FrogoMeemins 5 points ago +5 / -0

This is a Jew blaming a goyim belief system to justify a perception that they are unworthy of their birthright. "They brought it on themselves".

It's just a Jewish way of seeing the world.

Esau's soup.

FrogoMeemins 2 points ago +2 / -0

Trade sanctions are the main factor that would push things in the direction of decoupling? Correct?

FrogoMeemins 1 point ago +1 / -0

Who trains wins.

That said, I didn't think this was actually going to happen. I thought it was a joke or troll when I read they were seriously planning to fight.

FrogoMeemins 2 points ago +2 / -0

I think people can be brought to sound logic on the facts once they are paying attention. In that way maybe the viral aspect of trying to flanderize the story to muddy the waters and make a mockery of people that suspect foul play as "conspiracy theorists" can actually work against them.

It becomes their credibility versus our credibility. Their credibility is in decline, the rando internet of skeptics is on the rise in that regard, and improving a lot in consistency and rapidly.

FrogoMeemins 2 points ago +2 / -0






Apparently the message was encoded like a record. Which resembles the format we sent out into space in voyager 1 and 2.

An image of us, and discs (records), with messages (music) on them. The crop circle is an image of an ET presenting a disc with a message on it.

LARPish but interesting. Best word to describe an access point for energy is "conduit". Currency doesn't generate energy, it only transmits it. The transmission of power (energy) will end basically. Conduit closed.

So they said it would be painful and would take time, and that they (will) oppose deception, and that the conduit will be closed.

In the overall context of the message "we oppose deception" isn't passive. There's no point in making an elaborate (probably difficult to make) passive statement like that. It's not like, "you all are too gullible, you can still unfuck yourselves though, some of you are not morons and degenerates, we don't like liars either, okay good luck with your problems, good talk, over and out" (conduit closed).

That's my surface analysis. This kind of stuff and religion are the 2 most difficult things for me to put my head into. Hard to sort the deceptions LARPs and manipulations.

FrogoMeemins 2 points ago +2 / -0

Meaning Chloroquine is the active molecule, the hydroxo is just so cells can absorb it? Plausible to just call it CQ.

CQ could also be Close Quarters. Something, like 'Thanks you for complying Xi, good start, we'll cancel that ass whooping we had planned for you."

FrogoMeemins 16 points ago +16 / -0

2000 Mules came from GP's team. He already delivered on something. Looking forward to more wins from them.

FrogoMeemins 15 points ago +15 / -0

Big difference between mainland and Hawaii. They talk to each other. It's all small towns, and they have always had conspiracy theories. They just couldn't figure out who the rats really are. They were taught to just put it all on the haole (whites) and vote for the party that hates whites.

Time for their great awakening to start.

FrogoMeemins 2 points ago +2 / -0

Almost, the person who delivers "the one good punch" is very important. Cortez was uniquely qualified. The people were waiting for their gods to return and Cortez showing up during an eclipse as well as the impression of their ships, armor, feathers, boom sticks, pale skin and many colored eyes and hair made Cortez a god kin contender against the Aztec's own claim of being descendants of the gods.

We have Trump to deliver "the one good punch" instead of Cortez, but the concept is the same. Trump by today's modern social value system is a contender and our Aztec overlords are terrified.

The only is issue is minimizing local support for their regime and undoing the cultural capture of minds before delivery of that punch.

FrogoMeemins 64 points ago +64 / -0

Either way it's arson.

This is the same shit as "the planes were CGI".

The CRIME is still the crime and the MOTIVE will be clear when we see who the beneficiaries are. They want people to investigate something imaginary or unprovable so you don't investigate what's obvious.

It's arson.

Someone benefits from it.

FrogoMeemins 16 points ago +17 / -1

Britain''s "Zionism" is older than Israel.

Israel didn't exist until 1949, and the region (Palestine) was a part of the Ottoman Empire until 1920, when the Empire dissolved following a successful coup by progressives (The Young Turks) who were 1) Progressives Race Hustlers. Racial "fairness" was their big issue (Playing everyone against the strong) 2) Wanted closer relations with Britain. 3) Democratization 4) after achieving #3 they proceeded to immediately rig elections. 5) After achieving #4 they began racial cleansing of Greek, Armenian and Assyrian Christians. 6) Balkanization and anarchy.

The Ottoman Empire collapsed and Britain carved it up. Palestine's future was pre-planned well before WW2 -- and so it's not an unreasonable question to ask if WW2 was also pre-planned to bring about the next stage of that plan that began with the fall of the Ottoman Empire.

FrogoMeemins 4 points ago +4 / -0

It's a good topic. I enjoy the subject. I'll see if I can put something together and make a new post of it, you want me to tag you when it's done? I don't think the conquistadors were all good, the majority element that was definitely there for good, 100% they wanted to bring Christ to the new world. Among the conquistadors were crusader knights, as well as mercenaries, old soldiers, merchants, sailors, aristocrats. There was a heavy interest in gold and "fountain of youth" lore though.

Which considering what we know now about adrenochrome, and the Aztec's human sacrifice culture, I think reexamining the fountain of youth lore especially could be interesting.

