Burt_Williams 2 points ago +2 / -0

Reminder that Presidents and Congressmen are elected, too. As are the Mayors and Governors who have their police forces. Why is the sheriff’s elections something we should hold dear?

Burt_Williams 2 points ago +3 / -1

The Constitution is fluid and has before been changed to a point of outlawing freedoms.

There is a right that was prescribed by those same founding fathers before the constitution that we’d be wise to take up.

“…That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness.”

Burt_Williams 1 point ago +2 / -1

They just destroyed ballots and changed shit in real time, made ever tallying real numbers an impossibility (if no evidence of it exists). Why would one think “giving that machine an amount of inputs it was built to handle” would stop this? It’s a pipe dream built on the lowest personal effort (what brought us to this point).

Burt_Williams 2 points ago +2 / -0

Easy lay-up for the ladies.

"My preferred noun is "woman", bigot"

Burt_Williams 3 points ago +3 / -0

"These diseases were similarly catastrophic to indigenous populations in the continental United States, and show a larger trend of violence and disease wiping out native people. The 1900 U.S. census identified 37,656 residents of full or partial native Hawaiian ancestry."


Native Hawaiians are basically non-existent today. They expanded the term to include pacific islanders and bumped the numbers up, but the museums in Hawaii track the heritage (Bishop museum has entire rooms dedicated to the destruction of the native populations and how low the numbers have gotten due to interbreeding thereafter.

Japanese, Korean, Pacific Islander, etc. are not Native Hawaiian unless you consider the whites there to be native as well.

If there are as many "Natives" as they say, most of us would be considered "Native American" by that same standard.

Burt_Williams 2 points ago +2 / -0

Would an arsonist doing another's bidding fall into the category of "Directed Energy Weapon"?

Burt_Williams 6 points ago +6 / -0

I know how you feel, I have to force myself into digesting most of it to gain some understanding.

I personally think it's because most of it is such a profound manipulation. Our Soul/Subconscious knows it to be something that is convoluted and not really "The way", but more of a tactical means of subjugation of us and our Brothers/Sisters to follow another's way.

Burt_Williams 2 points ago +2 / -0

Timelines colliding, we have had a few warnings about this.

Aliens aren't real beyond One's personal faith although these aliens happen to be all around us.

The veil will clear, but only after its all too ridiculous for a mammal to digest.

The veil shifts so much now that it is visible to those who look, but for an awakening to be great it must shift enough for those not looking to see.

Crumbling walls let the light of truth in.

Burt_Williams 2 points ago +2 / -0

JFK was attempting to remove a side of the pyramid and failed. His brother (RFK)) was on another side (Mafia) and failed. Their operations were symbolically represented by the USS Thresher and USS Scorpion. Their other brother (Ted) was flipped, this tracks with dates and blackmail - Chappaquiddick incident, USS George Washington.

Burt_Williams 2 points ago +2 / -0


Codes has a twitter thread on the proliferation of MK ops starting with this loan.

Symbolism of Rothschild funding (what we now call) MK operations via Church Networks.

Check his twitter (@NewClear314) and search "notre" to easily grab the thread. It goes over the innerworkings via the story of the Hunchback.

11/30/1831 - Rothschild Loan Agreement signed (Vatican Church)

3/10/1831 - French Foreign Legion formed

3/16/1831 - Hunchback of Notre Dame

3/19/1831 - French Foreign Legion restricted to foreigners (Not MK'ing citizenry)

10/31/1831 - First promoted version of Frankenstein

Burt_Williams 5 points ago +5 / -0

At some point people will digest the fact that those who wish to fuck kids put themselves around them in positions of inherent trust.

Burt_Williams 2 points ago +2 / -0

"Questionable baby tattoo"

These people being considered our countrymen proves that borders mean nothing in the true fight.

Burt_Williams 1 point ago +1 / -0

The military (as an active public institution to base something off of) has many requirements for age and wellness, but a waver can always be applied, as there are many different situations and requirements. But to put an age limit on an elected position removes the people's right to chose their representation, so I'm a bit torn either way.

Burt_Williams 3 points ago +3 / -0

I like to think of it in terms of "Extracreatorial". "Extrajudicial" being outside of the law, so extracreatorial being outside of the evident Creator around us.

The vaccine shows a faith in a system (beast), so I feel your premise is quite sound. "I was not created to exist in this world, there are things here meant to kill me, and only taking this thing will help me to survive here."

To extend this further, how many other ways do we put our faith into this beast? Medical insurance is placing One's faith in it, pharmaceuticals place One's faith in it, supporting war places One's faith in it. Supporting three letter organizations that kill our brothers and sisters globally (and traffic children, as well as adults) is placing our faith in it. This is such a pervasive system, that paying our taxes is supporting the beast. We give offering out of FEAR of reprisal, or out of FEALTY to this beast.

The mark on One's head can be seen as our minds being driven by any system which is extracreatorial. If they drive us with fear, our fear of man is greater than our faith in the Creator. Greed is a similar fear, wanting to have more stored, incase something were to go wrong with this beast. Or to horde for sloth because One is/will be tired of slaving away; to horde for status (pride, lust) etc, etc.

[Carrot (white square) and Stick (black square) system is driven by a fear to both outcomes]

The mark on One's hand can be seen as us physically supporting this beast with our works. What else does One have to offer in this world other than our labors? We monetize (Molochtize?) that and use a system of extracreatorial forgiveness (For all DEBTS public and private) We also hand off our right to forgive our brothers and sisters to a judicial system to decide their fates, while washing our hands nicely and carrying on (Pontius Pilate style).

With all of this in mind, if the beast keeps us looking for "Its forthcoming mark" we will be less likely to look at the fact that we have, most likely, already accepted it.

Burt_Williams 4 points ago +4 / -0

Laws are useless except for those who feel beholden to them. Same thing as the standard argument against gun laws, the bad ones still get them. Those that want drugs care not for its legality, so it's simply pissing in the wind.

Burt_Williams 2 points ago +2 / -0


The Lowly Carpenter - Mischief Brew

If one wants to listen to the same idea :D. Whole album is great.

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