Scalloped_Potatoes 2 points ago +2 / -0

I weep tears of joy for when politicians, elitists, and celebs end up DOA.

Scalloped_Potatoes 2 points ago +2 / -0

The hot water temperatures of a bubbling jacuzzi can raise the heart rate, and what happens when you have clots and an elevated heart rate? Death.

How did Elvis die or Chris Farley die or any other number of celebs who were out of shape and consumed copious amounts of Cocaine, which increases heart rate?

Scalloped_Potatoes 1 point ago +1 / -0

YES! Especially anyone with former heart ailments. It pushes them over the top, and they have a heart attack or stroke. All coming down to clots at one place or another. If the heart can't pump blood and works fine, you stroke. If the heart can't pump blood because it doesn't work fine, you die. None are good.

Scalloped_Potatoes 2 points ago +2 / -0

Is it really, or did he miss the upcoming booster yet his corpse will suddenly be unvaccinated?

Scalloped_Potatoes 2 points ago +2 / -0

There was a confirmed case regarding a nurse in Germany I believe who injected hundreds of patients with saline. She was acquitted recently I believe, within the last few months.

Scalloped_Potatoes 1 point ago +1 / -0

Matthew Perry will now be tainted MRNA plant food. Thanks asshole!

Scalloped_Potatoes 4 points ago +4 / -0

Would be a real shame if all of these celebs and elitists were all dumped in a mass grave. Big shame. Would be a huge shame because of the mud that would be there until the grass grows in.

Scalloped_Potatoes 5 points ago +5 / -0

People will riot for sportsball (mind you the players are compensated VERY VERY well), but the people will never riot for actual thievery of their talents and time. Go figure. We argue about shitty hundreds/thousands of dollars while the elite argue about billions/trillions of dollars. What a fucking joke.

Scalloped_Potatoes 4 points ago +5 / -1

NO ONE REPRESENTS US! Think about your local Political State Representatives. If you ask them questions that they don't like, they ignore you. Aren't they supposed to represent EVERYONE regardless of political affiliation or belief? If not, who are they truly representing?

Scalloped_Potatoes 4 points ago +4 / -0

Twenty-something year old campaign staffers probably don't know their way around technology.

(I've noticed a growing trend where younger generations are clueless about technology, which was a surprise for me to hear, I thought the youths were the most technologically savvy, apparently not.)

Scalloped_Potatoes 4 points ago +5 / -1

This is extremely unfair verbal treatment of actual Pigs and Hogs, all of which I love because they are animals, and not scummy Politicians and Warmongers.

Scalloped_Potatoes 11 points ago +14 / -3

Anyone who dodges a draft will never find themselves being criticized by me. And anyone who gets upset "that I never served" can lick my stinky asshoe.

Scalloped_Potatoes 10 points ago +10 / -0

How many teens 15-20 can actually maintain their bicycle let alone a billion dollar war machine? I was flabbergasted to learn that my Fiance's Daughter's 17 year old boyfriend didn't even know how to add air to his bike tire. WTF? Highly educated, incredibly worthless, 5 star blue ribbon school. It's appalling that the youth does not know how to do ANYTHING except go to school it seems. But because they get good grades they think that they are smart.

Scalloped_Potatoes 2 points ago +2 / -0

Surely to fight "for our freedoms" that never actually get fought for and get stepped on by the military ever opportunity they get.

Scalloped_Potatoes 5 points ago +5 / -0

Even worse, Boston Police were on camera shooting pepper balls or maybe soft shell bullets (less than lethal 50% of the time) at white residents standing on their porches. Fuck the bleu.

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