smartbaum 1 point ago +1 / -0
  1. Article has zero mention of chronically destroyed circadian rhythms and living in junk light environments. The #1 cause of depression and other mental disorders.

  2. Magnesium is not going to work as expected without mitochondrial water production, and it is chronic and consistent exposure to full spectrum sunlight that creates mitochondrial water. Red light specifically creates water at cytochrome c oxidase to support Mg function. Magnesium is a hydrophilic cation. If your colony of mitochondria is not making water from oxidative phosphorilation in a tissue, Mg2+ supps won't make up that gap. Biophysics is more fundamental than biochemistry. Taking magnesium but staying out of the sun is pissing in the wind. The magnesium bros are ignorant of the physics of light frequencies and mitochondrial function, and too busy selling books and supplements to look into it. It seems to be easier and more profitable to simply convince people the key to health is buying things to put into your body, instead of educating people on what environment you ought to put your body into.

  3. The whole article leads to "buy my product".

smartbaum 1 point ago +1 / -0

Symbolic. Placates a paranoid public, its not like they can do anything about federal airspace above state airspace, if the problem was that much of a problem to require a law.

smartbaum 4 points ago +4 / -0

Not really. The problem is, just like with HAARP or any other adjacent issue, there are sprinkles of truth to the phenomena. However, like clockwork, the "tard" level comes when Internet researchers rely on their pet Internet "experts" (too often its easy to find CIA or other suspect connections, Dane Wigington is a great example) over blow the issue by 1000X, which they KNOW is an emotionally charged issue that non-experts in alt media public will uncritically accept as they are already prepped for the paranoid worldview that "they" are out to kill us in every domain.

Sure, tard is an unnecessarily insulting label. But the stubbornness in the absence of expertise and hard evidence ("whistleblowers" and the usual suspects "experts" don't meet these standards) doesn't reflect well on one's abilities to conduct rational research and argumentation.

smartbaum 2 points ago +4 / -2

Sorry, the elite are not demi gods controlling the sun. Some things are in fact real and nature is a fickle bitch that we can't always manage. You have to cope with that reality instead of blaming "them" every time.

We are in fact in the beginnings of earth's next disaster cycle (every 6000 and 12000 years), and there is no stopping it or curating it. You can choose fear, blame, and disempowerment, or you can choose focus, grit and preparation. We are all descendants of survivors, so the choice seems clear to me.

smartbaum 3 points ago +3 / -0

Think electrical storm in the brain, and those who already have misfiring or bad wiring, are going to flare UP.

This weekend, don't be playing poker or getting in heated discussions with Bipolar, schizophrenics, or the emotionally unstable. Avoid them.

Abstain from date nights, too. Messed up Schumann resonance will mess up conjugal relations. We are more electrical beings than most realize.

smartbaum 2 points ago +2 / -0

I believe too many folks here are way too naive about Russia. Its a very mixed bag, it still has many characteristic authoritarian elements like much of its history. Just because they are making nationalist-protectionist maneuvers in their own best interest, doesn't make it an analogue to the America we want to reclaim.

smartbaum 2 points ago +2 / -0

This is why the student campus protests are going to be so ineffective. Well, they're a little bit effective if they're drawing some attention to the genocide going on, but most of the MSM is doing their best to paint the protestors as pro Hamas commies.

But really, you can't really address the evils of Israel unless you address both the financial drain its brought upon the U.S., and the media and congressional capture of the Israel lobby. Free Gaza cannot happen without Free Congress.

smartbaum 3 points ago +3 / -0

Yes he would, he is flushing them all out starting now and has 5 years with a mandate from the people. Like he mentioned in the clip, the past presidents are either imprisoned or have fled the country with stolen public funds. The people are done with those kinds of politicians who stole from and exploited them, Bukele is giving them back freedom and peace. All the momentum is against the remnants of corruption and evil in the government and other public institutions. Sure it won't be a walk in the park depending how deeply entrenched they are, but all the momentum is in the right direction. The people elected a SUPER majority (>90%) to Congress from his New Ideas party. Hell, a whole new prison is being built exclusively for crimes of corruption, fraud, bribery, etc.

smartbaum 1 point ago +1 / -0

Well, don't take this the wrong way but Trump needs to pay close attention to the Bukele administration and their legal reforms the rest of this year. A medical freedom law will be submitted and passed by Congress (I've read sections of the bill, it covers everything, and their Congress is > 90% in support of Bukele so it will pass eventually). This exquisite piece of legislation will functionally cock block any chance of a Fauci-type, or any form of medical tyranny inspired by the WHO, CDC, HHS, etc that discards the people's freedoms or gets in the way of doctor-patient relationships. It will definitively remove the state from medicine, just like their adopting of Bitcoin as legal tender was a maneuver to remove the state from money.

