Oblakhan 1 point ago +1 / -0

The vax was their depopulationtool.

I really think it wasn't quite ready for prime time, but their hand was forced by Trump.

They also didn't get the buy in they thought they could get. To many people were awake already.

Oblakhan 2 points ago +2 / -0

When do we get to see these criminals hang?


My hatred for the crooks running our country into the ground grows with each passing day. I want them to pay the price for selling us out.

Oblakhan 6 points ago +6 / -0

It's the cabal's wet dream. Then they could get their Great Reset.

If there is a plan, and the whitehats are really in control it is not going to happen.

Oblakhan 5 points ago +5 / -0

How's about some unrestricted war on the southern border and fuck Israel.

The sheeple should be able to see who their representatives are servicing, and it damned sure isn't American citizens. Most of them are fine carrying the chosen on their backs. They believe it is the price for admission to heaven when in reality it is bringing a living hell to their current existence, and all their future descendants that is if they are even able to afford having descendants.

Oblakhan 5 points ago +5 / -0

It's beginning to look like we have two choices. Civil war or roll over and be destroyed.

Oblakhan 2 points ago +2 / -0

This is what happens when the cabal controls your government.

All the white countries are designated for destruction because white people are their number one enemy. White people are standing between them and them owning and controlling every last thing on the earth.

Oblakhan 1 point ago +1 / -0

West Nile spread through mosquitoes. Doesn't bird flu also spread through mosquitos?

I think they are trying to spread the new virus.

Oblakhan 1 point ago +1 / -0

These people think they are roasting Trump, when in reality it is their own ass they smell cooking.

Oblakhan 6 points ago +6 / -0

The cartels have controlled the small border towns for many years. They put people on the city councils and then use local government to privatize the police. They then own the towns with control over the local politicians and police.

I saw a video a few years back with a border county Sheriff saying he was just giving it up. In his opinion it was completely gone, and to dangerous for honest law enforcement to keep putting their lives on the line against a stacked deck.

Oblakhan 3 points ago +3 / -0

Now why would they do that to the white European countries?

Could it be the same reason they are culturally enriching them?

Oblakhan 4 points ago +4 / -0

Their alien invasion to unite the world under a one world government to respond to the invasion has been rumored for a very long time. The fact that many people have heard the rumor makes is a whole lot less likely to succeed.

However, at this point they are getting extremely desperate. They are at the point where they'll throw any shit they can dream up at the wall and hope it sticks. Apparently this shit is going to stick with some here.

Oblakhan 1 point ago +1 / -0

Have they followed the rules at any point so far?

Who runs if Biden is declared incompetent? Who runs if Biden is declared dead? I think they'll find a way.

Oblakhan 1 point ago +1 / -0

When I pull upIvan Raiklin's Truth Social account at this link. https://truthsocial.com/@IvanRaiklin

I see 17.2K Followers, and right beside that is 3 Following. If you click on the three following the accounts listed are FlynnMovie, Donald J. Trump, and Micheal T. Flynn. All have the red check mark indicating they are the actual accounts.

I'm not sure what you are looking at but when I pull this info they are still there.

Oblakhan 2 points ago +3 / -1

I'm going to give her a little slack until I hear her ask someone if an island might tip over, or start talking about the last time we landed men on Mars.

Oblakhan 6 points ago +6 / -0

FOX is likely on a fishing trip to coerce Trump into revealing his pick early.

He won't.

He is going to spring his surprise on them when they spring their new Presidential candidate on the people.

I know they are stupid, but I just can't believe they are stupid enough to leave Biden in place for the election.

Oblakhan 4 points ago +4 / -0

It doesn't really matter what citizenship they hold.

The most important piece of that information was the very end statement. How did so many of the chosen end up in positions of power over the citizens of the USA.

It is by collective collusion as a group, criminal blackmail, and bribery. In a nation whose citizens have always prided themselves on individual achievement is has been easy for those working as a collective to gain the upper hand.

Oblakhan 4 points ago +4 / -0

Stupid is easy to control, and believe it or not she is half ass smart compared to some of them.

Oblakhan 12 points ago +12 / -0

Trump likes to say I caught them all / we caught them all. It's true. They caught them all.

Oblakhan 3 points ago +3 / -0

It appears they threw a smorgasbord of deadly shit in there to confuse and confound those trying to determine the effects of the vaccines.

I think they also threw out a ton of disinformation to throw people off the reality of what the jabs really do. I put all the nano bullshit in that category.

Oblakhan 3 points ago +5 / -2

They use the fractioning of society to keep control.

For us it is the death of a thousand cuts, as they have divided the people into smaller and smaller warring factions.

Oblakhan 6 points ago +8 / -2

Did they forget to mention minus any Palestinians?

I have never liked the idea of Kushner in the Trump Administration, and there may be a very good reason he was removed. The chosen have a way of worming their way into families with money.

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