Aspie 5 points ago +5 / -0


In case anyone has noticed me not commenting lately, I've had cancer. The visible cancer is completely gone, and the cancer in my spine may be gone. I'm getting immunotherapy treatments, otherwise known as monoclonal antibodies. The external cancer was 100% gone after the first treatment. Right now my back hurts, mainly because of a compression fracture, but the back doctor says it will probably heal on its own.

I'm getting around good and mowing the grass. I hope to start doing other yard work next week, as long as I keep feeling good.

It's bad to get old, but I have to keep on so I can see what happens next. :)

Aspie 1 point ago +1 / -0

I saw the video. Someone closed the truck before all the balloons got out. Killed the old erection quickly.

Aspie 2 points ago +2 / -0

Joe hasn't bought anything in decades.

Aspie 2 points ago +2 / -0

And Fauci told us in March 2020 that masks couldn't stop a virus, maybe a droplet or two.

And then he turned.

Aspie 1 point ago +1 / -0

I did use 8" floppies when I started my last job, which I retired from after 18 years. I was 50. Now years later, I can do what I wish.

Aspie 3 points ago +3 / -0

The comedian Jerry Clower once said that you are born with cholesterol, and there's nothing you can do about it.

I am old and have always eaten whatever I pleased. My cholesterol is fine and has always been fine. I eat eggs for breakfast 2, 3, or 4 times a week. I eat sausage and anything else they might claim is bad for you. I use lots of butter.

Aspie 2 points ago +2 / -0

I used to have bad arthritis in my knees. It's gone now, and I'm pain free. People ask me what I did, and I just tell them I go to church.

BTW, scientists have proved that prayer works, even for people who don't even know about the prayers.

Aspie 1 point ago +3 / -2

Q quoted some relevant messages by others in order to correct them.

Aspie -1 points ago +2 / -3

Are there any "normal Jews"? Most people who claim the name aren't really genetically Semitic. I think most real Jews live somewhere other than Israel.

Aspie 3 points ago +3 / -0

I hate the word anti-semitic, as the Jews claim it as their property. There are many other peoples who are Semitic. Also, most of the "Jews" in Israel aren't genetically Semitic at all.

The current country named Israel has nothing to do with the Nation of Israel in the Bible. I believe most people think the lost tribes disappeared from the face of the earth, but they migrated to various places, eventually winding up in Europe.

The Y-DNA of most men in Germany and some other countries is the R haplogroup. The R haplogroup comes from central Asia, so those of us in that haplogroup may be partially Israelite. It would be nice to know for sure.

Aspie 2 points ago +2 / -0

Israel automatically gives citizenship to all Congressmen who are Jewish (real or fake).

Aspie 1 point ago +1 / -0

It should be much more than double that amount.

Aspie 1 point ago +1 / -0

I remember before that, even to the TRS-80 Model I, II, and III.

Aspie 1 point ago +1 / -0

I'm getting a lot of elderberry bushes growing wild on my property all of a sudden. There were only two last year.

Aspie 3 points ago +3 / -0

"planting more trees"? There are more acres covered in trees today than when white men first came to America.

BTW, I'm finding a lot elderberry bushes growing wild around the edges of my yard. I think I might have enough for some syrup this year. Last year there were only two bushes, the birds got most of the berries, and I only got a teaspoon full which I froze.

Aspie 2 points ago +2 / -0

In the NPR video linked above, Raiklin says that things will happen in the near future regardless of how the election goes or even if we don't have one. He said all the messaging when released will be geolocated, and the counties pointed out will have their sheriffs informed. He said that 80,000 soldiers had to retire early or just quit, and they are willing to be deputized in those counties. He said the leftists set precedents when they SWATed people at night, so our side will do the same to them. There are 350 names on his list. He was asked if he was worried about these people finding out, and he said they would lose a lot of sleep over the information.

Aspie 2 points ago +2 / -0

I just saw it earlier today in a retweet by Gen. Flynn. Since Gen. Flynn retweeted and said it was important, I think we should listen well to what Raiklin says and take notes. He said things would happen at the county level, which is good as the county sheriff has top jurisdiction in their county.

Aspie 1 point ago +1 / -0

Minimum wage when I first started work was $1.60. That was at my first summer job. My next two summers were at a factory for $1.90 per hour. After college, minimum wage was $2.00 per hour. With that pay, I was able to rent a shack of a house and buy a used car. My first factory job after college was $3.50 an hour up to $8.50 finally when I left. I bought an old second-hand mobile home during that time. I went to an office job at $6.50, which eventually got to $15.00 per hour when I retired at 50.

Now I live in a big house with all my stuff, prep books, etc. I now get $50 per hour working a side job at home for a billionaire. I work when I please. He considers me the best in the world, so he has to make allowances for me. It's great fun having that power. He lives near Trump, so I may invite myself down to his house for a visit one day and perhaps get to meet Trump.

My college education had zero to do with my working career. I learned on the job and read a lot.

Aspie 1 point ago +1 / -0

Yes, I have Asperger's. Just to prove it, I'll have to correct you on one thing. There weren't 2,147,483,646 people on earth 30 generations back. The explanation is cousin marriages. I can trace dozens of descents from Edward I. Two of my grandparents were distant cousins of the same last name, and all four of their parents were cousins. And the grandparents of one of those were cousins as well. I suppose I'm also a redneck, as my family tree doesn't fork.

Aspie 6 points ago +6 / -0

D equaling 4, etc. isn't gematria. It's a simple substitution cipher that I learned about in 4th grade. That started my interest in ciphers and codes.

Aspie 3 points ago +3 / -0

My father's job did this during the summer. He loved having the extra day off, and where he worked loved saving the money from taking employees to work sites one day a week.

But the federal government shouldn't have a voice in this at all. It's unconstitutional.

Aspie 1 point ago +1 / -0

NC has a message from the governor when you try to go there with a regular browser. But if you have Brave browser and open a new window with TOR, you don't get stopped. It's similar to having a VPN.

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