Trump has 72 million votes currently, not 100%, not sure where he will end up. In 2020 Trump got 74 million.

The real story is Biden "got" 81 million, Harris is at 68 million with some more coming. She will have a 10 million plus vote deficit.

Nobody had ever gotten 81 million, we know those 10 million voters didn't just disappear.

So it wasn't too big to rig. It looks to me that the white hats stopped the cheating. Rule changes in many states helped, we had poll watchers everywhere. We had judges making the right calls in most cases. Why would they do this? B/c X and social media is no longer under cabal control so they couldn't stop the information from being spread.

The legacy media was slow rolling results. Harris campaign stated more votes to count, we wait until 3am. They were all waiting for something. They were waiting for the cheat. But, the head has been cut off. So they had no leader telling them what was going to happen and how they would cheat so they waited.

Finally, Fox of all places calls PA. Why did they call PA? B/c the pressure was getting too much for them. They were likely in fear. Also, people like Charlie Kirk and his group were analyzing results, we were all seeing what was happening. We didn't need the legacy media.

It's almost like the lower level cabal didn't know that the upper level was taken out and they were finding out real time.

We were expecting riots. We all know those riots are paid for and organized by Soros and others. So why didn't they happen? Because the head is dead.

Praying we will watch win after win after win. If the head is dead, the dismantling will be easy.


I have been at GA since voat shut down. You all have been there and helped me get through some tough times. You have made me smile, you have made me weep. You have made me feel strong. You have made me feel un-alone. You have prayed for my family (prayers work)!

Praying that this week, this is the moment we take our country (world) back!

I have already voted here in NC, my son votes in his first election tomorrow. I have convinced a Trump hating friend to vote Trump. His wife and mil are voting Trump. My wife voted Trump. My 2 - 20 year old Neises voted Trump, spoke to one of them yesterday and asked what made her choose Trump, she said "I am sensible". Many other friends and family have already voted Trump.

Praying that the win is too big to steal. Praying that the numbers are so large all but 4-6% still sleeping, wake up!

Let's Fucking Go!!!!


They are pushing hard for youth they can manipulate. I told them my wife and I already voted Trump, and my son is coming home to go to the Trump rally with me Monday and voting for Trump Tuesday.

We are all registered unaffiliated, that is probably why we he is on the list.

The left is all about manipulation, going after women and youth is the low hanging fruit.


Like many of you I watched the entire debate. kamala pissed me off quite a bit. All of the blatant lies were so frustrating to sit through. I thought Trump did well considering moderators and lies. But, I realize I am biased and tried to put myself in the shoes of a low information voter. I was hopeful that they would see she was fake and lying, but thought many would be fooled.

Anyway on to the positives.

  1. I have a friend that hates Trump, took the jab and one booster. I have been red pilling him for some time now. Biden's debate woke him up a little more. When I saw him today, I thought he would think it was a draw at best. However, to my surprise he said he thought Trump was much better. I think he may even be to the point of voting for him.

  2. My son is in college, he and a group watched the debate in the dorms, after the debate he was unsure who won, but knew kamala lied continually. He was like me, he thought Trump won, but wasn't sure what everyone else would think. This morning he watched Vivek discuss the debate and researched many kamala lies on his own. He now thinks Trump won for sure. I told him it is always a good thing to do your own research, so proud of him that he did just that.

My conclusion:

There is zero chance the debate hurt Trump at all, the leftist media is gaslighting us in hopes some can be convinced. But, once on the Trump train his supporters stay loyal. Not b/c he can do no wrong, but for the fact that we all realize he is nation's our last chance.

Trump doesn't lose voters, he gains them. He gained millions between 2016 and 2020, he will gain many millions more in 2024.


cnn calls an assasination attempt an incident. They said Trump fell. I hope the gitmo trials include every single employess at cnn.


Winred Trump donation page down....it is being overwhelmed, sabotaged or both.

  1. So I have a normie friend, who I have been red pilling for quite some time. He brings up taylor swift to me out of nowhere. His online feeds are suddently covered with taylor swift articles, videos, etc. He says there is no way this is naturally occurring. After all of my red pills on propaganda he is finally seeing a specific psy op for what it is. I told him watch swift will come out pro biden, this is the plan. He doesn't argue with me like usual, he says that would make sense. This swift garbage is waking up people up, they sense it is fake, when she comes out for Biden it will be all too obvious. This happened earlier this week.

  2. Today I had a thought. The white hats can use this to wake the leftist girls that worship swift. These girls/women don't know it yet, but as this psy op hits its climax and swift is all in on Biden, that is when the white hats can come out with proof that she is being blackmailed or bribed. If this happens all these swift fans will lose their freaking minds. They will be so angry with left and how they were played they will turn against them. They will look for ways to get back at them. And we all know the only way they get their revenge is by voting Trump. Suddenly their TDS isn't so bad, as their anger shifts.


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