thephantom1979 1 point ago +1 / -0

They win because people believe their lies.

For us to win. As we are doing now.

We have to discredit their whole system of control.

There is a reason why Trump said fake news. That was to discredit their media system.

COVID has worked to help discredit their medical system.

Inflation is helping to discredit their money system.

Now the Cabal is losing control.

Our fight isn’t a physical one. Our fight is all about taking away their perceived authority.

All we have to do now is stay on the path we are on now. They will destroy themselves.

thephantom1979 1 point ago +1 / -0

I agree that we need to get rid of illegals for sure.

Only a family member would hide them. The rest are scared for their lives.

The criminals will kill snitches.

The key to defeating the thugs is to remove the thugs in suits first.

We shouldn't be having this discussion. If only the government would do their damn jobs. We can have safe streets.

If crime is reoccurring in an area. That's because criminal in suits are allowing it on purpose.

This is why I never blame the people for crime.

We pay taxes for a reason.

Safe streets is a basic service bare minimum that we expect our governments to provide for us.

They aren't doing their jobs.

America has one of the most powerful intel and security groups in the world.

If they wanted to stop street crime. They could do it easily.

thephantom1979 1 point ago +1 / -0

If the majority of people are violent.

I honestly believe you would see more vigilante behavior.

People would be in mass jumping and beating gangbangers and terrorist.

Politicans wouldn't be screwing people over. Because the mass violent population would shoot them and no one would care.

The fact that the violent thugs can run around unopposed.

That's because the majority are not violent. If they were.

The thugs would get shot no problem.

thephantom1979 2 points ago +2 / -0

Bad people will always have an advantage.

They know most people will not kill. They will.

So the violent minority can rule over the peaceful majority.

In my view.

That's all life works.

thephantom1979 2 points ago +2 / -0

Here is my personal life experience.

Let's say you have 100 people in the room.

5 of those people are super radical and loud.

The 5% can actually bully the 95% percent.

Most people want to be peaceful and left alone.

It doesn't take many people to start a fire.

thephantom1979 1 point ago +1 / -0

Most of the whites that talk about who violent blacks/browns.

Have never been attacked by blacks/browns. And actually don't have any real bonds with blacks/browns.

When I went to Purdue. I was the first black in an all white fraternity.

A guy I ended up becoming friends with.

He told me his parents raised him with the idea that blacks/browns were violent.

What was odd about this.

The area he grew up in Indiana didn't have a single black person in his home town.

I was the first real black friend he bonded with.

That's what's interesting about this in my view.

From my experience.

The louder a white gets about black/brown violence. The more likely they haved never met or been assulted by blacks/browns.

thephantom1979 1 point ago +1 / -0

What I do think that happens. The Cabal will take a group of brown/blacks and move them to Europe.

90% of them are just people who want a better life.

The other 10% of EXTEREMELY violent.

Then the corrupt policians make sure to protect the 10% of thugs. It's a trojan horse tactic.

So when whites complain about the 10%. The Cabal wants whites to attack the other 90% who just want a better life.

Than they call you racist because you are attacking the wrong people. Meanwhile.. The 10% can still hide amoung the 90% and cause problems.

thephantom1979 1 point ago +1 / -0

I don't know.

What I do know is this.

There is a reason why it alway seems that the "Brown/Black" person is out to get white people.

As I mentioned.

I am black.

I am from Gary, Indiana. Born in 1979.

I grow up around whites, blacks and hispanics.

There was no racial problems at all.

What I see in real life is far different than media reports.

The mass majority of black/brown people that I personally know are not Anti-White at all.

No one cares if you are white. No one is out to get white people.

All I am saying here is that reality for me personally is far different than media reports.

The Cabal tells black/brown folks that whites are out to get us in mass volume of people.

That is a lie.

I also believe it's a lie the other way around.

Now... do we have some mentally ill extremist in all groups of people? Yes...

But the mass majority I just haven't personally experienced that.

thephantom1979 -3 points ago +1 / -4

Guys I think this is a setup by the Cabal.

They love painting certain groups as violent.

If you see certain groups acting violent vs other groups.

Maybe there is a bigger reason of why.

thephantom1979 5 points ago +5 / -0

I agree with that.

I also think that native citizens who hate their country should be deported as well.

The America isn’t that great folks should be told to leave as well. Even if they were born here.

thephantom1979 8 points ago +8 / -0

I like what Trump is doing. He doesn’t need to say it’s the Jews.

He has taught us how to destroy their systems of control. Without their systems.

They have no power.

One of their biggest systems was using famous people to control our hearts and minds.

That’s dieing.

thephantom1979 1 point ago +1 / -0

Yeah Trump is the last line of defense. If he screws us over.

Than it’s on the people.

thephantom1979 20 points ago +20 / -0

The people have to say no to the product!

thephantom1979 1 point ago +1 / -0

Maybe the best one ops ever!

thephantom1979 2 points ago +2 / -0

Yes it does.

I hope they keep it up with their extreme ways. It will red pill more people.

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