TaQo 1 point ago +1 / -0

Frontline Doctors - they saved several people I know during, and several post:

I-Recover protocol: https://covid19criticalcare.com/protocol/i-recover-post-vaccine-treatment/

TaQo 9 points ago +10 / -1

Now do raw eggs...still warm from just being laid. "Oh noes salmonella!"

We can't have people experience the energizing effect of perfect food literally electrifying their body in seconds, like raw eggs, milk even freshly pressed olive oil ...all instantly electrify your body with life force energy - a completely separate thing than energy derived from digestion!!!

Pasteurization and even more so, homogenization, not only kills the life force energy through denaturing the enzymes, but transforms the natural structure of fats from soluble, easily used components to semi-plasticized bullshit.

What is the velocity of homogenization? "The velocity of the liquid is normally 100 – 400 m/s in the narrow annular gap. The higher the homogenization pressure, the higher the speed.

TaQo 2 points ago +2 / -0

For sure... I'd venture to say even more than 100 years behind, after reviewing the tech from the 1800s. Not only was new tech suppressed and throttled, but old existing tech snuffed out and repressed. Electric vehicles that could go hundreds of miles on lead/acid, vehicles that run on H20 (Stanley Meyer), royal rife vs the promise of med beds etc etc. Basically anything that can't be monetized got shelved...

TaQo 2 points ago +2 / -0

Great video πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘ It never gets old.

I'd love if the "shot swap" info came out mainstream in a palatable way for people to consume that made sense... that's a tough one, because on it's face it sounds crazy. I look at the stolen election and all the evidence and people still don't believe...

As time has moved on, I've realized the probability that absolutely everything going on is part of the proverbial Plan, if for nothing other than you can't convince me that's the real Joe Bidet who was purposely hidden in his basement for 6 months, he got a funeral service inauguration, castle rock studio, and all other sorts of phuckery, not typical for a president. I could go on, but you guys catch my drift.

TaQo 4 points ago +4 / -0

Seems ripe for a movie like blood diamond. Typical though isn't it? That entire faction is against anything life affirming or godly. If it's evil, synthetic, in opposition to natural law or God, they're all for it. Such douchebags. Total losers.

TaQo 3 points ago +3 / -0

Sock with two billiard balls... Didn't he eat a jelly donut? πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

TaQo 2 points ago +2 / -0

Oh carbon dioxide is the problem? Just have everyone plant a couple trees...

There's no money on that you say? πŸ€”πŸ€”πŸ€”

TaQo 2 points ago +2 / -0

Yeah but if you're sitting down in a restaurant stuffing Sysco slop down your gullet, it can't get you.

TaQo 2 points ago +2 / -0

Not only that, but when you're young, you don't have anything to lose... Then you start a family, throw money at a house and other things and shake your fists when you get the latest property tax bill ... THEN after you're in the game for a while, and life is kicking your ass do you actually have something to lose... and you want to keep as much if it as possible.

Young dumb and full of it, free for all sounds great. Age a bit, realize that YOU are the one paying for the free for all shindig, and something has to give. There's nothing magical about politics changing over time...call it wising/waking up.

TaQo 2 points ago +2 / -0

I first heard him expose pence, the relationship between Ryan and preibus (room mates), the c19 task force and racine wi.... about a year ir so ago.

This isn't the video I was thinking of, but it's decent: https://rumble.com/v1h7ayl-special-interview-with-ivan-raiklin-the-pence-card-and-the-moment-of-truth.html

TaQo 5 points ago +7 / -2

You're not alone. My gut tells me there's way more to his story than we'll ever know and there's more than a handful if stories, quotes or incidents that have made me question his true position. Maybe that's what they want us to think or feel about him - I really don't know... but I do know that my gut is never wrong when it comes to judging character or human nature. I'll have to ride out the storm like everyone else to see how he shakes out in the end.

TaQo 5 points ago +5 / -0

Given the unprecedented intel exposed, regarding MH370, by Ashton Forbes, I'd say everyone should step back, take a deep breath, and reevaluate any UFO, UAP or "alien" beliefs, notions or ideas that they've been carrying around their entire life.

They have UNBELIEVABLE technologies at their fingertips, just waiting to be used against us so they can maintain their death grip on us. We all want to believe that WHs are controlling everything that could be used as a force multiplier (or influence multiplier) - but we should all educate ourselves so that we're both not fooled by whatever "shiny thing" they'll try hypnotizing us with to hand over our will, and that we don't get swept up in the whirlwind of low IQ normies quick to surrender their mental faculties or worse.

Need I remind you: "β€œAny sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic” -Arthur C. Clarke

Don't be fooled, stay frosty and keep a level head. Low IQ hoards of normies are easily fooled and tricked, not to mention, easily scared and coerced into whatever the latest helgelian scheme is en vogue. Y'all remember them trading their relatively clean blood for a donut and a shot of luciferase, right? Yeah so... yanno.

RE: https://x.com/JustXAshton/status/1789489847490531355

Well worth the time...

TaQo 0 points ago +1 / -1

Brilliant timing for all the "black Epstein" activity to be exposed... given the recent trend of blacks supporting T and making him an honorary negro because he got booked. Remember them cheering as the motorcade rolled through the hood?

Now let the info that diddy is a "funny bunny", trafficker and kid toucher trickle through the black community, in addition to info that rap was created to glamorize crime to fill private prisons with blacks, along with revelations of how/why Tupac got clipped, and I think that will lead to the great black awakening... They're going to want to distance themselves from faggitry, kid touching and crime because they're realizing the joke's on them...Or at least I hope that's the case.

TaQo 1 point ago +1 / -0


Was thinking the exact same thing!

Memories triggered receiving a decoder in the mail on a snowy day in the 80s ... Didn't take long to break the 3-letter decode shift when I pulled the top off the decoder and was like, "Really? you could have at least jumbled the alphabet"

TaQo 5 points ago +5 / -0

Once upon a time George Clooney and Hussein took a boat ride...

TaQo 2 points ago +2 / -0

Forgot about that one - definitely interesting. πŸ‘

Unfortunately I had to hear Cassidy's voice...

TaQo 1 point ago +1 / -0

Control what you put on your mouth... eat the foods your great grandparents ate. Tell the experts to STFU...then live your life.

TaQo 4 points ago +4 / -0

When law enforcement looks the other way for the past how many decades? - these twats think they won't get caught. I mean, why wouldn't they?

They've been complicit in setting up plenty of penises and potatoes over the years, they've got it down pat.

TaQo 2 points ago +2 / -0

He seems different than his other videos... like unnatural or something.

About half way through it so far.

I liked his video a while back that points out pence, p Ryan and preibus relationships...

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