AllMostThere 1 point ago +1 / -0



there are a few ways to do this. Its all on this excellent website made by GME apes. One of the ways mentioned can cause a tax event, just remember that for tax time.

The DRSGME website has step-by-step instructions for everything DRS related.


AllMostThere 1 point ago +1 / -0

Everyone can DRS. There is nobody that "cant DRS".

AllMostThere 2 points ago +2 / -0

This is the most hilarious "dont buy GME" post I've ever seen.

Youre going to miss out on generational wealth over this?

AllMostThere 2 points ago +2 / -0

There’s only one CEO in corporate America that chooses to work for no pay of any kind (no stock compensation either)

Ryan Cohen bought his own shares with his own money because he believes in himself and he believes in his company.

Imagine if more CEOs had this mentality, imagine how different the world would be.

I’m in Atlanta to talk about it tomorrow at Pulte’s event. If you’re there, I’ll bring extra tinfoil.


AllMostThere 4 points ago +4 / -0

Follow the GME board recommendation for voting.

Dont vote against everything. Just vote against Prop 4

AllMostThere 1 point ago +1 / -0

Do you think youre the only misinformed blowhard thats probably buying GME everytime it jumps up like this?

You would have to be completely 100% actual retarded not too I guess.

AllMostThere 1 point ago +1 / -0

This isnt the right thing to do. SELL AFTER THE PEAK, in batches on the way down.

Selling on the way up will just free your shares for the shorters to buy.

What will cause the final price skyrocket will be when there are no shares available for those shorters to buy, because they are all being diamondhanded by us.


Think of it this way, the higher the peak, the more people with only a couple shares can also get life changing money.

AllMostThere 30 points ago +30 / -0

Nunes/$DJT putting illegal short sellers on notice for possible RICO violations is heating up and needs eyes on. He already named Citadel (Ken Griffin), and yesterday he named Apex Clearing (They are responsible for forcing brokers to turn off the buy button for GME).

The GME/DJT streams are starting to cross. The illegal short sellers being named by Nunes are the same ones that are involved with GME.

the management of Trump Media, last month, began waging war on the short sellers.

The first step was asking regulators at Nasdaq to step in to prevent “naked” short sales, calling that “potential market manipulation,” despite the fact that it reported revenues of just $4.1 million last year. Days later, it sent a letter to the heads of various committees at the U.S. House of Representatives, repeating those claims. And on Thursday, it urged several House committee chairmen to investigate eight financial firms for their activities.

Initially, Trump Media made fairly broad accusations of naked short selling without naming names. On Thursday, it made some direct accusations. CEO Devin Nunes, a former Republican member of Congress, asked top House Republicans to seek documents and testimony from eight financial firms: Apex Clearing, Clear Street, Cobra Trading, Cowen and Company, Curvature Securities, StoneX Securities, TradePro, and Velocity Clearing. So far, the House Judiciary, Ways and Means, Financial Services, and Oversight and Reform chairs have not publicly responded to the letter.


Apex Clearing was run by a Tricia Rothschild. There isnt any publicly available link to the infamous Rothschild family, but she certainly has similar facial features (droopy eyelids and large gums). https://old.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/sr00gb/vlad_told_us_president_of_the_clearing_firm_made/

Video of Nunes putting illegal (naked) short sellers on notice:


The pathetic response from Ken Griffin after being named by Nunes:


AllMostThere 4 points ago +4 / -0

If you dont vote, your vote automatically counts as against Prop 4. But you can always vote just to be sure. Definitely worth doing for any shares in a broker and not safely held at Computershare.

Good luck if you still have a shitty broker like RobinHood. They dont even allow you to vote as they basically deal entirely in IOU's and dont actually go out and buy/hold shares for you.

You can vote against Prop 4 right now by logging into your Computershare account. You dont need to wait for their email.

Other brokers have different methods to vote, if they even allow voting. You should get an email soon if they allow voting. Remember to check your junkmail folder as some voting emails are ending up there.

AllMostThere 2 points ago +2 / -0

Nunes/DJT putting illegal short sellers on notice for possible RICO violations is heating up and needs eyes on. He already named Citadel (Ken Griffin), and yesterday he named Apex Clearing (They are the ones responsible for forcing brokers to turn off the buy button for GME).

