Hope4thefuture 5 points ago +5 / -0

Latest forensic reports? No, it was suppressed forensic reports. This was known all along within the inner government circles. The Warren Commission was just another scam/lie.

Hope4thefuture 1 point ago +1 / -0

The government should add a health care tax on to the sales tax at these fast food places! Just kidding, we don’t need more government interference!

Hope4thefuture 7 points ago +8 / -1

Absolutely. No sodas, nothing with artificial sweeteners, no boxed potatoes, no frozen prepared, no lemonade, no artificial juice drinks. Only pure food, as pure as it can be with pesticides and fertilizers!

Hope4thefuture 13 points ago +13 / -0

When I was young there were almost no restaurants and few fast food places. Our mothers cooked, and maybe once a month or less, we went out to eat. Many times it was to an Amish restaurant. We had few McDonalds. The suburban city I live in has at the least: 3 fast food chicken places, 3 burger places, 6 sub shops, 3 pizza shops, 1 Chinese buffet, 1 Panera, 1 roast beef, 1 Applebee’s, 1 Chilis, 1 steak place, 1 sit down hamburger/rib place. We are not a large community. Surrounding us are cities with equal numbers of similar fast food places. Is it any wonder people are so obese! Food stamps should only cover meat, fish, poultry, cheese, milk, fresh fruits and vegetables. No prepared or frozen, or snacks should be covered.

Hope4thefuture 5 points ago +5 / -0

The medical profession has been brainwashed right in medical and nursing schools. I am a retired RN, 46 years in the profession. I believed what I was told: vaccines prevent illness. I vaccinated my children. I couldn’t understand why parents wouldn’t allow their infants to receive the Vitamin K shot or hepatitis B vaccine in the first 3 days of life. 11 years into my nursing career, I had 3 colds in one month! As my first cold went away, 2 days later I had another cold. As my third cold was dissipating, it was time to get my 3rd hepatitis vaccine. I lost my voice, which at first I thought was laryngitis. After seeing several ENT specialists, I learned I had spasmodic dysphonia most likely related to my taking the hepatitis B shot with an immune compromised system. That was my first inkling that vaccines were not as they seem or are portrayed to be. Unfortunately I still did not put together the fact that ALL vaccines are not what they lead us to believe. My children were all vaccinated, but back then it was about 7 shots: MMR, DPT, polio, now it is more like 70. My children were born prior to my incident with the hepatitis vaccine. I am embarrassed to say, I stood by silently, when pediatricians and nurse practitioners threatened parents with reporting them to DCFS for the hepatitis B vaccine refusal. I have since done my research. I believe all vaccines are evil, designed to make us all sick at some point down the road. Do you ever ask yourself why those over 65 get a higher dose of the flu vaccine? I surmise it is because that is retirement age and the government no longer benefits from your slave labor. You are now regarded as a useless bottom feeder, usin social security and Medicare funds. Don’t you find it strange that the older you get, the less thorough physical exams are and that EKGs are denied as routine, unless a medical problem with your heart is detected? Older individuals, and the young, do not utilize drugs, anesthesia, other pharmaceuticals in the same way a 20 year old does. I have seen Alzheimer’s patients become worse post surgery anesthesia, and older patients have strokes after anesthesia. Your best course of action is to stay healthy. Eat grass fed/grass finished, raw milk, organic vegetables, better yet grow your own while you still can. Do not drink city water without filtration. Exercise if possible, get out in the sun 15 minutes per day. Avoid fast food at all costs: it is high in saturated fats, high in sodium, cheapest (most likely adulterated meats). Learn to cook simply at home: it is cheaper to cook, you know what is in your food, and it is healthier and tastes better. Avoid doctors and hospitals, they do not get to the root of your health issues. Most are out to make money, not to cure you. I am glad I am retired. I spoke out against the Covid shot during pregnancy and breastfeeding. My hospital did not appreciate it, and neither did my patients. The medical system is no longer a noble profession it was thought to be, and never was. Trust no one in the health field. I hope our new government defunds the FDA, CDC, NIH, HHS, big pharma, hospitals and medical schools. They do not protect us, so why waste taxpayer dollars?

Hope4thefuture 1 point ago +1 / -0

The families of 9/11 should be looking to sue our own government. The BUSHES were up to their eyeballs in this. Gold went missing, important documents went missing. GWB, sitting in a school classroom, had a small smirk/smile on his face when an aide appeared and told him of the “attack”. Pappy, GHWB, was no angel either: in Dallas when JFK was assassinated and was friends with the Oswald family, had been a CIA director, was in D.C. during the attempted Reagan assassination. That family is pure evil.

Hope4thefuture 3 points ago +3 / -0

God, do I pray that this comes to pass. The corruption is so deep and twisted with so many connections that it seems it will take a decade at least and will be an ongoing process. We can never let down our guard. The only way is by public executions-to show all that they too are not above the law.

Hope4thefuture 1 point ago +1 / -0

Nope. She or he has to be as perverted as Klaus. What else do you expect the children to tun out to be living with a perverted cuck? Look at Bill Gates, George Soros’s sons, Chelsea Clinton. The “Obama” daughters. The only way to clean up perversion, satanism, etc. is to get rid of them all.

Hope4thefuture 2 points ago +2 / -0

With AI and great face masks, how can we even be sure that the enemies of the U.S. are actually executed and not spirited away to Antarctica or elsewhere? After all the Nazis were brought to serve in the U.S. government, S. America and Antarctica after WW II.

Hope4thefuture 3 points ago +3 / -0

I can’t believe he has a wife! I would have divorced him for his perverted, naked beach walk.

Hope4thefuture 5 points ago +5 / -0

Why add the part about being a Trump supporter except to smear Trump? If these were U.S.citizens trying to overthrow another government, they got what they deserved. Innocent boy? I guess if one blindly follows, doesn’t use their brain and expects a positive outcome and deems these actions are okay, then I guess this mother could call her son (over 18), innocent!

Hope4thefuture 6 points ago +6 / -0

If you are living abroad by choice, not in military or ambassador positions, should they be allowed to vote? Those people who did not feel the U.S. was good enough to live there, why should they have a say?

Hope4thefuture 2 points ago +2 / -0

Why? Businesses will do ANYTHING for money: didn’t we see it with Big Pharma, hospitals, doctors’ practices, the airline industry, etc.?

Hope4thefuture 3 points ago +3 / -0

Not okay for Georgia election board to not do their job and say whoopsy 3 1/2 years later. Look at the mess the U.S. is in, as a result of the Resident in office.

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