Oblakhan 6 points ago +6 / -0

I have hated Snufalufagus' guts since the snotty ass interview he did with Ron Paul. The little sawed off son-of-bitch could get away with that against the mild mannered old man Paul.

Trump would have eaten the little bitch alive, and he knows it which is probably why he hates Trump. That and he is a cabal puppet that will get targeted. Trump's tough ass get even attitude is exactly why he was the right pick for the whitehats.

Oblakhan 3 points ago +3 / -0

The wife has been watching Young Seldon. The show is anti-Christianity.

I would expect nothing less from the producer, Chaim Levine (Chuck Lorre). His filthy Two and a Half Men was another aimed at degrading the morals of the country. Charlie Sheen became enemy number one just by calling him out using his real name.

Oblakhan 4 points ago +4 / -0

Well I don't know what the hell went wrong on the title link, but I'm trying again for the video with this one. https://twitter.com/stillgray/status/1797746541236777045

Oblakhan 18 points ago +19 / -1

Except that we are not all in this together.

Back then most of us didn't have a clue the MSM & the FBI were so corrupt they were covering for a bunch of murdering scum.

The next crime perpetuated on the American people will be not getting to see the murdering, raping, robbing thrash that has taken over the country hanged in public for their crimes.

Oblakhan 4 points ago +4 / -0

I don't give one hairy shit about a gun charge based on he was a drug user.

In fact it would be comical if he actually used the 2A to get off the charge. I don't remember reading where the Constitution says if you are a drug user your rights to a gun are stripped. I seem to remember something like, 'shall not be infringed'.

Seems to me putting limits on a right because someone does drugs is infringement of their rights.

Oblakhan 3 points ago +3 / -0

There is a guy on youtube that is coming to the conclusion the Bigfoot legends, and phenomenon is tied in to the mythology of the giants and the Nephilim.

He has amass a huge following, and goes through thousands of emails trying to solve what people are seeing.

I'm not so sure he isn't on to something with his search.

Oblakhan 1 point ago +1 / -0

I think differently.

As it stands we have two primaries. Most states only allow you to vote in one or the other. So no matter what the cabal gets two chances to put a puppet on the ballot, and we know from experience many times there are two puppets and we are left to vote for what we perceive to be the less evil.

Any third party option is in reality just throwing away your vote, because all the money and all the support is going to the two from the established puppet parties.

If we had only one party the primary would be in effect the actual vote, but if the one chosen is not someone the voters want the door is open for an independent challenger to have a legitimate chance of taking out the chosen puppet. With one party running the people can actually focus on those running and not be constantly pitted against the other side while they miss focusing on the toady their side is trying to push.

This is the way the founding fathers envisioned our system working. They never intended a two party system. The two party system has led to a thoroughly corrupted Congress with a clouded view of how things are getting done, and very few willing to expose the stinky dealings of the inner politics that go on.

Oblakhan 1 point ago +1 / -0

Cabal would absolutely love for the puppet to lose its head over the Covid debacle so long as the the puppet masters get to stay hidden in the shadows.

I want them all to hang not just some evil proxy they have been using. Fauci should just be the the appetizer.

Oblakhan 2 points ago +2 / -0

They've been prepping this plandemic for a couple of decades at least. Back in 2002 & 2003 California locked down all poultry shows, and bird movement, and destroyed a large number of flocks of chickens claiming backyard keepers were the source of an exotic newcastle disease outbreak that threatened commercial flocks. They even destroyed other bird species that were on the premises even though species like pigeons and doves cannot get or carry the disease.

Oblakhan 2 points ago +2 / -0

Does it strike anyone else as strange that so many of Trump's enemies in these blue shitholes are dying off?

First we had McStain die of cancer followed by Elijah Cummings of an infection? Then the great snivel rights leader John Lewis died of cancer, and now Sheila Jackass Lee is on her way out the door. Were all these people trafficking? Is there something in the water in the blue shit holes?

Can you name more?

Oblakhan 1 point ago +1 / -0

It appears the whitehats worldwide are positioning to make their move.

Oblakhan 7 points ago +7 / -0

Fauci has been a evil greedy POS since the early days of AIDS. He should have been in prison long ago. He should be accompanied by all his 'peers' that helped him 'fix' things for the last few decades.

If you've never seen it look up the video Plandemic with Dr. Judy Mikovits. https://rumble.com/v3edyv1-plandemic-part-1-documentary-the-hidden-agenda-behind-covid-19.html

Oblakhan 18 points ago +19 / -1

We stop following MOSSAD Jones.

Oblakhan 6 points ago +6 / -0

You can call them globalists, you can call them commies, you can call them Nazis. It doesn't matter. What matters is its the same damned people over and over again.

They killed off the Czar and his family. They created the Holocaust (fake in my opinion). They run Israel, and they are hell bent on the destruction of Russia and the USA. If not for Trump, Putin, and the whitehats they would have succeeded, and you are right they still haven't given up.

Oblakhan 2 points ago +2 / -0

The Plan to Save the World was what brought me into the movement with full commitment.

Looking at the video it is surprising to see how all the things Joe M. told us have been brought into the light. He named many of them like big pharma before they ever made a move that exposed them. When he mentions that good guys it is telling that he shows General Flynn and Admiral Rogers.

I have passed these videos continually since finding them years ago. It is nice to see them put together.

Oblakhan 9 points ago +9 / -0

Grab the thirty pieces of silver and haul ass for your hole.

Oblakhan 5 points ago +5 / -0

If Biden raised $25 million it was through crooked corporations and foreign money. Biden can't raise shit out of the American people.

Oblakhan 6 points ago +6 / -0

The people allowed to stay on Jewtube have always been and will always be paytriots.

Those that aren't paytriots fled to Rumble and Bitchute long ago. They left the cabal's money on the table and walked away because they are righteous patriots not money hungry opportunists.

Oblakhan 3 points ago +3 / -0

The thing is the crime that he didn't commit but was found guilty of, might not warrant jail time. However, the didn't want him found guilty to let him go. In my opinion they believe if they can get him behind bars they can give him the Epstein treatment and get away with it.

Don't be surprised if they try.

Oblakhan 5 points ago +5 / -0

This is fucking stupid, and it is designed to make the retribution against the criminals look like revenge.

We don't need a list of Democrats. We just need prosecution of all the players regardless of their affiliation. I think it very likely some of the first prosecuted will be Republicans just to show the people that there are guilty on all sides of the political aisle.

Oblakhan 1 point ago +1 / -0

No, it won't.

It will take going back to the gold standard, and removing the cabal's money printing machine, the Federal Reserve, as the controller of our economy.

The Feds role is to inflate and deflate our currency for their masters. It is how they have come to own almost everything. Thomas Jefferson warned the people of this country of exactly what would happen if you let the banksters get control of the money creation.

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