The GME/DJT streams are starting to cross. The illegal short sellers being named by Nunes are the same ones that are involved with GME.

the management of Trump Media, last month, began waging war on the short sellers.

The first step was asking regulators at Nasdaq to step in to prevent “naked” short sales, calling that “potential market manipulation,” despite the fact that it reported revenues of just $4.1 million last year. Days later, it sent a letter to the heads of various committees at the U.S. House of Representatives, repeating those claims. And on Thursday, it urged several House committee chairmen to investigate eight financial firms for their activities.

Initially, Trump Media made fairly broad accusations of naked short selling without naming names. On Thursday, it made some direct accusations. CEO Devin Nunes, a former Republican member of Congress, asked top House Republicans to seek documents and testimony from eight financial firms: Apex Clearing, Clear Street, Cobra Trading, Cowen and Company, Curvature Securities, StoneX Securities, TradePro, and Velocity Clearing. So far, the House Judiciary, Ways and Means, Financial Services, and Oversight and Reform chairs have not publicly responded to the letter.


Video of Nunes talking about illegal (naked) short sellers:


The pathetic response from Ken Griffin about being named by Nunes:


AllMostThere 3 points ago +3 / -0

Yep. I see it as a multi-pronged attack from the hedgies. Im guessing we will see a new narrative along the lines of 'GME hates trannies - also KEEP REMEMBERING TO FORGET GAMESTOP'

They are getting desperate. Especially with Devin Nunes/DJT talking about illegal short sellers and RICO in the same speech. He even called out Citadel specifically and got an instant reeeee from Ken Griffin. Its definitely heating up.



I also see it as evidence that GME isnt under the thumb of "forced behaviors" Blackrock/Vanguard/MegaCorp like all the rest.


AllMostThere 20 points ago +20 / -0

Very interesting. The Roger Ver guy doesn't sound like a random target.

Make no mistake. This indictment has nothing to do with tax evasion. It’s a witch hunt against a man who turned his back on US wars and malicious foreign and domestic policy. Roger is a supporter of Julian Assange and press freedom not just with words but with actions. He’s a popular speaker at crypto events around the world where he educates people about the injustices caused by the US Govt.

Roger spoke out against mass surveillance, endless wars and the murder of innocent people for profit. He funded many good causes against US imperialism and that’s why they target him. At every opportunity Roger spoke about why he left his US citizenship behind and a wave of successful Americans followed his example. The US Govt has lost hundreds of billions because Roger was leading the way for many successful entrepreneurs who followed his example.

This is a malicious attempt to vilify Roger and to punish him for exposing and opposing the crimes of US empire.

AllMostThere 9 points ago +9 / -0

Sky Australia would never air this trash. They are anti woke.

This is from the UK Sky network...which is dogshit.

AllMostThere 2 points ago +2 / -0

Its a bit of both. But yes it was definitely Hedge Funds plotting to snake their way into the secretive inner sanctum of the GME board of directors. This post explains the shadiness surrounding this "proposal 4".


It also shows they are not part of the BlackRock/Vanguard/MegaCorp swamp. They dont answer to the "forced behaviors" mob.

CancelThisClothingCo did a very important video about this MegaCorp that controls everyone else (DJT/DWAC is likely also not under MegaCorp, but that merger happened after this video was made).


AllMostThere 6 points ago +6 / -0

Not that I know of. This will be voted on June 13.

Details about voting and Instructions for viewing the meeting here: https://gamestop.gcs-web.com/node/20461/html

You can see there are also other votes happening on June 13. But any non-votes will just default to what the GME board recommends, so you don't have to do anything for these.

AllMostThere 16 points ago +16 / -0

Abstentions (if any) will have the same effect as a vote “against” this proposal. Broker non-votes (if any) will have no effect on this proposal because they are not entitled to vote on this proposal.‘

This means if you don't vote, you will automatically have voted against any DEI requirements.

AllMostThere 1 point ago +1 / -0

Very true. Upvoted OP even though I think he misinterpreted the words used.

AllMostThere 4 points ago +4 / -0

Being cryptic for no reason is just pointless, so Im going to assume there is nothing here until you prove otherwise in plain English.

I see some references to Effingham. You would be able to find all this because its on the internet. What do any of these links have to do with Q60?

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