FrogoMeemins 7 points ago +7 / -0

Nothing Jesus and a few ships full of conquistadors couldn't solve, and in less than 2 years. Outnumbered 1,000 to 1 at the time they arrived. The thing evil empires never understand is how quickly and completely the people will turn on them. Cortez really only had to land one good punch and the people actually tore the Aztecs to shreds. The conquistadors didn't have the manpower to do that in that timeframe. If the Aztecs had any popular support they could have fought for generations. The Aztecs were defeated because they had no safe place to sleep.

FrogoMeemins 2 points ago +2 / -0

Paranoia is a social defense mechanism. A reaction to betrayal and deceit.

Social defense mechanisms, when you scope out to view a larger population, are a lot like immune responses. And collectively, what we have is a social immune system.

Too strong an immune response across too many systems and you have an allergic reaction (crippled by fear uncertainty doubt demoralization) too weak of an immune response across enough systems and the contaminant survives to replicate and spread further infection.

The skeptics boards are an important system for its early and often strong immune response. It is also the system most vulnerable to allergic reaction. The best way to determine whether a reaction is too much is to figure out whether or not the response is good for the organism or bad or ineffective.

Only way to do that is to vigorously and dispassionately analyze the integrity and health of the systems reacting.

I think it is important to conceptualize this to see certain things clearly in the bigger picture. Things like Freemasonry, Catholicism, Mormons, Jews, etc could easily be devices to dial up reaction to a point where the system is too reactive, and so made less effective. There's enough truth to suspicions, because all of these groups have a dominant subcultural mafia that the larger culture has misplaced affinity for. Similar to how Italians like their mafioso subculture.

I think all of those groups are much more innocent of corruption than what the skeptics system thinks. Simply because I see the deliberate campaign, and the effect of that campaign as not serving the health of the system overall.

By forgiving being a generally forgiving person, you will forgive generally grouped people, and you can deprive the actual villains the ability to hide behind the innocent -- Which is absolutely something that they do -- and diminish the value of this tactic greatly, overall.

This is a far more effective thinking. As an immune system, we want to attack dangerous contaminants with always greater efficiency and always with improving accuracy. Always improving.

Cheers. (I swear I THOUGHT this was going to be a short reply when I started typing.)

FrogoMeemins 16 points ago +16 / -0

GP was behind 2000 Mules. That one contribution did a lot for us in terms of countering narrative control at the time it released.

Your frustration is relatable though. He's an annoying character. No one enjoys the "I know something you don't know" type input.

FrogoMeemins 3 points ago +3 / -0

Penalty for abusing public trust for personal gain should be death

Watch how fast it stops.

FrogoMeemins 2 points ago +2 / -0

It's basically a tumor with food coloring and salt.

FrogoMeemins 2 points ago +2 / -0

A message board is literally social media.

FrogoMeemins 3 points ago +3 / -0

Most of the tribes are still on the ancestral land their tribes claimed. The instances where they are not are mostly due to old tribal conflicts, either internally or with rival tribes/bands. Displacement is not the rule, it has always been the exception. The majority basically just got neighbors. That's it. Not conquerors, not overlords. Just new neighbors. They have 2 citizenships now. First to their Tribe which is a micro nation exempted from the bullshit laws of their secondary citizenship to the US. They have every benefit of being American citizens and none of the responsibilities taxes or duties.

The only thing the white man is brutal about is war. In peace the white man is absurdly generous and trusting.

Most first nations people I have met that soberly work for a living and invest in and build their micro nation are typically very conservative and do not see themselves as victims at all. Their ancestors made treaty with a technologicaly and numerically overwhelming force and were assimilated intact and sovereign.

That's a better outcome than most of our tribes got from Rome.

*Edit, a huge exception to the displacement rule are the first nations that went to Canada. The railroad barons had senators in their pockets and it's very unlikely they would have offered a fair or reasonable treaty to the tribes that were in the way of the railroad cartel.

The whole topic is touchy, which is why the grievance and victimization hustlers are all over it, because there are/were definitely tribes that got conned, annihilated or scattered -- but the overwhelming majority of first nations you'll meet today are NOT those tribes.

And the buffalo kill-off was 100% bad, but the blame there is with a few bad organizations, not the entire nation. The national interest was always to do the right thing. It's inverted that the government and corporations now place themselves as the protectors of law virtue and honor and the people get the shame of every corporate government atrocity committed on racial grievance grounds.

FrogoMeemins 2 points ago +2 / -0

This guy has a gift. He has a Donald Trump rap voice. Hoping he goes full memetic and roasts the whole cult.

FrogoMeemins 5 points ago +5 / -0

This reminds me of the theatrics with the migrant caravan. Lots of staged professional pictures and the people are too clean.

Also they retconned the wrist bands because people noticed them and that was messing up their pictures.. They're to organize the actors and extras. The new official story they're telling people is that it signifies which cartel owns them.

Which is bullshit.

And if it were true we would not be seeing so many glamour shots of clean brown people wading through water without wristbands.

This whole thing is screwy.

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