Idk, I feel like zig zagging would be more troublesome, doing it spiral fashion all you're doing is curving a bit, and even going straight in some stretches
I guess it would also depend on overall the terrain elevation of course, where it drops more and whatnot.
Also to be completely honest, I have 0 experience with this, it was just the first thought I had about building a road up a mountain.
About the vitamin C, is pure ascorbic acid powder too bad? because it's definitely the cheapest solution..
Been looking if I find any that's pure fruit extracts and such, can't find any.
Also liposomal ones truly add to the price, I know I shouldn't be a cheap steak here, It's a matter of health, but at the same time for me it's a matter of either being able to purchase food for the month or not...
No offense but this is nothing... it's just a dude speaking, there's no proof...
I don't doubt it's true of course, but the retards that are still on the D camp wouldn't budge even if there was proof...
So I sincerely doubt that "THIS WILL DESTROY THIS CUNT"
Well... if this is the case it's not just Americans that are fucked, it would be all of the world really.
IF DJT is rotten, so is all of the Q operation, because the connection between them in undeniable at this point, which would mean of course there's no such thing as white hats, it would all be part of the same scheme.
One side makes it as bad as it can be so people are all that more inclined to believe the "saviors".
I always find it funny when some suggest that the attack by the media on all Q related things is a confirmation, while all I can think of is that it would be exactly what I would do if I wanted to make people believe I'm good, just have the evil ones bad mouth me, it would all be theater anyway.
I want to always stay hopeful in this matter and believe they're all really good, but sometimes it kinda scares me the kind of blind following DJT has now, feels like he could pretty much get away with anything, and instead of a quick sear we could get a slow boil.
The way I look at it is that everything is on God's time either way, if what has to happen is that the cabal is taken down and mankind starts entering a golden age then that's what is going to happen.
On the flip-side, if what has to happen is that the world plunges into darkness that would make the dark ages seem like a walk in the park, then again, that's what's going to happen, white hats or no.
In the end (and end could mean 1000 years from now) all will turn out good, of that I'm sure.
The movie is about a substance that is harvested by scaring children, which the monsters depend upon.
Supposedly, the same thing is true about the fabled adrenochrome, only this one will always end up with a horrific death for the child...
One of the most famous, supposed, examples of this disgusting satanic practice is the frazzledrip video(I think this is how it's called), in which hilldawg and humma abedin torture a poor little girl to death...
They do this not only because they are sick fucks, but because the terror the child experiences is supposed to force the production of adrenochrome, which is then extracted...
This is all of course just a theory, I myself never looked for this video, and I would advise against trying to.
But it would be the practice they are rubbing in our faces in movies like monsters inc.
I'm the type of person that will eat a lime or drink apple cider vinegar without a flinch or even a slight grimace, so I'll probably be fine :)
I do well with bitter too, my mom always used to give me boldo leaves macerated in water whenever I had a stomach ache (best thing for it), and that stuff is extremely bitter.
It's a tiny amount of powder for each dosage anyway, so you can just mix it with a bit of water and down it super quick.
Ah ok, yeah if 1/4 of a teaspoon is supposed to be 435mg, if I take a full spoon + 1/4 I should be getting over 2000, so I'd do that twice a day
Of course the ideal situation would be to weight it, but I don't have a scale, or I could just get empty caps and fill em myself like you suggested.
I might just go for capsules anyway, just wanted to know if the powder was a viable solution.
Sure, it's this one:
Thx :)
I'm Brazilian so I can't really do that, this company seems ok, they're based on Illinois
What do you think about l-lysine powder?
Where I am, getting the capsules would be kinda costly, for the same price as 60 capsules of 500mg lysine (would need to get at least 4 to complete at least 4 weeks), I can get the powdered version, in which is contained a staggering 300 thousand+ mg of lysine apparently.
At least going from the advertised amounts, they claim each serving (1/4 teaspoon) contains 435mg of lysine, and that the bottle has 822 servings, so that'd definitely be much more economical for me.
But of course getting PRECISELY 4000MG everyday would be impossible, though I would be pretty much in the ballpark I think
How important is the precise dosage?
... I know you didn't say it friend, I said it
I made something that's called a correlation... here's what you said
we ARE all born equal, just we are not all born into equal circumstances. men can create a better life for themselves, which is where people rise above others.
You did say that right?
And then I correlated what you said with what leftists believe.. it's very basic stuff no?
Saying that we are all born equal and the only single solitary factor that differentiates each other are circumstances is very much similar as saying criminals are only criminals because of society, and the circumstances imposed upon them because of said society, which is 100% false
and then I made something called an example... I'll make another one...
If your ( and the leftists) assertion was true, then every person brought up in a slum would be a hardened criminal, they all have the same environment, and mostly the same circumstances.
Yet such is not the case. why? what changes? nature changes, not all of them have the same genetics, some are slightly or greatly superior.
If you can't make the correlation with what you said and those leftist ideals, then I don't know what to tell you any more, so I'll just refrain from engaging this any further.
we ARE all born equal, just we are not all born into equal circumstances. men can create a better life for themselves, which is where people rise above others.
Then I'm sorry to say you either ended up being brainwashed by leftist ideals without even knowing, or need to reflect upon this way more than you have.
That's exactly what they claim, that criminals and overall scum are nothing but victims of society, and have no blame whatsoever because it's all about the environment/circumstances and not themselves.
Isn't that pretty much what you're saying?
If that was true you would absolutely never see cases where you see an individual born in total destitution and then rise above it all, or where an individual was born with everything, and turned out to be rotten.
Again, it says "created equal under God", not born equal, it's a huge difference, we are created of spirit but born in the flesh.
