stray502 8 points ago +8 / -0

Where is the proof of this. I am on pensions and I have heard no such thing. Dont just spit out something like that without showing where the information came from.

stray502 2 points ago +2 / -0

The NDP should lose more than 4 seats they are a corrupt useless party.

stray502 9 points ago +9 / -0

Hes sitting down. All he did was not stand up Trump shook the hands of those that stood up to shake his hand. Its not a crime to not shake someones hand lol.

stray502 6 points ago +6 / -0

Yeah you did. they said Aaron is serious about the vax as in he is totally against it and Trump keeps defending the vax. Thats what they meant.

stray502 2 points ago +2 / -0

Actually yes it does. It may save your life some day.

stray502 2 points ago +2 / -0

I live on an island with 2021 sq miles of forest maybe I can get them all to come here and scream in my back yard. I will even give them a discount of $3000 each.

stray502 1 point ago +1 / -0

You really need to read the bible again because you are confused. Husband and wife are supposed to submit to each other. Its not just one way as you are saying. God would not be pleased with you at all.

stray502 3 points ago +3 / -0

Of course FB allows it they want the vaccinated to know who is looking for dates and will infect the unvaccinated. Its simple.

stray502 3 points ago +3 / -0

The sun is at the highest point of coronal mass injections. Thats whats causing the sky event. I doubt it is harp. The sun goes through cycles from low to high. Once this high is finished it goes back to low CMI. While it is throwing out huge CMI it takes a few days too hit earth but once it comes through it can put out all electronics, cell phones, power grids etc. The last one this big was called the Carrington Event I believe it was 1889 and it caused a communication black out through out the entire world.

I dont know about you but here in Canada last night was the most magnificent light show I have ever seen in the skys. Caused by the CMIs.

stray502 1 point ago +2 / -1

Those are not covid vaccinations they are childhood vaccinations. This is not new in Canada students who were not fully vaccinated with child hood vaccines have always been suspended.

I am 67 years old and it has always been the law here.

stray502 3 points ago +3 / -0

This is not ending in 2025 this wont end until 2030. Do people honestly believe we have this bs for years and it suddenly ends because Trump is elected. NO it doesnt it will take quite a while to fix it.

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stray502 8 points ago +8 / -0

wow how sad. Not that your family did that democrats are morons and thats what they do. But you sit there let them do that and what hide the fact you are a Trump supporter WTF is wrong with you. Must be pretty bad though to know your family is amoung the 4-6% of retarded people that can't see whats right in front of them. Most people are waking up including die hard Trump haters. Provided they still have brain cells left.

stray502 8 points ago +8 / -0

I am a little confused. You said you have nothing but a car so I am assuming your place is rented. You said you need to find a place for you and your daughter and your wife. My question is why are you worrying about where she is going to go she was the one who made the decision. She should not be living with you if she doesnt want you then you should be telling her to go and find her own place to live. She is not your problem.

You didnt mention if she is working or not if she is not it seems to me she will stay with you until she can find someone who can support her. If not you should be telling her to get a job and support herself. She chose to not be with you and there is no reason she should be staying with you.

This did not just happen she has never been in love with you. No one goes from being your soul mate to wanting nothing to do with you. It sounds to me like she has never wanted to attempt to support herself.

You didnt say what kind of job you have so I dont know if you make decent money or not. If you do than find a place for you and your daughter to go that you can afford to live. You dont need a big place. If you dont make much than take your daughter and move to a state that is cheap to live there are some around.

I would not be surprised if your wife has already decided she is taking the child and taking you for all the money she can get out of you by law. You dont say where you live so I dont know what the laws are where you are for separation but your wife sounds like a user so do not be surprised when she pops that on you.

It sounds like you believe in God so pray to him to help.

You also sound like you are at your wits end. I was that way once long ago when I knew my husband didnt love me but I did love him. I would have preferred to die than leave. I started seeing a therapist who taught me to be assertive. I went from the therapist to picking up my kids and move 6 hours away and had no problem at all. You would be amazed at how fast your thinking changes when you can talk to people.

The bottom line is this. Stop thinking about your wife in the problems you are trying to solve. She needs to take care of herself and you need to take care of yourself and your daughter. I know you are hurt but you cannot force someone to love you if they dont want too. Take a deep breath and think seriously of a life for you and your daughter. Do not waste one more minute on your wife she is not worth it.

stray502 3 points ago +5 / -2

WOW you must have spent your life in a cage. In WW1 and WW2 Canada had the best military in the world. No one else could touch them including Americans. Just in Normandy alone 6000 Canadians died on that beach the Canadians were the first there and advanced farther than any other country. The dutch celebrate Canada every year because it was the Canadians who drove the nazis out of Holland saving the entire people. You dont see anyone anywhere in the world celebrating the US do you? The amount of victories they had was way too many to put here but the fact you had to ask that is absolutely mind blowing. Oh Yeah I forgot you are American so I am guessing you grew up actually thinking its Americans who do everything. YOU HAVE BEEN LIED TOO WAKE THE HELL UP.

stray502 8 points ago +8 / -0

I have not heard one person that even mentions diplomatic immunity. For years dignitaries from all countries could come into your country commit any crime they wanted including murder and are never charged because they have diplomatic immunity. If people from other countries have diplomatic immunity why would the president not have it.

Personally no one should have the option to commit any crime they want regardless of who they are.

stray502 4 points ago +4 / -0

Free parks Canada passes are given to any Canadian that wants them. They do this before the parks open I have every year got offered by parks Canada passes to all parks for free. I am not an immigrant I was born and raised in Canada. Every year they give these passes out to the first people that request them free.

stray502 4 points ago +4 / -0

7 months to the election and its worse now then it was before. Millions and millions of illegals all given voter ID to vote and nothing is being done. Nothing at all.8 years since 2016 and none that should be arrested are arrested. Only those on the patriots side are arrested. Keep going until there are no patriots left to vote.

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