Trump needs to stop giving achievement awards to our Tony Faucis, stop back slapping himself for his amazing life saving vaccines and make an authentic apology for what's currently and rapidly destroying our health collectively, fire all of his public health advisors, and watch carefully what happens with the health care model in El Salvador. If he does all that, then Trump will be my hero too. Not until then.

smartbaum 2 points ago +2 / -0

He proved before he can think on his feet and out maneuver the corrupt system -- there was a very tense battle for him to get on the ballot for his first election, but he pulled out some tricks to make it happen literally before the stroke of midnight.

So yeah I agree, he may very well be using this as a way to vet the AG ultimately. If the AG stinks, nothing else matters.

smartbaum -1 points ago +2 / -3

One thing to keep in mind as political ideologies are being promiscuously mixed with the Christian faith lately --> down the road Catholic Christian nationalism (a phenomenon Candace has already declared more or less) will have to fight it out with the Protestant Christian Nationalism lately being pushed a la Doug Wilson and Stephen Wolfe. These have competing visions of a Christian authoritarian government they want to replace the secularist authoritarian government. If the Constitution / First amendment was somehow officially overturned (necessary at some point if the Christian Nationalist want to achieve their final vision), it will probably get bloody at some point among the nationalist factions in two Christian traditions whom you consider the exact same. I hope that doesn't happen, but its the logical consequence of these movements.

smartbaum 2 points ago +2 / -0

Well yeah, all these supposed hostile entities are operatives in support of the PNAC from 1999. They can't attempt to topple Iran just yet, because they didn't really succeed in Syria yet.

smartbaum 2 points ago +3 / -1

Well she is also starting to advocate militant Catholicism. Her tweet about Christian Nationalism made that clear since she threw in revisionist BS about the Crusades and Inquisition. Her dogma blinds her to doing history rationally. Sort of like the Zionists that she despises.

smartbaum 1 point ago +1 / -0

I'm guessing neither Rogan nor Tucker would dare have Ryan Dawson on their shows to talk about 9/11.

smartbaum 2 points ago +2 / -0

Same MO as Poppy Bush sending military to invade Panama City, destroy much of the city and kill dozens if not hundreds of citizens, all to kidnap Noriega who was going off script.

smartbaum 2 points ago +2 / -0

Unlikely, more likely that Israel activated assets within Iran to send out drones or whatever. This gives Iran an out to not retaliate, since it would have more the illusion of a terrorist attack, not something external. This is very controlled theater both ways.

smartbaum 1 point ago +1 / -0

Did you listen to the entire interview yet? Because some of what you're saying completely conflicts with it.

Yes, I could go through point by point but just off the bat, Wilson is wrong about a Christian consensus regarding the founding of the American republic. The consensus was based on universal Natural Law, something bigger and greater than autonomous ambitions and passions. So that Christians, Deists (functional atheists), secular Enlightenment thinkers, etc could assemble and agree on common governance that upholds basic human dignity, freedom, justice, general welfare, goodness, beauty and truth. Also, most don't know how much the American experiment had global reach at that time, not just in so called Christian Europe but among certain Muslim nation states and Russia as well. This is how a robust application of Natural Law can function. No "Mere Christendom" necessary.

The reason why political communities can function this way is because such institutions are outworkings of God's covenant with all mankind for the simple reason that they are human beings, not just Christians. The mandate of just laws that flow out of the covenant made through Noah extends equally to all groups functioning in pluralistic enterprises, such as governance and justice. We can operate in a common basic moral framework, irrespective of race, creed, or color, and can identify what is in violation to what God has revealed in nature. There are responsibilities simply being human, and consequences for violating that natural order. This is not a New testament Christian distinctive body of law, this is Natural Law. So "Christian nationalism" the term itself is problematic and self defeating.Christianity is not the kind of religion meant to unite a nation, any more than it was meant to establish and sustain ethnic bonds.

    Obviously, Wilson and the CNs would vehemently disagree. They reject any notion of Natural Law, a common sphere, or anything in society not characterized by a sharp Christian/anti Christian antithesis.

I'm a member of apologia Church And we consider Christ Church a sister church. We were at the amicus brief that overturned Roe v Wade. We did that on the basis of a faithful and concise Christian worldview and frequently get called Christian nationalists.

Gotcha, so you being a member of a sister church would be in full alignment with Wilson's presupposed worldview of sharp antithesis derived from Van Til, Rushdooney, and Bahnsen. I think its quite a stretch to call this a Christian worldview (I understand the reason) when its really a recent project of a certain attempt of applying bodies of teachings in scripture in certain ways. These are theologian's ideas at the end of the day.

The point of this interview is to define and discuss what Christian nationalism is. Tucker could have just as easily had Dr Joseph Boot or a number of others to explain it. You seem to be hung up on who delivered the message, not the message itself.

The message itself is built on a flawed foundation, because Wilson like all theonomists, reconstructionists, CNs, i.e. all dominion theology, miscontrues the categories of law in order to lift and shift bodies of law out of certain parts of scripture, with certain interpretive methods to justify certain applications of it, and simply brand it as "Christian worldview". It doesn't work, and I can unpack that more as time permits.

