nothingberg 2 points ago +2 / -0

Temu reinforced steel alloy

95% steel, 5% smelted everything from temu that didn't sell

nothingberg 0 points ago +1 / -1

Now that you and your wife are homeschooling thanks to COVID SCAMDEMIC (that THEY created, ) forcing you into telecommuting, and you bought 5000 dollars worth of home-office stuff, Elon and other anarcho-corporatists want you to drive back to work, risking your life statistically FAR more than smoking, eating, drinking alcohol or doing drugs, with zero benefit to you, the worker-pleb; and if you don't "you're FIRED" because fuck you, we'll just get an indian that will go to work.

If you think about it, they want to force your kids BACK into government schools

They want to make your wife go BACK to work

They want to make your life hard again, so that an Indian can get the job cheaper (or chinese, mexican, anyone BUT YOU, the nice person who trusted them enough to give them YOUR VOTE)

These people are needlessly cruel, sick, and that's how you know they're Dark Triadsters.

No they aren't your friend. And Trump in black on the right----> sidebar is really on the nose right now

Is President Trump going to side with cruel corporatists who think 'ends justify the means' and therefore only care about the bottom line and keeping the business alive by hiring cheaper foreigners

While calling you and your masters or PHD a retard


Are they going to meaningfully sacrifice by cutting their hand and spilling their blood in the ritual magick require for the great global alchemists to create the future where everyone will WIN?

nothingberg 1 point ago +1 / -0

It's climate change. duh. Must be climate change or basically anything else. Trust the science antivaxtards /s

nothingberg 1 point ago +1 / -0

When it gets to the Supreme Court, there should be a "Thunderdome" option

nothingberg 3 points ago +3 / -0

Businesses, like households, are trying to survive.

The uniparty has nearly completely ruined this country with horrific policy; they've been looting the treasury and issuing monopoly money to us to pretend to play with

You fix the economy, you fix the US dollar, you wrest the US dollar from the federal reserve, peg it to a folio of gold and crypto, stop the hyperinflation and infinity QE

You bring back manufacturing

You undenormalize costs

And this 'who to hire' is a problem that will resolve itself

Kek by mmtwo
nothingberg -3 points ago +2 / -5

Every american engineer I know is completely retarded. 60 IQ max. That's why they get paid so well and are in great demand. And also why they bring in a durkadurk to replace them

engineers working


nothingberg 16 points ago +16 / -0

His name is fusilli...like the spiral pasta. And what is funny is that a spiral thing he put into his body did him in. Closed loop.

nothingberg 4 points ago +4 / -0

The only vaccine that you really should be required to take is measels, and the reason is because the measels virus hard-resets the immune system. It causes 'immune amnesia' and that causes you to be vulnerable to opportunistic infections.

This property might be good if we have a bulletproof treatment for measels, that we might be able to exploit this property to "fix" immune deranged people who have severe autoimmune disease by doing this hard reset and then slowly giving them immunity back by re-vaccinating them for the most likely things a person can get like shingles/herpes, respiratory viruses, and such while giving them immunomodulatory / immune boosting therapies.

I strongly suspect that the purpose of covid wasn't to kill a bunch of people but to cause their immune systems to go haywire so that all the pharma companies would make bank with managing chronic autoimmune disease and then when they fail, a shitton of palliative care drugs

when you look into the etymology of pharma / pharmacy / pharmacology you end up at sorcery and witchcraft, as well as 'human sacrifice' (google 'the pharmakoi')

nothingberg 1 point ago +1 / -0

"At gunpoint"

So we get our money's worth training and arming them.

nothingberg 2 points ago +2 / -0

Tom looks like these years have worn him the heck out.

Join the club, smokin' guns

nothingberg 1 point ago +1 / -0

He's not there, nor is his homologue


Because 40% of the country thinks what Luigi did was justified, because United CEO was a serial killer. His weapon was a pen and his murders were made by denials.

LHO however killed someone that most of the country loved, even republicans that slammed him for being a womanizer and a douche. That was a period of time whne people said "yes, he's a slimebucket, but he's still OUR president"

We're trying to bring that sentiment back. Maybe Trump will succeed, by making america great again even for the purple haired, attention deficited, delta9 addicted know nothing screech goblins

nothingberg 1 point ago +1 / -0

It's still not color correct. Look at their faces. If you were to make the skin of the people the same in both, I think the brown sweater would be redder but still more of a maroon, whereas Luigis is more a blood red.

nothingberg 2 points ago +2 / -0

LHO's image is quite faded. If you were to color correct it would be redder.

nothingberg 3 points ago +3 / -0

I mean, if there are not legal consequences for what they did, they will probably all be assassinated by way of private untraceable crowdfunding and an airgapped system to coordinate it.

No one on this website would be involved including myself. We are the lawful ones.

But it's those cheering on Mangione that are going to be doing this kind of thing. And the way that you get the left on board is that you make it an assassination prediction market, because the left doesn't even care if you kill one of their own as long as they make a lot of money in the outcome. Because they are not only unlawful, they are also unmoral and unprincipled

assassination prediction market is coming you guys. one could even design it as a kind of cutout where you state your preferences on one site, and then on another unrelated site (where its impossible ot prove a relation), you generically give money (ie: prediction market) that plausibly deniably and using non-deterministic AI trade agents thru 7 proxies and tor and stuff 'end up' algorithmically funding the assassination in a way that you can't ever prove that any human person partricipating in the gambling had anythign to do with crowdfunding the assassination. BOOM

now go. build this. I won't be involved as this is science fiction hypothetical for entertainment purposes only.

nothingberg 22 points ago +22 / -0

They will fight him as hard as we've ever seen

We shouldn't just do watermark. Do a UV watermark. Put in a QR code on the ballot. Make the QR code represent a sha256 hash of a ballot secret (salt), the time the ballot was printed, the ballot ID of the ballot, the printer on which it was printed with the IP address of the printer on which it was printed. Or just the first 3 things for simplicity. Now the ballot is cryptographically authenticateable.

nothingberg 2 points ago +2 / -0

No one runs the world. It's chaotic and many very rich control freaks and resource hogs work in their own interest to steer the chaos by limiting weaker, poorer and less politically powerful people by making them do all the work to mine those resources and bubble up their value away from themsleves.

It's a resource slavery system with very few benefitting so infinitely extremely that it's disgusting

nothingberg 2 points ago +2 / -0

This isn't true but a distillation of conspiracy theory worldviews, because the machine doesn't learn in a real sense but in a distillation, refinement sense. It's doing alchemy by way of bayesian filter, which means its not synthesizing or condensing or emerging or constructing anything new but eliminating noise

It's pathfinding to a concise and cursorily satisfactory, if not correct or even remotely complete answer

nothingberg 3 points ago +3 / -0

Oh man I better cool it with the jewish jokes, I thought I was a self-hating tribe member because 23andme

Now I wonder if I might be part of the lizardo tribe

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