Dogsoldier2 6 points ago +6 / -0

This is the man that told people to get the vax. He actually said that even Jesus would get the vax if He were living on earth.

Dogsoldier2 4 points ago +4 / -0

This is the tub of lard that says he has a Ranger tab. If he does there's no way he earned it. He had to get it handed to him politically.

Dogsoldier2 6 points ago +8 / -2

He should know, he's on their side. They attack AJ (MOS controlled) to give him credibility with Patriots and poisoning the waters.



Dogsoldier2 19 points ago +19 / -0

If you remember the very first ones had to be kept refrigerated at a very low temp. Those were the ones released when Trump was POTUS. Afterwards there was no refrigeration required. So all of a sudden they went from low temp storage to room temp storage.

Dogsoldier2 2 points ago +3 / -1

Scope and size far greater than you can imagine. - Q

Dogsoldier2 2 points ago +2 / -0

Yep. And true it's not running the speeds of a .28 Nosler or even a 5.7 x 28 but It's high enough to take what little brains he has out and less likely to kill people up stairs.

Dogsoldier2 7 points ago +7 / -0

This is the version I researched and found back when it was going around. It's actually a 3 word term and it's from the Adamic/Antediluvian language. Phonetically is sounds like covfefe but its actually cuv-fee-fae. The language died out after Nimrod and the Tower of Babel.

The tweet was left up for several hours without any clarification as to what the word “covfefe” meant. Was it a typo? Did the president want coffee or mean coverage? No. It is quite simple actually.

Dianne Marshall, an amateur historian, bible scholar, and author went digging and found that it is actually an Antediluvian term. It means, “In the end we win.” According to Marshall, it was commonly used by the sons of Adam as they fought against the evil and fallen men."

The term is: Covfefe’ (pronounced “cuv – fee- fae”)

Dogsoldier2 20 points ago +20 / -0

Go here - https://qalerts.app/ - start from the first drop and read through all of them to the last drop. Q's drops are in descending order so you'll have to go to the first drop (#1) which was dropped Oct. 28, 2017. Don't pay any attention to the dates Q uses inside the drops. It's the dates in the timestamp that "may" matter. Keep in mind that Q does use disinformation at times ("disinformation necessary"). This is because anons aren't the only ones reading the drops, the deep state reads them tool. Also, for that same reason, keep in mind that "future proves past". That's why you can't use Q's drops to predict (date fag). You know when it happens that Q told us. That's why an anon needs to be familiar with the drops. Q told us numerous times to "reread drops". If you take the time to read them all you'll have a much better grasp of things posted here.

Dogsoldier2 4 points ago +4 / -0

Can't hide from his conscience. He needs either to fess up or to go in a closet and eat a 230 grains of high velocity lead. Course like the wimp he is he'd probably take a handful of sleeping pills.

Dogsoldier2 3 points ago +3 / -0

If they could kill him they already would have done it. They've tried twice that we know of and didn't succeed.

Dogsoldier2 6 points ago +6 / -0
  1. Trump Presidential victory sealed.

  2. Precedent now set for Bush, Clinton, Obama arrests.

  3. Overturn on Appeal guaranteed.

  4. Top-to-Bottom DOJ Corruption exposed.

  5. U.S. Supreme Court will be FORCED to conduct Emergency Review of “case” and make a ruling.

  6. Supreme Court is a “captured” entity that fully understands they uphold the Law or individually face UCMJ Treason trial for violating their Sworn Oaths to the Constitution.

  7. No civilian admirably law court can override a UCMJ protected Commander-in-Chief, no matter the amount of propaganda they use.

  8. CIC Trump is untouchable. He’s simply leading the Swamp Rats to their final resting places.

  9. Brunson Case verdict remains a proverbial nuclear weapon that can be deployed to eradicate the vast majority of House & Senate members for violating their sworn oaths on January 6, 2021, by unconstitutionally certifying the 2020 election without an investigation.

  10. @realDonaldTrump holds ALL THE CARDS. Watch him win it all!

Election Interference is #Treason. ALL found guilty must forfeit all personal, family and corporate assets to the U.S. Treasury.

#WeThePeople just won the lottery and will soon win our Republic back!

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