It's always a balance between nature and nurture, is nurture a factor? of course, but nowhere near as potent as nature, genetics still dictates much of what we are, that's just a fact of life.
I didn't say anything about owning property specifically, I just mentioned perhaps having entrepreneurial efforts as ONE of the ways to decide who gets to have a greater weight.
What would be other factors? I don't know, that's why this sort of thing must be discussed and reflected upon.
You're also forgetting I specifically suggested a weighted system, so yeah "the poor schmucks that work for someone at minimum wage or for just a salary" would totally get to vote, it's just that their vote would count for less, but they would still count, at a minimum what they count for today (1 person = 1 vote)
Plus isn't America supposed to be a meritocracy? a place where, with hard work, anyone should be able to rise out of the minimum wage, salary to salary level? isn't owning property a goal everyone should have?
Well this, in my mind, would just be a great catalyst for that ideal.
And with all that I said, which was just an idea I came up with on the spot mostly, the sole point I'm trying to make is that these sort of conversations must happen, we can't discard the idea over a knee-jerk reaction based on our current systems.
Also, even in an idyllic system, where law is fair, where officials are truly chosen by the people, and where a system alike the one I imagined is fully in function and has been tweaked to perfection, I guarantee you, you would still have many "schmucks that work for someone at minimum wage or for just a salary"
Not because the system is oppressing them, not because their employers are exploiting them, but just because they're perfectly content where they are, they could change it, with hard work, but they just can't be bothered, in fact I'm sure most of these wouldn't even care to vote...
Because again, were not all born equal.
And this does not reflect the value of the person as a child of God, in spirit we are all created equal under him, and we all have the same potential in destiny, we're only talking about voting here...
what would you consider the value of people like those that own blackrock, vanguard and alphabet?
I'd consider their value at 0, they're only good for the gallows as far as I care
Well... In God's plan everyone has value of course, their part perhaps was being so horrible as to create a very hostile environment in which some hardy folk would be nurtured.
Their = Possessive for they, what you're looking for is "THERE"
With that out of the way, no, I'm not
And I'm having difficulty seeing how establishing a weighted voting system based on merit, in which anyone, From a big company CEO down to local mom & pop grocery store owners or any equivalent entrepreneurial efforts could apply, would equate to establishing Aristocracy.
If anything that kind of thing would only motivate individuals who are pretty capable, but just a bit lazy, to make more of an effort, and contribute more.
You're deeply in the 8 or 80 mindset, either is every retarded welfare user can vote or ARISTOCRACY!!!!!!111!!one
No, there's plenty of room in-between to find a way to make it right, we are not born equal, period, differences in intellect and overall capacity are absurd.
If you had a business would you pick any idiot from the streets to run it or make a very careful selection to decide who would be the best? so why being able to help decide the fate of a nation be any different?
Created equal, not born equal
Big difference, I'll leave it to you to figure it out.
And again, something must be done, and it's not easy, if the higher weight is based on merit it'd absolutely NOT be a similar situation that we have today
Specially considering what we have today is pretty much selection, not election.
And it makes me angry that someone who supposedly believes in the Great Awakening doesn't even consider the idea of having a bit more scrutiny into who has the right to vote, or at least to re-evaluate how voting works.
Or do you subscribe to the globalist idea that everyone is born equal? if nothing else the last 4 years made it really clear the answer to that, the amount of absolutely retarded people is this world is far above what most of us could even imagine; Do you still trust them to make a critical choice that affects all?
He's saying that maybe not everyone, including citizens (but ONLY citizens) should have the right to vote, and I agree.
Is it an easy thing to implement? absolutely not! what would be the criteria? who gets to decide the ones that match the criteria?
But if we don't start at least considering these things now, things are NEVER going to significantly change..
Here's an idea that I just made up:
- Every citizen gets to vote, but the votes do not weight the same
- People who have proven themselves to be able administrators, great public servants (real servants not the vermin we have today), community pillars and overall great achievers can apply for a greater vote weight
- These petitions get evaluated by a particular group, say like a city council, which will serve for, at the most, 2 election cycles before being rotated entirely (could be elected officials themselves), and individuals cannot serve again in that capacity for at least 10 years after their term ends
- The individuals with greater vote weights need to constantly prove themselves ,every say 2 or 3 elections they get re-evaluated, if they are found not to be under the MERIT defined guidelines their vote weight starts going back down.
In my mind something like this could work, and there's no excuse, everyone (citizens) gets a vote, but you want your vote to count more? then it's up to you.
But something MUST be done... we cannot be held hostage by the retards.
Try using ventoy, It's a fantastic piece of software
You can install it to anything, thumbdrives, external hard drives, internal hard drives, SSDs, HDDs, it don't mater
Just download the windows package, and launch the "Ventoy2Disk.exe", your 250GB drive, if plugged in, should show in the list, here's a quick guide from the website
After you install it you'll see 2 different devices for that same drive (it creates 2 partitions) one should be named "VTOYEFI" which is the actual application, you don't have to mess with it, the other should be named just "Ventoy"
This Ventoy device is basically just empty space you can use for whatever, and there should be a folder named "Isos" in there, if there isn't just create one, I honestly can't remember if it creates it automatically or not
Then just drop the isos for whatever you want to boot from in that folder, no need to burn them to the drive
That should make it bootable
you don't necessarily need to change boot options, the great majority of motherboards will have a "Boot menu" option at boot, these options show for a short time whenever you boot your pc right at the beginning, using this boot menu option you'll get a list of all the bootable devices from which you can choose, without changing the boot order.
Though if you have "fast/ultrafast boot" or the like enabled in your BIOS/EFI setup you'll need to change that
I guess they are desperately trying to stay alive by trying to cater to conservatives now?
I say let this degenerate POS show die, don't give them the audience.