WTFChuck 4 points ago +4 / -0

President Trump gets out there and does his thing, showing the bad guys that they cannot and will not keep him down. He will not back down, as he says about us all at every rally. They're not going to beat him down or hold him back. He's coming for them and we're right behind him. He's our MAGA man! God BLESS him!

WTFChuck 6 points ago +6 / -0

The Aldi's in my neck of the woods is down to one register with a person manning it. The rest are self checkouts. I have told the various cashiers at that register, "The day you guys are all self checkout is the day I stop shopping at Aldi's." I figure if enough of us say it, word will get back to the people making those decisions.

WTFChuck 3 points ago +3 / -0

They say that we marry one parent and become the other. It's part of working our childhood trauma out. Sounds like you married your mother. If that's the case that your wife is a narcissist as you describe your mother to be, then you should be watching video after video on narcissistic wives. I've been dealing with watching my brother deal with his narcissist girlfriend on the heels of him nearly dying from stage 4 melanoma. He has been watching the videos I've sent him and they seem to give him the peace of mind to understand that HE is not the crazy one. She is.

Arm yourself with knowledge, fren. Narcissists pretty much don't change. And they cast their kids in roles in the family: the Golden Child, the invisible child, etc. The videos give lots of good advice on how to deal with narcissists and keep your sanity. Maybe start with Dr. Ramani on YouTube. There are LOTS of others that will come up on your feed once you watch one.

Good luck to you, fren. Remember what our real President has said at the end of every rally through his song choice: "Hold on, I'm coming." Once he's back and he's shipping illegals back to their home countries and a bunch of them are leaving on their own because the incentives to stay are gone and the risks to staying are uncomfortable, the competition for resources (which creates inflation) and jobs will ease up. Don't bail out so close to the turn-around, fren. Hold on. Trump is coming and he's going to Wyatt Earp some cabal criminals. And we're all going to be providing the public support he and his posse needs to get his agenda done. Blessings to you.

WTFChuck 3 points ago +3 / -0

Doesn't seem self explanatory to me. Why the British flag in the background? Why a Winnie the Pooh? (And while we're at it, why on earth is he named "Winnie the Pooh"?)

WTFChuck -1 points ago +1 / -2

Pretty sure Goodman got called out as Mossad-backed a long time ago. Too bad since I like the name "Crowdsource the Truth". Was disappointed but he was an early catch on my discernment meter. The meter needed the usage to become more reliable over time, so all good in the end.

WTFChuck 1 point ago +1 / -0

You're certainly entitled to your opinion. So many things we await the truth on.

WTFChuck 1 point ago +1 / -0

She cheered Q at first and then the AF1 pic came out and she freaked out, thinking Q was fake and she knew who they were. But later, that all changed. She always had a sharp edge on her, which was part of her charm. She pushed anons to pay attention and to be of good cheer when lots of people were whining and crying. And she loved President Trump. I followed her from the beginning and read all of her posts and have since re-read them. She was a patriot and still is, I'm sure. She stopped posting when she figured out that Q had been prodding her to figure out the truth and she had her "meltdown" epiphany. Different people read the "meltdown" differently.

I know this much: I have not really worried about Julian Assange for the most part because of Megs. She said he wasn't in the Equadorian embassy in London and she knew that because she "had his passport in her purse" when the operation happened to get him out of there. I think we'll see her again someday.

WTFChuck 1 point ago +1 / -0

How do you mean she "outed herself as a honey larp"? I disagree, but am willing to look at any support for that statement.

WTFChuck 13 points ago +13 / -0

The Voat goat makes me so nostalgic! :)

WTFChuck 7 points ago +7 / -0

I see a headline like this--specific details "Wall St Banker" and "Vax-Induced Heart Failure" with the added detail of "Bank of America"--and what's my first thought?

It's, "Hmmm. Are they executing the banksters finally and calling them vax-induced heart attacks to achieve two goals--get rid of the criminals and at the same time awaken people to the vax scam?"

I don't know this guy. He was a green beret. May have been a great guy and this may be a terrible tragedy. He was also a Wall St banker who was ignorant enough to take the vax. So...hard to know. But I hope we're at the stage where the banksters are meeting justice.

WTFChuck 1 point ago +1 / -0

The Indoctrinated Brain by Dr. Michael Nehls, forward by Naomi Wolf

WTFChuck 11 points ago +11 / -0

Hold on, my friend. Back in 2002, my father came down with kidney cancer. It was sudden and it was brutal. It was while I was gone for 3 weeks each on two occasions that my ex-husband decided that would be a good time for him to have an affair. And I found out about it on the heels of my father's death (he was 55 when he died). It was like I'd been hit by a train when I found out about the affair. My ex is mildly Asperger's, as is our son. I never would have expected him to hurt me like that. But, in my heart I knew he was setting me free. I would have felt like a terrible person had I left him, but I was pretty miserable and had been for some time. I felt, like you describe, like I was stuck between a rock and a hard place. Him cheating on me made it so that I could let him go. We tried for a couple of years after his affair to work things out, but in the end I couldn't get over that he showed no remorse and seemed to have no comprehension of the pain he had caused. But here's the thing...5 years later I finally paid attention to the neighbor who kept plowing my driveway and visiting me as I worked in my garden. He had been through the same thing I had been through--his ex-wife cheated on him. He is my husband now. And I adore him. And he adores me. We've been together for 14 years and I thank God for him and our Brady Bunch family every single day. But when my ex ran me over like a freight train, I could not have foreseen the joy that all of that destruction was clearing the way for. God has you. Many of us will be praying for you. Just know that a brighter life awaits you and in the end you will be grateful that your wife let you go so that space could be cleared for someone who truly appreciates you.

