Revodude 1 point ago +1 / -0

It’s both. There is Q and the Q Team. And Q+ which is Trump. I don’t believe that Trump is part of the on less than two hands count for those in Q. I believe that the evil ones should be far more afraid of Q than they are of Trump. And they are really scared of Trump.

Revodude 2 points ago +2 / -0

Of the death penalties in the Bible they rack up a few.

Revodude 2 points ago +2 / -0

The challenge for the democrats: Trump will get much more than 50% of all the registered voters nationwide. The same with the states. That means the democrats only play is to electronically flip votes and back it up with mountains of fake ballots. The Trump team is ready for this. And I think the Trump team will expose the cheating attempt to the public. I do wonder about stolen votes (someone votes in your name). Thus a percentage should vote early. I don’t like it, but it may be necessary. And getting complaints early will help us even more.

But be involved. Every vote matters; especially down ballot.

Revodude 4 points ago +4 / -0

All platforms to spread the message. And I have a feeling that Tik Tok will be bought by either the Trump media group or a Trump ally.

Revodude 5 points ago +5 / -0

CNN is mostly under our control. Expect to see more tidbits of truth. But it will look mostly like its old self.

Revodude 2 points ago +2 / -0

I believe that the black hats were first isolated from the puppet masters. And even before Jan 20 the Congress and major DS players were dealt with. Not only was the WH basically empty (after Jan 20), my intel had the Congress basically empty. And if you think about it, you really haven’t seen all that much of the Congress members. After the large amount of resignations in 2018 and this cycle, you are seeing the refilling of Congress.

How much control do the White Hats have? There has been a lot of obvious stuff happening that we notice and a lot of democrat politicians and media would have to have noticed, but not a peep. It doesn’t mean that the DS has stopped fighting. They would have been labeled conspiracy kooks if they said what was really happening. Right before they were replaced.

Revodude 4 points ago +4 / -0

The latest smirk Bidan made as he was walking away from the press was tailor made for a Trump campaign commercial.

There’s at least two Bidans and likely 4.

Revodude 1 point ago +1 / -0

I believe it’s separate for plausible deniability. Using humor to get the message across.

Revodude 2 points ago +2 / -0

I am predicting that Trump will get over 50% in every minority demographic and in both the youth and suburban women vote. They know or will soon know that Trump has it locked up. The question is what is their counter move?

Revodude 5 points ago +5 / -0

Severe TDS will be the cause of a lot of suicides after the election.

Revodude 6 points ago +6 / -0

Perfectly stated.!!! This must get to our political leaders at large and become our response in solidarity.

If you want to take it up a notch, then you use my retort. If you think that I am a racist or sexist or homophobe or fascist, then you are obviously a pedophile and a sociopath.

Revodude 2 points ago +2 / -0

I am pretty sure that there is a quick path to the Supreme Court. The NY appellate Court for that area is all black women. So that would likely be a time waster. I am guessing that if the sentence has a big impact on the campaign/election, then they will go straight to the SC. Otherwise it will be a rallying call for the election and fixed afterwards.

Revodude 8 points ago +8 / -0

A key strategy that I taught some folks almost 3 decades ago. Envision the future you want and work backwards step by step in how to get there. A necessary portion was the management theory that was unique.

So I look at developments that occurred and are occurring and see how they fit. I admit that I am very win oriented so sometimes I get a little nearsighted. Then I recover.

Start with agenda 47, add steroids, eliminate the DS and the puppet masters, and fix the key structure problems that have been created over the years. I call it the Golden Age of Trump. And I think it could last at least a century before some well meaning people led by some not so well meaning people screw it up.

Revodude 1 point ago +1 / -0

Yes, but they had to link it to a federal crime to turn it into a felony and to avoid the statute of limitations. Without the federal crime, they have zero. Still just a thought, but it would have been the wise thing to do.

Revodude 2 points ago +2 / -0

A thought: what if Trump pardoned himself before leaving office for all crimes to that point in time? This conviction would be null and void.

Revodude 8 points ago +8 / -0

I was holding out for a better court outcome, but Trump evidently needed this so he could remake the justice system. More bumps to come. Stay frosty.

Revodude 2 points ago +2 / -0

I am waiting to see the campaign donation numbers from this. The sites were initially overwhelmed, but I got mine in.

Revodude 5 points ago +6 / -1

I wish it was a not guilty verdict, but I realize it is part of the plan to remake the justice system.

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