AmateurExpert 2 points ago +2 / -0

It’s gonna make some havoc since they’re running so much and hide a lot of what they do, but it’d sure be nice.

For being such seemingly kind people, they sure do love them some backstabbing and hardcore lying, and both those character traits are poison in a free and open society.

The Christian ones are great, though. Funny how that works.

AmateurExpert 1 point ago +2 / -1

While true, without the context that the Nazi party either got hijacked, was always intended to be very bad, got completely misrepresented in history books, or all of those, it’s not a great idea to present this.

I’ve pointed out that one reason the German people supported the Nazis was because of this, and people will say, “makes sense!” but if you jump to defending Nazis they’ll equate it with MAGA.

Pointing out that Germany was conquered by Prussia 40 years prior to WWI, all the German generals in BOTH wars were Prussian, and the king of prussia liked to diddle children, was a raving homosexual groomer, and named his palace “the little dangling comma” and they had a fascination with “pickles” and gross sexual degeneracy, and talked about creating an “Aryan” (or “Iranian”) super race rather than a “German” super race helps put the situation that the German people were in more into place (ruled by foreigners).

Prior to all that, the Germans had just been humble farmers…

Does anyone know if there are any links between Prussia and Iran other than the war helmets being identical and “Prussia” sounding an awful lot like “Persia”? It’s downstream on the Dnieper River from Kyiv.

What’s this in the eagles right claw? Is that a symbol for the pope? https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Preu%C3%9Fischer_Adler.svg was this from claiming to be the Holy Roman Emperor?

AmateurExpert 2 points ago +2 / -0

Playing gospel music on loudspeakers in the park (below noise laws) is a decent idea that I’ve seen some people doing.

AmateurExpert 3 points ago +3 / -0

Probably best first go is to get everyone with an anonymous email on the PM software. VPN if anyone wants as well of course. Get started on the software selection so we can move on to actual topics.

This could be one of them.

If that PM software doesn’t work for some reason, I’m much less concerned about switching it.

Mostly just been waiting on having some time, myself, but it kinda keeps refusing to show up so I figure try to move ahead anyway.

AmateurExpert 5 points ago +5 / -0

We need to circle back around on the project.

I’ve been pretty tied up.

AmateurExpert 1 point ago +1 / -0

Genesis 50:20-21

20But as for you, ye thought evil against me; but God meant it unto good, to bring to pass, as it is this day, to save much people alive. 21Now therefore fear ye not: I will nourish you, and your little ones. And he comforted them, and spake kindly unto them.

AmateurExpert 3 points ago +3 / -0

If you can’t see both sides, or if you aren’t allowed to see both sides, you’re in a cult, not in a movement centered on critical thinking.

I don’t believe that side is the case, but it is absolutely worth being aware of, and continuing to be aware of after Trump.

Faith in God, not men.

AmateurExpert 1 point ago +1 / -0

Which original comment? Wasn’t this my first one?

I don’t know if there are “DUMB’s” or not, haven’t seen anything definitive on those, myself, and have certainly been trying to.

Being aware of underground warfare in general seems more important. Underground tunnels, tunnel warfare, and military bases are definitely a thing, and have been throughout history. One thing they didn’t teach us much about was how in WWI during trench warfare, one of the most traumatizing aspects was how they’d dig tunnels between the trenches, and some dude would just barely pop up - a hand into the trench - drop off a fire bomb or grenade in the middle of the other trench, and scram.


WWI was brutal.

AmateurExpert 1 point ago +1 / -0

We sure do.

They seem to hate the measured takes a lot more than the extreme takes, too.

Almost like they want division and hatred and whatnot.

AmateurExpert 1 point ago +1 / -0

You ever notice …. “Uranium 238” is the core component of “nuclear weapons”.

  • Central to something
  • Named for Greek god of the sky - prince of the powers of the air?
  • 2+3+8 = 13

What are they getting at with this?

AmateurExpert 2 points ago +2 / -0

What’s a “plum” job?

AmateurExpert 1 point ago +1 / -0


Subterranean Military Operations Manual - https://irp.fas.org/doddir/army/atp3-21-51.pdf

Subtropolis in Kansas City - https://www.atlasobscura.com/places/subtropolis

Wal Marts allegedly have tunnels - https://duckduckgo.com/?q=wal+marts+with+tunnels

Underground Turkish city - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Derinkuyu_underground_city

Qanat desert irrigation tunnels - https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Qanat#Technical_features

Even soft dirt places have tunnels. They’re all over the rocky northern east coast. Plenty in the mountains. 4 well-known “secret” military bases based off tunnels, several lesser known also based on them. Have met people who have spoken of seeing tunnels between some monasteries and nunneries wink wink. Tunnels got exposed in some of the videos around that one apartment building in .. i think it was Gaza .. that got blown up.

As far as the “Jewish” or “secret societies” parts of the claim, I got nothing (didn’t look tbh, lots of disinfo), but tunnels and undersurface life are definitely more common than gets talked about. It’s been fascinating to read up on the last few years.

So no specifics on it, but once a system is there it’d be relatively trivial to add a patch in, or hide a secret tunnel under a place or whatever, and plenty of reasons both positive and negative to do so.

There’s even a famous tunnel in Jerusalem itself that was used during a military campaign by Hezekiah. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Siloam_tunnel Nothing new.

AmateurExpert 2 points ago +2 / -0

^ they got infiltrated HARD about 10 years ago. Probably before that, but it wasn’t as noticeable.

AmateurExpert 2 points ago +2 / -0

u/ZeroDeltaTango u/LateToTheShow

Instead of either of you being right, may I suggest a third option?

Plan, watch, and repent as if either is possible or in progress.

I personally think we are seeing the beast system take its head wound, but even if so, we also know that wound heals at some point, and we don’t know how far off that would be. Hope for the best, plan for the worst, and keep your eyes up even while drinking.

AmateurExpert 8 points ago +8 / -0

Here’s a question for you:

What’s better if we go to arrest high profile politicians who’ve been working for the same parties that have controlled all the narratives for hundreds of years?

  • Wing it
  • Establish precedents first

They do want to come for us. We have more than we know.

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