That sounds mighty anti-capitalist of you. Why don't those wage earners just try harder, work more hours, maybe even get 4 jobs? (Sarcasm)
Yes, and you aren't allowed to question it, ever.
$11 for 3 miniature street tacos. I got ripped off over 2 years ago and still haven't forgotten. Anyway, in 2023 dollars, that wouldn't really be getting ripped off anymore 'cuz it be "da new normal."
LOL, jacuzzi sacrifices. I think that's what it called when I give up my urine to the communal jacuzzi without telling anyone who sits beside me.
Most of them experienced some sort of complication up to and including death already if they received more than a booster or deux.
Land of the depressed because of the obedient.
I couldn't agree more. Upvote!
Pearl Harbor was used to sway public opinion on joining the world war in Europe, because formerly, Americans favored isolationism.
There's a nearby church where I am that flies a rainbow homo flag 24/7. Their Pastor is a Female from "racist apartheid south Africa." They recently upgraded to the LGBTLMNOPQRSTUVQXYZ+ rainbow flag with the black and brown and sideways triangle to include kid fuckers too.
There aren't many churches that do this, but it's one in particular - I'm sure to give them my middle finger salute every time I drive by.
Check them out here;
Which societies are rich?
God I hate politicians more and more.
You know many of these "big names" never have any intention of winning. How much of an income did Pence earn throughout his tenure as a 2024 candidate?
Speaking of youtube, do you think AdBlock will ever circumvent YouTube's new ban on ad blockers, or will it be Chrome browser itself that bans the AdBlock Extension?
Good for them actually. Fuck Vietnam - our soldiers were sent there to die, not to be victorious. Anyone who dodges any globalist war I will never criticize.
Modern day religious types would never agree with you, and would likely call you a conspiracy theorist.
Gun violence will also be declared a health emergency too, as will everything that goes against their authoritarian state.
I like to focus on the issues that affect them directly. Even then, they refuse to listen, even after experiencing personal death themselves. Rejection of reality is a hell of a drug.
By the way I am not a "Bernie Bro" and never was. He said what he said because it is popular amongst the younger crowds that backed him. But he wouldn't have changed anything except tax small business even harder and make them close up shop too (furthering moving industry overseas because its cheaper.)
My Fiance wouldn't be able to afford rent these days on her $20 wage. That's $40,000 pre-tax, which in 2023 dollars, isn't even median nor average income, whichever method you want to compare it to, I get them confused myself.
Remember "Fight for $15?" $15 sucks and is what they pay kids (teens, young adults) because they live at home and don't have to pay for much. However they won't pay people in their 30s or 40s much more because they prefer to have high turnover so as long as it keeps their payroll down.
In most industries there is no real appreciation of skill, talent, or dedication these days because cheaper wins out every time. You know about H1B visas and moving entire manufacturing factories overseas?
Our country is in deep shit but no one wants to have a legitimate conversation because they're afraid of talking poorly against immigrants or foreigners or globalism as a whole.
Dark thoughts, but it is necessary. However the religious types will never go along with it.
It’s also ok if you don’t want to have kids, but just don’t make that decision out of fear, greed, or sloth.
All of the above and then some.
You're taxed after earning that whopping $600.
If you work too hard in an environment like that you need to severely scale it back, contrary to the belief system of the 'ol 'Boomers who will tell you up and down that hard work is rewarded (I don't think it is, because cheaper worker > best worker when it comes to modern day business.) High turnaround is something business and corporations thrive on rather than despises.