dcbroome 2 points ago +2 / -0

As a registered nurse (since 1977), I started realizing the parroting media when they were hyping H1N1 and pts were coming in droves to get their H1N1 vaccines- it was insane. Then I noticed the hype over Zika and remembered the hype with lead testing in children (I fell for that one when my kids were little- and they never ate lead paint! ha!). I finally stopped listening/trusting media. Then I laughed at the fawning over Obama's "physique" (and laughed at the video of him holding little weights and doing step-ups.) The fawning over ugly Big Mike (and then seeing the picture of "her" deplaning in that godawful low-rent shorts outfit. And all those sweaters! Ha!) The cover-up over Barry's birth certificate, after I had watched the excellent presentation showing why it was fake. I was already awake by the time covid came around but I have to bring that into this because I literally thought I was going to go insane- it was breathtaking at how many medical truths were just thrown out the window by supposedly knowledgable medical people, including my intelligent veterinarian brother (wearing masks and getting the vaccine!) I remember sitting in front of Publix waiting for it to open so I could get some TP and watching all of the people arriving wearing their masks and standing apart from each other. I had serious depression from the dissonance of it all. The lies! Sorry for rambling....

dcbroome 2 points ago +2 / -0

When he enters the WH, he looks around to see where he's supposed to go. It's like he saw someone who indicated where to walk. Who walks into their home like that!?!?

dcbroome 5 points ago +5 / -0

I disagree with OP. I am loving Johnson. His expressions are of disbelief, incredulity, disgust, etc.

dcbroome 3 points ago +3 / -0

I don't know what kind of lump it is. Is there a possibility it's some kind of cyst? A couple GAW people recommended DrawSalve for lipomas. My husband used some on his "lipoma" (which doctors called it) on his neck (which he has had for years). The dang stuff works and all kinds of nasty stuff drained out and now it's barely there. Message me if you want more details

dcbroome 7 points ago +7 / -0

Nah. I don't agree with this. I'm an RN- since 1977- and have worked ER. I've given a billion shots (probably slightly less!!). I've always aspirated since that was what the technique that I was taught. I have gotten in a blood vessel during injection. It would actually be quite difficult to do. However, all the talk during covid about the vaccine staying in the arm is total bullshit. Of course it would be taken up by capillaries, etc and delivered to the rest of the body. Otherwise what's the point in any injection?! That was just one of the statements made by gov't agencies/officials that re-affirmed my belief that they were lying or at least had no idea what they were talking about.

dcbroome 1 point ago +1 / -0

LOL. Look at the guy who's holding on to the black light pole. He looks like he's too drunk or feeble to let go- he almost falls

dcbroome 21 points ago +21 / -0

When I first heard about the carjacking, I thought it was some kind of comm. His name Mike Gill= My Kill

dcbroome 2 points ago +2 / -0

I heard that too but using "pussies" instead of "sissies"

dcbroome 3 points ago +3 / -0

I should edit to say that I realize that prostate is largely responsible but wondered if there is any supplement that addresses the prostate issue.

dcbroome 6 points ago +6 / -0

I absolutely love when people can laugh at themselves!

dcbroome 3 points ago +3 / -0

Happily, I just celebrate Christmas with my husband, two daughters, their husbands and my one grandchild. Thankfully I don't have to endure mother and siblings!

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