tattletalestrangler 5 points ago +5 / -0

Well Trump's press conference will be tomorrow at 11:00 am (I assume ET). Maybe an hour and 8 minutes into it he'll play the Trump card.

tattletalestrangler 3 points ago +4 / -1

No, it's just one of the ties in his collection of ties.

tattletalestrangler 3 points ago +3 / -0

There's no such thing as AI. Don't be "a-scared". It's just another program a human wrote. Nothing new. Computers can't think and never will be able to.

tattletalestrangler 1 point ago +1 / -0

The "I guess other stuff" was in addition to jewelry and electronics.

Not sure where you got the "if it's digital, it has no value" part. Not from my post. But yeah, I understand that argument too. I said there was no inherent value in cryptocurrency. Heck, if you're off the grid and living off the land then I would assume you have only a few things with inherent value: water, food, shelter and heat. Though the heat part probably depends on where you live.

tattletalestrangler 2 points ago +2 / -0

I don't have a medical or nutritional background and have not researched any of the information provided in this post (other than a quick skim). And I'm certainly not going to refute any claims made. However, it seems we shouldn't need to be taking supplements. God should have provided enough nutrients in the foods we eat. That's my simple thinking.

For instance, if you look at some of the high doses of Vitamin C some sites suggest, I don't think there's any way to get that from foods we could be eating. Even if you consider a not so high dose of 5 grams a day, that would come out to around 5000 / 100 = 50 oranges a day (if I did my math correctly)!! I realize other foods have higher concentration of Vitamin C than oranges, but still, you'd have to be eating huge amounts of those foods. And that's just to get the Vitamin C. Then you might have to switch to eating huge amounts of another food to get other vitamins and minerals you need. Then you got to get your protein and fat intake.

tattletalestrangler 3 points ago +3 / -0

Gold has an inherent value. It's used in electronics, jewelry, and I guess other stuff. Bitcoin was pulled out of thin air. It's not worth the paper it's printed on.

tattletalestrangler 2 points ago +2 / -0

Blockchain and Bitcoin are two separate things. Blockchain is just a ledger which is, "for the most part", cryptographically impossible to change past entries. No real new inventions here other than chaining current entries to past entries.

I hear people say, "we need blockchain to secure our elections". How is blockchain going to secure our elections? It's just a ledger. If a mistake is made in the numbers reported, additions/subtractions have to be appended to correct. Election fraud can still happen.

tattletalestrangler 4 points ago +6 / -2

Maybe they took the picture before they started fishing. And unless it's very hot you probably want a long sleeve shirt otherwise you're going to get burnt. Try spending 6 - 8 hours on the water on a sunny day. I've done it. Often. You need sunscreen, lip balm and clothes that cover most of your skin. A hat is also recommended otherwise you'll burn your scalp. Have you ever seen the people that go out fishing in Florida? All parts of their body are covered.

If the water is warm enough, and if you're going for trout you're usually not fishing water that's too warm, I like to wet wade (just shorts and wading boots) as waders do make it quite hot. But even then as long as it's not too hot I would rather wear a long sleeve shirt so I don't have to worry about putting sunscreen on my arms and/or getting my arms burnt. If you're on a multi-day fishing trip you don't want to get burnt the first day and have to stay in the next couple of days. Kind of ruins the trip.

tattletalestrangler 1 point ago +1 / -0

I watched the entire video and I heard no mention of Uncle John. Did I miss something?

tattletalestrangler 17 points ago +17 / -0

Not getting it. Mentions seven word announcement and seems to show it as: "I'm ready". That appears to be a two, or two and a half, word announcement. Did she post "I'm ready" or "I've deceived you all. I'm a man"?

tattletalestrangler 1 point ago +1 / -0

I used to buy raw milk a while back when I was close to a farm in PA. I wouldn't say it tasted much different from non-raw milk.

tattletalestrangler 2 points ago +2 / -0

Some people like buttermilk, which smells like milk that's gone bad.

tattletalestrangler 2 points ago +2 / -0

I was just out in my backyard getting 30 minutes of sun. Kind of hard to get sun (strong enough) before or after the typical workday. And often I'm working until 10 pm or 11 pm.

tattletalestrangler 1 point ago +1 / -0

Another "makes no sense" statement. So whitehats are forcing people to act in a way they might not otherwise in order to show people how crazy those people are?

Democrats have crazy ideas to being with, no one has to force them to come up with these crazy ideas.

tattletalestrangler 6 points ago +6 / -0

This makes no sense. If the military is forcing people to act in a way they wouldn't otherwise, then the military is to blame for their actions.

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