyed the power of satan 2,000 years ago. When He said "It is Finished," He meant it and He solidified the death of the Old Mosaic Covenant with it's animal sacrifices, hundreds of rules and temporal forgiveness by grounding Israel into dust and sending the so called Jews fleeing into all other nations. This act was permanent...there will never be another covenant between God and Israel...EVER!

The New Covenant of Grace is now in effect and for the last 2,000 years Jesus and His unstoppable message of love, forgiveness, mercy and eternal life will literally overcome the entire world. No, there will be no Armageddon, no Great Tribulation, no Anti-Christ who sets himself up in the rebuilt 3rd Temple...because there will never be another Jewish Temple or reinstitution of the horrific Judaic sacrificial system. If fact the current State of Israel is fake...it was set up and funded at the expense of 500,000 murdered Palestinians and Talmudic, Zionist, Rothschild money and the Balfour Declaration (Read it if you doubt me!)

It is my guess that ole "Bennie" is severely possessed and is running headlong into causing the final destruction of fake Israel which will bring a renewed understanding of Christianity and the New Covenant that has been lost for the last 150 years since Darby and his Dispensational garbage came on the scene in the late 1800's. Ole "Bennie" is being used by God the same way Pharoah was used during Moses day and we all know what happened to him and Egypt.

There is definitely this amazing Great Awakening going on right now...around the world, but especially in the US. I am not saying things will not get worse before they get better, but I honestly believe that God is setting the stage for a global revival and a harvest like mankind has never seen before. Jesus promised Peter that the "Gates of hell" wouldn't prevail against the Gospel Message and history proves that God keeps His promises in spades! Take heart frens...Jesus' Plan is not going to fail and yes...NCSWIC because the Gospel Message is unstoppable!

MalonLabe777 1 point ago +1 / -0

And one of the main murderers was a POS by the name of Lon Horiuchi! Zipperhead MF'r! I get so pissed just thinking about this guys name! Probably living rich on some tropical island somewhere in the South Pacific! Same man who blew the face off Vicky Weaver in Ruby Ridge and was promoted! Every alphabet agency of our damn government needs to be disbanded and all the employees fired and barred from getting any job other than working to help migrant farm workers!

MalonLabe777 4 points ago +4 / -0

The Apostle Paul comes to mind. He sent hundreds of believers to be killed by the Romans...and yet God changed his heart and Paul ended up writing 3/4 of the New Testament. I pray for Hilary, Schwab, etc...because seeing these people changed by the living Jesus would be an amazing testimony to the fact of Jesus resurrection. The most important thing to God is the saving of humanity from the separation of hell. God created the world so that He could have a relationship with mankind...

MalonLabe777 2 points ago +2 / -0

Big ass gorilla wearing a pants suit!

MalonLabe777 5 points ago +5 / -0

Actually Mike, it's a very expensive Certificate of Anti-American Indoctrination...

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