PLUTUS 1 point ago +1 / -0

if it hasn't already been used to steal ALL block chain material

No need to steal the block chain material.

Just become a node and you have access to all of it to download

Then you can have your magical quantum computer crack all the passwords and encryption and transfer all the amounts to addresses that only you control.

Just one more thing.

Now you just have to convince ten thousand+ other nodes that still have the original blockchain to all switch to your new blockchain with all your changes.

PLUTUS 1 point ago +1 / -0

A gold backed crypto would not work because the gold would have to be stored in known locations to be audited and the government would just swoop in and confiscate it.

PLUTUS 1 point ago +1 / -0

We already have Quantum Computing Resistant algorithms and cryptos with many more under active development.

Also if someday someone finally makes a working practical Quantum Computer It could be used to make a more secure crypto.

PLUTUS 2 points ago +2 / -0

That should be the standard...

You vote against Crypto then we vote against you in the next election.

We do not need a government in charge of the monetary system.

They have stolen from us constantly over the years.

A Dollar today only buys what a penny did 100 years ago.

We now have the opportunity to replace this with an independent decentralized crypto monetary system.

PLUTUS 1 point ago +1 / -0

I always find it amazing how much crap is constantly made up about Bitcoin and how it is being taken over or it is just a scam totally controlled from the beginning. Anybody can call themselves The Bitcoin Board Of Directors or The Bitcoin foundation but the Bitcoin Developers, The Bitcoin Miners, The Bitcoin Node Operators, don't sit around waiting for orders of what to do from the Bitcoin "Owners".

Anybody who knows anything about bitcoin is aware of how much is involved in getting everybody to agree on changes and just laugh at the idea of Larry Fink snapping his fingers and saying this is what we are going to do with Bitcoin next.

You might be able to get others to temporarily think that Bitcoin is tainted but when the Repo Market Collapses and the Federal Reserve can't control the Dollar Collapsing and Inflation Spiking They will see Cryptos like Bitcoin holding their value and actually exploding in price against a collapsing dollar and jump on board.

Converting Bitcoin to a Fed Now Central Banking Digital Coin is not a case of changing a few lines of code, it would be a complete replacement of the code base. The Bitcoin Developers would never agree to this. Bitcoin and its code is not going to disappear.