nothingberg 1 point ago +1 / -0

Because it's full of a bunch of topminds of reddit shills and feds and their only role there is to repel otherwise helpful others by posting over-the-top anti-jewish stuff and comments, flatearth related retardity

nothingberg 1 point ago +1 / -0

Which fren are you? I'm the blue head derp fren chokinig on a bone

nothingberg 2 points ago +2 / -0

Yes but who is running the organization "The Keepers"?

nothingberg 1 point ago +1 / -0

LGBTQIA+ hates Christianity and Jesus, because they claim that Christianity believes that "God Hates Fags" This was never true, but that doesn't stop them. Yes there are Christians that believe this, but there are also Islamics, Jews and Buddhists and Mormons that feel this way too, so why are they picking on Christians almost exclusively? (they aren't picking on jews and islamics that's for sure)

Bigots exist everywhere, but Christianity says that's not cool, and now you see christians and churches and priests tripping over themslelves to virtue signal how OK or welcoming they are to gays. Everyone has at least one in their family, so christianity is already beyond this....I'd say gay bigotry mostly died in the 1990s, but since it did, they had to bring it back by continuing to whine about it

So why are Christians singled out for destruction? We don't kknow, but Christmas is OUR holiday...the homosexual cohort has their own MONTH, so we get a couple days, and they can keep their infiltration of our holiday way the f off our tree.

They pushed too far, and now every christian knows that lgbtqia is not about gays, it's a subversive anticapitalist, antiestablishmnet, antigovernment, power movement to claw back political power for a very annoyingly vocal minority, and when it comes to Christmas, we're saying "NO. You SHALL NOT PASS" .... "lgbt has been anti-christmas for a long time, we see right through it...you don't get to attack christmas for a decade and then try to appropriate it.....YOU LOSE"

If you don't believe what I've said above, and you're christian, you're probably one of those annoyiing liberal catholics that keeps licking this marxist popes asshole all the time, and he's a massive hypocrite saying trump's wall is racist while he sits in his white dress and fish hat behind a 30+ foot wall in a 1 mile square city half a world away. So edgy, so brave

nothingberg 1 point ago +1 / -0

<1% of us here can read telegram and nonlogged-blocked facebook posts

(so please don't post them)

nothingberg 1 point ago +1 / -0

I would turn totally gay just to fuck that war whoreing cyclops' other one out

nothingberg 1 point ago +1 / -0

Trump will never hire Candace Owens. Sorry. I like her too (and Ye) but they are too 'antisemitic' for Trump

nothingberg 1 point ago +1 / -0

When you remove DEI and start hiring on merit again

nothingberg 1 point ago +1 / -0

No its very clearly not a date palm, genus Phoenix. Its a Commiphora species. Says so in the video and appears to be plausibly so. Commie-4uh is also possibly a marxist and subversive botanical.


nothingberg 1 point ago +1 / -0


Trump works for US

He is hereby forbidden to refill the swamp

nothingberg 1 point ago +1 / -0

He means "Hi, i'm an ass that needs to go quickly back to reddit"

hope that clarifies

nothingberg 1 point ago +1 / -0

Bro, you need to learn that when you find yourself trapped in a hole, stop digging.

nothingberg 1 point ago +1 / -0

I want to call this the "Hardoff" button. It's the opposite of the hard-on button, which is an auxilliary button that shocks your cock and balls with a specialized pornographical lillywave

nothingberg 4 points ago +4 / -0

I think it should be called



Because it's an alt to the status quo, it's not a 'cell' which means you're in prison, it's a device that exalts you


To raise in rank, character, or status; elevate. exalted the shepherd to the rank of grand vizier. To glorify, praise, or honor. To increase the effect or intensity of; heighten.

I'm basically a marketing genius. This idea is copylefted, free and unlimited open source, anymusk can use, anytime, anyreason

nothingberg 1 point ago +1 / -0

Holy mcfuck! its happening. I'm going to tmobile next week, gonna get a sim chip put into my weird korean brick phone (doogee) which is a simless android glorified tablet that exists at this point only to run my starlink app

nothingberg 5 points ago +5 / -0

He said his reasoning for leaving fordham was that it was weird and wanted to learn, not be indoctrinated

nothingberg 2 points ago +2 / -0

I've been saying annex mexico for 20 yrs now

end all the cartels and the mex gov, free the people

and in the last 10 that it would save us a lot by making a southern border 1/20th of the length

nothingberg 6 points ago +6 / -0

If the girl lied about her age, showed her ID and it said 18, and the ID was state issued and VALID, then Matt Gaetz did not even break the law. First of all there is a mens rea dismissal argument, but also there is a "beyond a reasonable doubt" argument too, in the absence of any evidence that Matt could have possibly known there could be issued a valid florida ID without a valid birth certificate or passport or other vital document.

In other words, our system can't be so security-incompetent as to issue a 'fraudulent ID' unless the CIA or a corrupt official is involved.

And being a politician with a lot of targets on his back, he would not knowingly engage in a relationship with an obviously corrupted person,. esp one involved in massive identity crimes.

We ASSUME that gov issued IDs are certified and valid. Why would we ever second guess this???

So Matt broke no law. He broke no morals or ethics.

In fact, Matt is the aggrieved party---he is a victim of a criminal honeypot. He's the victim of entrapment.

nothingberg 6 points ago +6 / -0

"fake id" is an id that kids get so they can buy alcohol. It's a forgery.

"fraudulent ID" is an official and therefore "real" state-issued Identification produced by a tax official that issued it with incorrect information on it, such as birthdate of recipient.

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