funwithguitars 6 points ago +6 / -0

My dad worked in one for 40 years, I lied about my age at 15 to begin working there. Sadly it all closed in 98. And recently episodes of "the walking dead" were filmed in and around the facility I worked in. Another great example of what was once an American icon. And now it's deemed a great place to film the apocalypse.

funwithguitars 2 points ago +2 / -0

Levin played about 15 minutes of audio from police when this happened. Sounds like they had stopped traffic at both ends of the bridge a few minutes before the collapse. Probably saved a lot of lives by doing so. The bridge is 1.6 miles long and there were some still left on the bridge plus a road work crew of 13.

funwithguitars 1 point ago +1 / -0

Anyone know the gentleman's name?.....would love to do some research on him.

funwithguitars 2 points ago +2 / -0

There was absolutely nothing left inside this building, not a scrap of paper or document, and only the remnants of a few wires running down the walls.

funwithguitars 1 point ago +1 / -0

There has been a NOTAM off the coast of san daygo for a couple months now. With lots of strange flights, P8's looking for subs, and another time a group of blackhawks.

funwithguitars 2 points ago +2 / -0

Wife and I were just discussing this, and you are correct, this doesn't make sense. And the price per barrel is staying high? Lower consumption now that summer vacay"s are over is not the total answer.

funwithguitars 6 points ago +6 / -0

Agree, 100%. Kash for AG, he knows the players and their crimes, and you can tell in his voice, he has a grudge. I am good with that.

funwithguitars 1 point ago +1 / -0

Levin touched on this on yesterdays radio show. He said they should just spend time proving corruption , ultimately not to impeach but to dismantle his support. Also he said we want to keep biden cause he's the easiest dem for trump to beat.

funwithguitars 1 point ago +1 / -0

I think Tucker Carlson is right on with his analysis, they will declare war, gain war powers and declare the election off. If the election does happen, Trump wins by ten points.

funwithguitars 2 points ago +2 / -0

I had never seen the video of the Italian supreme court lawyer before, it's at 1:25

funwithguitars 4 points ago +4 / -0

I read this article maybe a couple weeks ago on gateway pundit. Since then I noticed that "firstnet" has an icon on each computer at the large midwest hospital I work at. Couple that with the fact that the DO minion machines have cell phone chips in them and we have an issue. I remember seeing a photo of the cell phone chip in , if I remember correctly the allied/deperno/antrim county report that was done. It seems to have been wiped from the net. I cannot find it now.

funwithguitars 6 points ago +6 / -0

I would think they are most likely sitting on a carrier that is achored...just a theory. But their signals usually turn off after landing?

funwithguitars 3 points ago +3 / -0

Yep somethings up, monkeywerx showed a huge number of air refuelers up yesterday, and this number , 47, was only rivaled by the number a few months ago on the day the faa/air traffic was hacked. The number of air refuelers is always a good indication of how many fighter jets are in the air. 6 to 8 jets per refueler...

funwithguitars 1 point ago +1 / -0

It would be a grand and glorious day to get the court to even look at it!!!

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