WhaleWatcher 1 point ago +1 / -0

Sorry, but that goes against the basics of how capital works. Cheap, under the table labor provides as much capital for a company as above-board labor while taking less capital in return. It’s a net gain which increases how much capital exists. More capital is good for a capitalist economy.

If we were a more socialist country like in Europe with more expanded social services provided by the government, then at a certain point, yes, access to these services would result in a net loss of capital to the country’s economy as a whole. But we are not those countries - we have very small social safety nets compared to comparable economies, and the amount of capital we put into services that anyone can gain access to without proof of citizenship is absolutely minuscule when compared to the total amount of capital we generate. Even though post-Mao capitalist China will soon overtake us, we are still the largest, most powerful, most advanced economy in world history, and most of that capital stays as capital instead of turning into services for people. We prefer direct kickbacks which in turn generate more capital.

And yes, China is capitalist. “A good cat catches mice” and all that. It’s capitalism where the government has a very strong, demanding, and obvious hand on the wheel, drastically reducing the freedom of individual actors within the economy, but they are undeniably generating OODLES of capital. If we wish to better compete with them in the next trade war, we need more cheap labor generating capital for us, not less.

WhaleWatcher 2 points ago +2 / -0

Federal minimum wage is still seven bucks or something. And that’s not counting tipped jobs, which as you know can be way lower and the tips actually go towards hitting that minimum wage.

WhaleWatcher 3 points ago +3 / -0

Because it was already a popular talking point in the MAGA boards that definitely ARE kept tabs on, and Trump’s running mate brought it up. Not a real stretch.

Do y’all not know how these things operate? In the same way that candidates to debate prep camp over possible questions, the networks do a prep camp over possible answers, and a whole file is collated by simply looking at recent talking points by and around the candidate, and fact-checking those.

Then, in the broadcast control room, as soon as one of the candidates goes down one of these prepared roads, some guy with the eternal stench of cigarette smoke around him barks at an underling to pull up the file on X and push it to the vacant talking heads up front, who then just read it out.

You used to be able to see this happen physically in real-time as an aide would rush up with a note and try to surreptitiously hand it to the moderator, but now it’s all done over the series of tubes.

WhaleWatcher 2 points ago +2 / -0

Because J.D. Vance was talking about this a couple days before the debate. And this very site contains people talking about it in the days leading up to the debate. This isn’t a secret club, anyone can just see what the popular MAGA talking points are by having an intern spend two hours on here.

Hell, and that’s before we get into the AI all the networks are likely “integrating” into their workflow. Y’all really need to understand that we are entering an era where a single person can collate an absolutely MASSIVE swath of data into a neat summary in the time it takes to make a pot of coffee. The networks sure as hell don’t respect you, but they will happily use all the resources you publicly post to get ahead of the curve on the best change-up pitcher in politics.

WhaleWatcher 1 point ago +1 / -0

Just visit the official government registry of Santuary Cities. Again, I agree with you that it is not a Sanctuary City, but it is a Santuary City.

WhaleWatcher 0 points ago +4 / -4

I don’t think 40 million less people contributing to the economy and paying sales taxes is going to go the way you want

WhaleWatcher 0 points ago +3 / -3

It’s not exactly breaking news that insurance companies want to reduce risk and reduce how many payouts they need to make. Sorry, all this proves is that large corporations are in the habit of spending a little money in order to spend less money later.

WhaleWatcher 2 points ago +2 / -0

Yes, that’s the point. What she said was not a lie because she chose a (almost certainly pre-canned) statement that could only apply to her. Classic debate technique, useful as long as your opponent doesn’t call you out on it.

WhaleWatcher 2 points ago +2 / -0

She chose her words carefully, or more accurately, her team chose them for her ahead of time carefully. Trump obviously did none of the prosecuting here - he was in the Executive branch, not the Judicial. She specifically said “prosecuted” so that her statement was correct. Trump should have responded by saying that he did more than any single prosecutor could by signing an Executive Order. He did not.

WhaleWatcher 2 points ago +2 / -0

It’s a pointed barb towards the current administration after the DoJ accusations.

WhaleWatcher 2 points ago +2 / -0

It’s simply “change in employment”, which would include retiring, correct?

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