You do realize the more faithful someone is to God in the society, the more controversial they will be. It's when you're not being called controversial that you can almost guarantee that you're not having a radical impact on culture.

Yes I am familiar with this retort. Wilson tends to position himself as the righteous suffering victim in relation to his critics. He's done it for decades. And of course, he tends to lump his critics together as being liberals, weak, leftist, secularist compatible, or whatever.

Controversy itself is in fact neutral, its existence does not determine faithfulness or lack thereof. I would be wary of wearing that as a badge of honor. Paul exhorts the Roman church to live peacably with their neighbors as best they can. The Israelites during the time of the Mosaic covenant, had distinct commands of conduct as soon as they ventured outside of their boundaries that were opposite of their conduct within their boundaries: if they confronted enemies outside the land that they would work to establish peace treaties and so forth.

On the flip side, Abraham was a controversial figure in the context of societies he was in, during several instances in his life, because of his sin and unbelief.

Just some things to consider. Blessings to you, regardless our differences.

smartbaum 1 point ago +1 / -0


The belief that the American nation is defined by Christianity, and that the government should take active steps to keep it that way. While Wolfe and his circle do not outright reject the First Amendment and do not advocate for theocracy, they want Christianity to hold a privileged position in the public square. A consequence of this belief is that enterprises in the political community become exclusionary in ways they are not designed.

Wolfe and others of course have much more to say. Eventually that privileged position of Christianity excludes a functional ability for pluralism or a secular sphere to exist. This is not a negative for Christian nationalism or those efforts compatible with CN, since they have predefined negative connotations for pluralism and a secular sphere. To be specific, they deliberately conflate secularism with the secular (in order to justify a program to sanctify a nation, not just work to preserve it), and they connotate pluralism as "anything goes" with no ultimate restraints.

smartbaum -1 points ago +1 / -2

What is Christian nationalism exactly and why does the left and the MSM hate it?

Note that Tucker, either being uninformed by his researchers or disingenuously because of a narrative agenda, excludes all the other categories of people that are also opposed to Christian Nationalism: anarcho capitalists, libertarians, Natural Law advocates, classic liberals, constitutionalists, the list goes on.

smartbaum 0 points ago +1 / -1


I have been familiar with Wilson, his ministry, his writings, his ideas for over 20 years.

This first point may not mean much to most here, that he's been condemned by every major Reformed confessional denomination (for claiming to be Reformed but being deliberately confusing about faith and works). But it is also notable he was criticized by his own denomination (which he started) for his problematic behavior: https://moscowid.net/communion-of-reformed-evangelical-churches-presiding-ministers-report-on-the-sitler-and-wight-sex-abuse-cases/

Here are 3 posts on Wilson that thoroughly cover the good, bad, and ugly:

https://bredenhof.ca/2023/06/26/doug-wilson-the-good/ (mostly docrtinal and may not mean much to most reading this)

https://bredenhof.ca/2023/07/03/doug-wilson-the-bad/ (again, mostly doctrinal and may not mean much)

https://bredenhof.ca/2023/07/10/doug-wilson-the-ugly/ (this is where the various documented abuse cases are addressed, and unfortunately the abuses, subsequent cover ups, and gaslighting of victims and critics are not uncommon with many patriarchy and authoritarian type ministries, no matter the denomination)

Now, many will and have watched the Tucker interview and respond with "What's all the controversy about him? He is a based pastor, making good points we have been making, and he is very relaxed and calm in his explanations."

Yes, this is by design. It is called the fallacy of Motte and Bailey. Wilson and his ilk deploy this strategy over and over and over again with every contentious controversy. Motte and Baliey is when someone advances a controversial claim—one that's difficult to defend—and when challenged retreats to an uncontroversial claim. The bold claim is the Bailey, the safe claim the Motte.

When these Christian Nationalists get mainstream coverage, including when Wilson is here interviewed by Tucker, they immediately jump into the Motte.

Wilson has explicitly written on the virtue of deception, as a holy "battle" strategy. Make no mistake that Christian Nationalists have an end goal of Christian authoritarianism to replace what they conceive as secular authoritarianism. The 1st amendment stands in their way, since they advocate for eventual, literal punishment of false teachings & beliefs (define that as you will, or whoever ideologist runs the state). This is all stemmed from a fundamental distortion of biblical notions of law and civil society.

They present their CN vision as the only alternative to the woke secular nightmare we are currently in (as if the longstanding tradition of Natural Law never existed or operated in society). This is a false dilemma, and their particular vision has roots in various theological aberrations, that in many ways are mirror reflections of Zionist Israeli political fanatical party beliefs about the sanctifying of a geopolitical state.

smartbaum 2 points ago +2 / -0

eclipse habbenings - don't give up!

smartbaum 3 points ago +3 / -0

Iran did a ping test. Results: Israeli air defense - even with US and UK support - can be hit anywhere even when they know it's coming.

North Korea and Russia got valuable data

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