Trump354517 14 points ago +15 / -1

Lost me @ Flynn. Lost me again at Radical Islamic Terrorism (literally fostered by [them]). Lost me a third time at allowing invasion to use civilians as military as a tactic.

Trump354517 2 points ago +2 / -0

Wait until you see the psychologists and psychiatrists. A child with a decent foundation will thwart the indoctrination via academia. But when you add effective immunity from confidentiality, privacy, meds, and affirmation from an authority figure, you get Covenant School in Nashville.

Trump354517 1 point ago +1 / -0

Regardless of the sentiment of this post, I wouldn't have seen it sans your reposting, he's been blocked and I haven't had to bleach my eyes in bout a year... until you.

Trump354517 6 points ago +6 / -0

Always look at two pieces of information with each "sting".

  1. Charges

  2. Sentencing guidelines.

You will then see the effectiveness of pre-crime styled John Busts, without the veil.

Trump354517 5 points ago +5 / -0

Bibi got the key to the WH.

Pence never did anything wrong in his life.

Mike Johnson is a good dude.

Not our first rodeo.

Trump354517 1 point ago +1 / -0

You don't appreciate my perception of Bryan. I do not dislike him, I believe he believes he's doing a great service to all, while simultaneously holding the beliefs aforementioned. I say what I mean, stop adding to it.

Polypharmacy is retarded, sunlight is good, and a vegan diet is terrible in comparison to a proper human diet for training. I think his brain is slow, retarded in other words. He's missing out on more efficient dietary benefits, specifically for his purpose of peak longevity, while actively campaigning, collaborating, and podcast touring in promotion of his current findings.

Doesn't mean he wouldn't be a great hang. Seems like a super nice gay guy, and everyone that meets him says as much. Folks even go out of their way to tell others his likeable demeanor.

Trump354517 1 point ago +1 / -0

You can measure a subverted dumbass 300 times a day, he's still a subverted dumbass.

Resources for no spam. https://www.youtube.com/@KenDBerryMD


Science, Medical Research, & Academia were captured long ago. Each and every promotion of a health paradigm by [them] must be foundationally challenged. Like statins for hypercholesterolemia, sugar for diabetics, mass plants for humans, and soon, gila monster spit for injection into humans (ozempic). Once you see, you cannot unsee. Bryan is deceiving the children of God through his susceptibility to subversion #1, and ignorance #2. Why not collect, then present the data like every other legitimate study? I'll give you three guesse$ and the first two don't count.

Trump354517 2 points ago +2 / -0

Meal 1: Super Veg - Broccoli, Cauliflower, Lentil, Hemp Seeds, Garlic, Ginger

Meal 2: Nutty Pudding - Macadamia Nut, Walnut, Flax Seed, Sunflower Lecithin, Pomegranate Juice, Berries, Pea Protein

Meal 3: Berries, Nuts, and Seeds

15mL olive oil w/ every meal.

2250 kCal

He eats all slop.

Trump354517 3 points ago +3 / -0

You are what you eat, guess what he eats? Guess how many pills/supplements per day? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9pUrtUDg6v8

This is what happens when you live purely by evidence based "science". Just eat fatty meat until it stops tasting good my man. Your organs will thank you; all of them.

He's smartarded.

Trump354517 3 points ago +3 / -0

Alex Jones/Ivan Raiklin/Roger Stone/Liddle Pegasus Flynn alarmism continues. No big surprise. They're all outsiders.

Trump354517 3 points ago +3 / -0




I tell beginners to sacrifice everything for the diet, what I mean by that is - if you have to drink a diet soda, eat more cheese/cream, overeat in general (only meat cheese and eggs), or have a spoonful of 6carbs/2tbsp peanut butter then do that rather than reach for a banana, bread, cereal, or carb-filled (most protein powders) drink. One thing you're after is supreme insulin control. The reason the calories in calories out paradigm is 100% WRONG/incomplete is due to disregarding the massive fact that hormone signaling routes incoming nutrients. In other words, insulin tells your body to store fat. Eat more fat than ever before and don't store a bit of it. No problem.

Improve your sleep, hair, skin, nails, gas (there is none), stool (there's way less, and do not be afraid if your body absorbs 95% of clean foods like beef and eggs), heartburn (promotes strong esophageal sphincter closure - can take time and apple cider vinegar to heal and strengthen that LES muscle), and say goodbye to your autoimmune disorders, hormone issues, etc.

Arm yourself with these three channels. Explore them in depth, use the channel specific search bar for things like "cancer", "liver", "dairy", "skin", "heartburn", "autophagy".

You don't have to do it forever, but there's a thousand reasons people do.

Trump354517 4 points ago +4 / -0

Wait until he replaces all those fart bomb bowls for 100% all meat diet. Getting off "SAD" can produce profound weight loss, even mono-dieting on potatoes. It's the period after that becomes a problem. Smart fella like that, I'll bet he makes it there.

Trump354517 3 points ago +3 / -0

It all starts with a proper human diet. This elimination diet will allow the body to heal without reacting to anything in-taken by mouth. Dr. Ken D. Berry is your go to here. His youtube channel has the goods on many, many disease processes.

The diet is hard, but so is a cancer diagnosis, which is coming if you don't act now, sorry not sorry. The diet will build the immune system all on its own, but tell wifey's friend we're going medieval to correct this clownish mistake, obviously tailor the delivery for the audience, I'm a little frank at times.

Remove everything from your water. Reverse Osmosis water filter.

Now add back a little salt+trace elements.

Immediately order ivermectin, search bar here for places, do research for dosages.

Supplements: D3 AND sunlight, Zinc, Quercetin, Nattokinase. Take with food or the chalky zinc can cause nausea. Some extra C, E, and Cod liver oil are ok, but that's what the diet is for.

FRESH natto innoculant is better, but the DIET is more important for now! We'll go with the powder supplement for nattokinase, which is the ONLY substance proven to reduce the spike protein.

Everything mentioned thus far is mandatory, but here are a couple optionals. Do your own digging, and a lot of it. Pine Needle Extract (suramin and shikimic acid), Bromelain, Circumin, EGCG, Fenbendazole, Chlorine Dioxide (2 part drops for drinking water), Lugol's & H2O2 nebulization.

Trump354517 2 points ago +2 / -0

Precisely, I was responding to a post regarding an occurrence, not speaking with participants of the occurrence. One tool I use, especially for those not directly involved with an occurrence and simply opining on it, is truth. The truth is, we are farther into debauchery than revival. There are those that respond to a soft tone of voice, and human touch, whereas it took a rough yet prudent voice in my life to consider what I thought was holy and what the Bible says is holy.

Worship was one of those areas of my life where I found myself upside down, and it took someone pointing it out. Now I'm that guy.

Trump354517 1 point ago +1 / -0

Our day to rejoice will come again! Sooner than you think.

Trump354517 2 points ago +2 / -0

Bacon is up ya'll. Of all the food items to mention...

Trump354517 3 points ago +3 / -0

How many oy veys until it's a coinkidink?

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