sol7 3 points ago +3 / -0

Not reliable at all.

They CLAIM to have heard this from a source that told them in advance that Biden was going to resign on Sunday.

But this was apparently already an open secret in DC, so that narrows down the 'verified source' to A LOT OF PEOPLE.

sol7 0 points ago +1 / -1

I'm not saying I subscribe to this theory, but I also keep it in the back of my mind.

So, to extend the speculation....how do we know for sure that we have a dead firefighter?

If the whole thing was an op (for whatever reason), then 'casualties' could easily be built into the narrative.

sol7 1 point ago +2 / -1

Depends how deeply you want to speculate.

  1. Were any of us physically there when 'the event' happened? ("I have a friend, a cousin, a sister-in-law" doesn't count).

  2. If some rando shows up in this thread assuring us he was there in person, how do we know that isn't part of the op to play down the possibility the whole thing was staged?

  3. Classified CGI-tech is, by necessity, far more advanced than anything publicly-available; everything we saw could have been a digital fake.

sol7 5 points ago +5 / -0

I read this hoping not to see the word "bombshell" in there.

But sure enough: BOMBSHELL REPORT!