simon_says 1 point ago +1 / -0

Must. Listen.

If you've not tuned in, you will learn much. I promise.

simon_says 3 points ago +3 / -0

Sorry friends, I've been away... I'm really busy.

I do not have much time today and cannot elaborate, as I usually do.

(1) Francis is an antipope -- a criminal occupier of the See of Peter. He is not the pope.

(2) In October 3, 2020, he published "Fratelli Tutti" -- an "encyclical" laying out the purported philosophical moral basis for globalism, and, specifically or a world without borders, and an evisceration of property rights.

(3) https://www.vatican.va/content/francesco/en/encyclicals/documents/papa-francesco_20201003_enciclica-fratelli-tutti.html

(4) Read Fratelli Tutti, if you want the playbook.

(5) Francis is a globalist and a communist. He's in on everything.

(6) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3WySwhj2SwE

(7) The above video took place on December 31, 2019 -- right before the world came to know of the COVID crisis. Note Francis shakes hands a greets everyone, and then turns from the only Chinese person. And when she grabs for him, he literally hits her. Francis knows that COVID is about to happen, and that it will start in China.

I say these things as a Catholic, myself.

I can elaborate and give a more comprehensive explanation probably in a few weeks.

Over and out.

simon_says 8 points ago +8 / -0

I'm in Tampa.

It's been grey (and rainy and cold) here for weeks. But summer was months of 95 F and sunny, day after day.

I haven't looked for any cloud seeding activity, so I haven't noticed any.

simon_says 1 point ago +1 / -0

$34T in debt.

Annual debt service payments in excess of $1T. Which is greater than our national defense budget.

Things are looking ugly.

Sorry to be slow -- haven't logged in for a while. I visit the site daily -- just haven't actually logged in.

simon_says 7 points ago +7 / -0

The list is so long, it's actually hard to keep up with.

Some glaring omissions:

-a wide-open Southern Border

-a drained Strategic Petroleum Reserve

-a foreign policy program that has left us teetering on the verge of WWIII

-a monetary policy that has allowed inflation to run rampant endlessly

I could really go on and on here. The failures are so plural that they thwart comprehensive enumeration.

Save America.

simon_says 2 points ago +2 / -0

Excellent find.

Not sure I agree that the root of the problem is the primary dealer system. The core of the problem is that there does not exist -- even on a global basis -- capacity to buy $3T of Treasurys annually. We can't legitimately market them. So we'll blip money into existence and buy them off the banks (our largest banks are the primary dealers, for those who may not know).

simon_says 3 points ago +3 / -0


And, while I am worth next to nothing... Our God listens and is attentive beyond what is merited.

You're wife is in trusted Hands. ...Which is to say: relax. She'll be healed.

simon_says 6 points ago +6 / -0

From Tucker's interview of Paxton...

There are 65 Democrats in the Texas House (which has a total size of 150). These 65 vote as a block.

So if you want to be Speaker, you give those 65 Democrats what they want, and vote with them on matters that are very important to them. So you get their votes. Then you promise 10 friends positions on the most powerful committees. So you get their votes. Plus you vote for yourself. Voila.

So... those 65 Democrats functionally rule the House on matters that are of extreme sensitivity to the Democrat party.

simon_says 9 points ago +9 / -0

I know there are some other attorneys on this board. I'd like them to chime in here.

Looking at the depositions/interviews of witnesses before the J6 Select Committee, two notable absences stand out to me: (1) Dennis Montgomery; and (2) Lin Wood.

Starting with Lin, they ask Byrne about his meeting at Tomotley. They ask Powell about the meeting at Tomotley. They ask Flynn about the meeting at Tomotley. But they never subpoena the guy that organized and hosted the meeting. More than odd.

Same thing with Montgomery. They ask Byrne about Montgomery and Hammer and Scorecard. They ask Powell about Montgomery and Hammer and Scorecard. They ask Flynn about Montgomery and Hammer and Scorecard. But you know who they don't subpoena? Montgomery. And they don't subpoena his data. I don't think they wanted to hear what he had to say, nor did they want to have to face up to his data.

What do others make of this?

simon_says 1 point ago +1 / -0


There is a commercially available system today that permits subscribers to get satellite-based positional data that is within 1 cm. Know why? Because the largest contributor to inaccuracies in the ephemeris is simply time lag. The ephemeris is updated infrequently. And as satellites drift, the data becomes inaccurate.

But, you can buy access to a system that calculates locational data based on up-to-the-second satellite positional information. And it offers accuracy to within 1 cm. (Few use the system, because it is expensive.)

This means that ALL contributions to error resolve to within 1 cm. And that is for a present-day commercial system.

Dude. Our military systems are obviously better than that. Let's not bullshit one another. The problems you cite with regard to position and time are straight-up bullshit. Sorry, but they are.

As for your thoughts about the qualitative aspects of the fire, ask yourself: could embers realistically fly two miles, and then burn two cars to the ground, with wheels melted, only to have the fire contained to a 100 ft x 100 ft area, with no ingress or egress path? Burn that hot and then go nowhere?

Why would an emergency worker say he has a photo of a cat that died standing up, with no fur burnt? Just a dead cat, standing. Not burnt. Cooked.

Moreover, why would General Flynn post a video about directed energy weapons, and say that if you don't want conspiracy theories, you shouldn't start conspiracies?

