ProudOfAmerica 3 points ago +3 / -0

'Highly suspect.'

Exactly. So how do we prove that we 'have the votes'? Voluntary disclosure.

Best of all - this DOES NOT RELY on new election laws. Each person is free to disclose their vote, and it is legal to document (and count) all of those voluntary disclosures.

ProudOfAmerica 4 points ago +4 / -0

Regarding the '74 million vs 81 million'... I believe that Trump got more than 74 million (votes were shaved) -- this plan would make sure those votes don't disappear.

I understand the 'ghost voters' situation that you mention, but at some point there is a 'maximum number of voters' in any given state. We just have to be able to affirmatively prove that we have 50.1% of that number.

As far as having Biden voters do the same thing, this doesn't gain us anything. The tally of affidavits only guarantees the minimum number of votes. The MSM can claim (and rightly so) that there 'could have been more votes than affidavits'.

The key is in three parts:

  1. We need to be able to prove a 'minimum number of votes' (to prevent votes being stolen from Trump).
  2. We can do this with 'collected affidavits'. This was impossible before (because people want a secret ballot) - but I think most Trump voters are willing to go on record now. They know what is at stake if we lose.
  3. This plan DOES NOT RELY on new election laws. Each person is free to disclose their vote, and it is legal to document (and count) all of those voluntary disclosures.
ProudOfAmerica 2 points ago +2 / -0

If being anonymous is important for you, you should remove this post.

ProudOfAmerica 3 points ago +3 / -0

Pilot program with around 10,000 cards...

That only covers one days worth of border crossings.

ProudOfAmerica 5 points ago +5 / -0

The last two questions were 'did you violate any canons of legal ETHICS'?

He therefore couldn't have legally incriminated himself, only ethically incriminated himself.

For that reason, I don't think he should have been able to plead the 5th for those questions.

Also, in order to plead the fifth, he is admitting that he did something wrong (but not providing evidence). The underlying prosecution should be thrown out - with legal fees to Trump reimbursed BY POMERANZ.

ProudOfAmerica 2 points ago +2 / -0

I want them to feel ten times the regret that conservatives had for defending George W Bush's WMD.

That's a damn good point! I wonder how many of us 'broke free' from the programming when we realized that 'our side' was lying --- and we had (for a while) supported it.

by sol7
ProudOfAmerica 3 points ago +3 / -0

Memes are more efficient when they use fewer words - so just take the middle...

Sexual Perversions aren't 'New Genders'

ProudOfAmerica 11 points ago +11 / -0

You could always open the link in a new tab, switch and read the article, then close the tab.

You will be exactly at the place you left off.

ProudOfAmerica 3 points ago +3 / -0

Did anyone else wonder why there is an "In God We Trust" patch on her shoulder in the last pic?

First of all, the motto is on our money.

Second, they would write it 'G-d'.

Is this a subtle form of political commentary? Or did the AI generator have a glitch?

ProudOfAmerica 26 points ago +26 / -0

username checks out

ProudOfAmerica 5 points ago +5 / -0

It's only meaningless if you still think the world is moving forward. Soon, we'll all need to read backwards to survive. /s

!yad doog a evaH

ProudOfAmerica 5 points ago +5 / -0

Good list, but it didn't happen in February 2022 - there was no 29th of that month.

However, we did have ten straight years starting in 2011 -- January 11-19, 2011, February 11-19, 2012, March 11-19, 2013, etc.

ProudOfAmerica 4 points ago +4 / -0

Here's their main agenda, in one perfect quote:

"Evil preaches tolerance, until it is dominant - then it silences the good." - Archbishop Charles Chaput

When we 'tolerate' evil things, then we let them take root.

The sane thing is to stand up against evil.

ProudOfAmerica 8 points ago +8 / -0

He could also put everything he wants to say into a document, present it to the court, and then just distribute the document.

Lawyers use this technique when they want to say slander the opposition, but are (somehow) legally protected when it's in a court pleading.

If this tactic can be used for slander, it should be able to be used for disseminating truth.

The legal system sucks.

ProudOfAmerica 1 point ago +1 / -0

I do more for mankind than you, provably.

You state that as a fact -- and you have no idea what I do.

That tells me all I need to know.

Have a good day.

ProudOfAmerica 5 points ago +5 / -0

If your concern was actually for mankind, you wouldn't be spending so much time stroking your own ego.

If you have something to contribute, then do it. This World War isn't about gaining brownie points.

ProudOfAmerica 19 points ago +19 / -0

...and NWO mirrored is OWN, which is what they want to do to all of us.

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