WTFChuck 1 point ago +1 / -0

A few takeaways:

Sounds like Internet Archive needs better attorneys who can accurately assess when to bend to avoid breaking

I wouldn't mind copyright being so rigorously defended by publishers if publishers weren't fucking over authors and other creators so thoroughly. But, know this, the only people who make any money off of 99% of all books published IS the publishers. Writers can't even make a living from their own books while publishers take the lion's share. So, it's no small hypocrisy for publishers to defend their interests after they've so thoroughly fucked over the actual author.

I adore the wayback machine and have for many years even though I don't use it a lot. But it sounds like it's time for me to put my money where my mouth is and donate.

WTFChuck 2 points ago +2 / -0

I appreciate you bringing up the "Qanon" controversy. You tell the story accurately. Neon Revolt (love him or hate him) wrote one of the earliest books on Q and "QAnon" is in the subtitle: "Revolution Q: The Story of QAnon and the Second American Revolution". Whether people love him or hate him, nobody can deny he was one of the very early anons writing about Q, so it's noteworthy that he was using the term. I really appreciated his early decode articles. And he was a good enough communicator in his writing that I was willing to overlook his drama queen tendencies. Until I wasn't.

For years I have argued that the best antidote to words used to disparage people is for the people on the receiving end to take those words back. A good, if controversial, example is black people using the n-word. They're taking the word back. Now I'm happy to see women (like JK Rowling) rubbing the acronym TERF (trans exclusionary radical feminist) in the faces of haters by using the hashtag #TERFswereright and making t-shirts that say "Tired of Explaining Reality to Fools".

We're also seeing the "conspiracy theorist" term getting turned back on the CIA initiators of that pejorative. The pendulum took a long time to swing on that one, but now it's a badge of honor to be called a "conspiracy theorist." It's new meaning is someone who sniffed out the reality of the situation ahead of the 'woke' herd.

I think we'll see that happen with "QAnon" someday too maybe. Anything the mockingbird media has co-opted and corrupted is going to get thrown back in their mockingbird faces.

I hear you on the nostalgia of the early Q community stuff. It does seem so recent and yet so long ago. I'm sure the latter is a function of how much we all had to learn in that fairly short time--our entire perception of reality was shattered and has had to be rebuilt via actual effort to dig out the truth of what we thought we knew. A lot of work and we still have so much work on that left to do. But I'll take it happily! I want a world where the truth is findable for all who dig to uncover it instead of hidden by the darkness. What a time to be alive! Thank you again, anon. Blessings to you and yours.

WTFChuck 1 point ago +1 / -0

Dude, I was not being sarcastic at all. I saved your reply even. I genuinely appreciated it. Link didn't work on my desktop but it works on my phone. Thank you. Yes, GAW has been a godsend.

WTFChuck 2 points ago +2 / -0

Bravo, anon. Nothing is at the link. Is it just me? I was so excited because I was one of the many who felt shocked and beaten when the reddit greatawakening subs (like CBTS) got nuked. Then we lost voat. We've gotten thicker skin since then, but I wish I would have known in the reddit days to archive everything. Lost a lot of good research as I'm sure many anons did.

WTFChuck 4 points ago +4 / -0

I don't think that's the only reason Bill Cooper hated Alex Jones. From what I read, he would have welcomed him as an ally, but he smelled a rat. The FBI had tried to pull Bill Cooper into the Oklahoma City bombing plot via Timothy McVeigh, but Bill Cooper sniffed out that set-up too.

I was just reading Matthew 22 & 23 and it makes me think this: God has sent his prophets always (like Bill Cooper and Kim Clement) and the Scribes and Pharisees come in to try to undermine them. And when that doesn't work, they get the local authorities to kill them. Bill Cooper was a modern day Elijah. Alex Jones is like the Pharisees--puts on a good show, but is a hypocrite. If AJ respected the work of Bill Cooper, he would honor him as the martyr for freedom that he was.

I had never thought of it in these terms before. Now I am going to be mindful to be aware of who the Scribes and Pharisees are. I view the MSM as the Scribes. And professors (the university kind or the AJ kind) are the Pharisees. And the FBI are the Roman soldiers doing the bidding of the Scribes and Pharisees. And the US government is run by the Sanhedrin.

Thank you for sparking this line of thought, fren.

WTFChuck 24 points ago +24 / -0

Alex Jones was naming Osama bin Laden after Bill Cooper had named him as the guy who some kind of catastrophic happening would be pinned on. Bill Cooper detested Alex Jones. i think Alex Jones was sent in by Mossad to undermine Bill Cooper. Didn't work so in the end, on November 5th, 2001, the FBI killed Bill Cooper in his own driveway.

WTFChuck 1 point ago +1 / -0

This is Tom Hanks, right? Read that a long time ago. His cover story to change his identity was he was eaten by cannibals. Figures.

WTFChuck 5 points ago +5 / -0

Bill Cooper detested Alex Jones. That's pretty much all I need to know.

WTFChuck 4 points ago +4 / -0

Comments on X under the post have a pic of him wearing a Bernie shirt. I'd say that suggests he was a Bernie bro. Makes sense then that he was tying Hillary and Trump together as initiating a coup.

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