Nothing you say makes sense. Your arguments shift. The only common aspect from post to post is that you really don't want people to believe these systems could exist. ...This makes me wonder...

simon_says 1 point ago +1 / -0

The GPS system as a whole requires that independent satellites be located to within a tolerance of less than a centimeter and manage the problem of independent time bases. If a particular satellite timestamped its signature with data that was even a little inaccurate, the receiver would calculate a drastically marred positional result. You are (drastically) overstating the difficulty of this.

As for the oddity of the fires, I don't think the issue is that certain metals melted in an immense fire. Smelting is a "thing" -- we all get that. But there are odd isolated burn pockets. No path of burn leading to these pockets, and no path of burn leading away. There is no trace of fire anywhere near these pockets. What started the fires in these pockets? The ordinary function of a forest fire does not and cannot explain that. But a side lobe sure can.

By the way, my SUV caught fire some years back. Long story. Anyhow, yes, the gas tank ignited and there were huge, towering flames, and the whole thing burnt to the ground. Ask me if the rims melted. Nope. None of the metal melted. The fuel in the gas tank is insufficient to cause that result.

Do I think LIDAR was needed to conduct the mission? Perhaps. I couldn't tell you the accuracy of any topological map that may or may not exist. I can tell you that every time any construction is done -- even residential construction such as at my home -- the land is surveyed. They don't say: "hey, I'll just access some pre-existing topological map." Topography changes. So, yes. I think you'd want up-to-date accurate topological data. I certainly would. If you'd prefer to work from old data, even though you possessed the means to derive timely, accurate data, that would be your choice. But I'm pretty sure you know that no one would make such a choice.

As for your avocation relating to "educating" the populace, I'm not so sure you aren't on some sort of other mission.

simon_says 1 point ago +1 / -0


The tweet is dated August 6, while the fire occurred August 8. What do you make of that?


simon_says 4 points ago +4 / -0

In my mind, this should be stickied for at least a full 24, if not 48 hours.

People need to see all of this.

simon_says 9 points ago +10 / -1

Between this, and u/DrMcCoy finding the video evidence of the side lobe (see here https://greatawakening.win/p/17r9Dn7IWr/was-maui-the-product-of-a-dew-at/ ), I think there is a reasonable case for a DEW attack.

Specifically, consider this: anything hooked up to the plumbing system burns. The plumbing system is metal and will spark like crazy and actually melt if subjected to sufficient microwave power over a long enough period. Just google. There are YouTube videos on how to melt metal in your microwave. The "trick" relates to preventing your microwave from being destroyed prior to the metal melting.

Anyhow, that's why all the houses burn. And only: (1) non-metallic things sufficiently proximal to houses burn -- because the burning house catches them on fire; and (2) other metallic things in the region burn -- because of the microwave energy. But... a plastic bin at the curb? Nope. Trees removed from the houses? Nope.

You got it. I never thought I'd be saying this.

simon_says 2 points ago +2 / -0

Would love to talk with you more.

(1) To use a phased array system statically, you'd need a stable relationship between elements. But to use a system one time for one mission, you'd only need to know their positions at the moment of use.

(2) As far as I am aware, the capabilities of satellites of this sort are not made known publicly. And not all are listed on the public ephemeris, for that matter.

(3) I've not seen a wild fire hot enough to melt metal that, yet, is confined to about -- what -- 100 ft in all directions, with no barriers? That's unusual, to say the least.

(4) Agree about off-axis aiming, for the obvious mathematical reasons.

(5) Why would LIDAR be necessary for ANYTHING, if you have topographic maps? Why create it at all? Why use it at all? But, yet, it was created, it was used, and we do need it, despite the existence of such maps. Perhaps our maps do not tell all, in terms of the data needed for every mission.

(6) Agree that if you had an unstable array and knew nothing of its current configuration, all you would get is side lobes.

...WOULD LOVE TO TALK MORE WITH YOU ABOUT THIS AND CERTAIN OTHER MATTERS. For whatever reason, I've not noticed you here, and I'd think I would have, as you're interesting and intelligent. I'm on and off here, so it's probably my fault.

EDIT: oh, and the aperture issues are not issues at all, depending upon how many satellites are participating in the project, over what span of space, with what spacing, and in how many dimensions. ...But I think you may know that...

simon_says 2 points ago +2 / -0

Ha! They're trying to suppress the evidence. I'm actually gobsmacked that there's evidence of a side lobe out there. They plainly don't want knowledgeably people encountering that evidence.

simon_says 2 points ago +2 / -0

That, my friend, could DEFINITELY be an example of a side lobe. Holy shit! Good work!

Please find that video. I'll look too!

simon_says 2 points ago +2 / -0

Sounds good. I just did this the only way I knew how to do it.

Sorry for the double post.

simon_says 1 point ago +1 / -0

It very well could end up there.

Might produce an unusual accumulation of dead aquatic creatures?

I'm hoping the much-vaunted autists here can help out! :-)

simon_says 3 points ago +3 / -0

I hasten to add: with regard to the image of the LIDAR event, that event only spanned perhaps a second or so. Someone had to know in advance that it was going to occur to have filmed it. And then that person had to decide to publish the photo, so we could "remember" the event later, and speculate whether it was significant. Intelligence Community?

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