Kunkussion 1 point ago +1 / -0

You're mistaking the silent majority with the vocal minority. And you are being a bit charged in your response. Calm down. We don't have to know everything. That's being extremely selfish

Kunkussion 1 point ago +1 / -0

I mean he doesn't have to. We know basically all of it, just not all the fine details

Kunkussion 1 point ago +2 / -1

There's theory that JFK himself is still alive or only recently passed and Jackie played into keeping the secret how she setup a dummy to get shot and the actual shooter was SOCOM, so "the plan" was already in effect before GHWB took control of the CIA and then later became the NWO president

Kunkussion 1 point ago +1 / -0

We are approaching the digital singularity my friend. Soon all reality will dissolve, but if you trust in God, your soul will be saved, and we will continue on together, in a new earth, whether it be the same physical one transformed or not. For others who go along with the world, they won't notice much of a change, and will be mostly unaware. They will dissolve into a digital matrix, where life goes on forever in a fake reality manipulated by evil. No doubt, evil will have appeared to have won, to those who do not trust in God.. but what really is a victory if there is no effort? To them it will seem like bliss. But me and you know, as we have been warned thoroughly, that God's people will be persecuted right up until that very singularity, so we must fight to keep ourselves separated from it and resilient to its promises.

Unless, we and the patriots can stop it, with God's help, and we usher in a new reality anyway, and the singularity never happens.

Looking at the rapid advancement of AI, this tech isn't just coming out of nowhere. It's been around for a long time and we are just now seeing what it can do.

Kunkussion 2 points ago +2 / -0

I really haven't studied into this debacle about a jury not requiring a unanimous decision, but if it happens, it sets a precedent. A really bad one that might have the DOJ consider it's motive. We will see

Kunkussion 11 points ago +11 / -0

Even on the smaller sets, its basically implied that if you aren't leftist in mentality you aren't going to have any creative insight on the project.

Kunkussion 6 points ago +6 / -0

That's all OP posts. I'm certain at this point he is either LARPing as a "conservative" talk show host or he works with GWP or another outlet

Kunkussion 6 points ago +6 / -0

Modern libertarians are insurgents to the original movement unfortunately, as the RNC tea party was. I'm glad he did it anyway because in reality, his most active base is OG libertarians.

Kunkussion 6 points ago +6 / -0

It's a very big contribution that I enjoy myself and much appreciate

Kunkussion 3 points ago +4 / -1

I have. That's apparently when you reach the center of your consciousness. It's usually either due to deep depression or maximum equilibrium and peace, which unfortunately is extremely difficult to obtain the latter. It's said that's the state when you are close to crossing over or reaching a different dimension, so the dark side of it really has felt like I have left this world before. But most of the time yes there is people. Contrary to popular belief, highly active REM sleep or lucid dreaming is very exhausting, I can observe the passing of time when I'm asleep and know inside the dream what time it is approximately

Kunkussion 8 points ago +9 / -1

Me too... Now there's a rise in click b8, Facebook boomer gloat posting, crypto shilling, BOMBSHELL, and oversaturation of novel "cure alls" that are highly invalid and misleading, just like everywhere else. All of it meant to deceive, distract and divide. And people eat that shit up like neocon war propaganda. There are bots, shills, feds, doomers and other paid assets working here like in any forum on the Internet, yet people can't fathom the fact that there is no true place on the Internet where this isn't happening, and GAW isn't immune to it.

But have no fear, we are still here. Acoustics have no limit to their fortitude.

Kunkussion 2 points ago +2 / -0

Fine I screwed the acronym up, leet skeet, there's your free internet points redeemable in nothing. I corrected it to help you feel better.

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