Vengeance 2 points ago +2 / -0

1 Timothy 2:9

Abide by that and it's all Biblical.

Vengeance 6 points ago +10 / -4

Except you have no proof of your claims.. you just make shit up. Oh right.. Handshake account.

Fuck right off back to Reddit.

Christ is King

Vengeance 18 points ago +18 / -0

Even better, it's exactly as you said. It would have taken teams and months of planning.

For those who don't know, research the following terms together:

Israeli Art Students, World Trade Center, and 9/11

Vengeance 8 points ago +8 / -0

They're also the ones behind 9/11.. Gulf of Tonkin..

Go all the way back.. They killed Jesus.. Further than that.. God destroyed them over and over again for turning against the Word.

It's a spiritual war.

Vengeance 2 points ago +2 / -0

But that's anti-Semitic

Vengeance 7 points ago +7 / -0

And yet, single-never-married and childless women are voting for this in droves. They are the largest demographic of the Democrat party.

All this makes sense when you start looking at which groups were pushing feminism and why.

Vengeance 9 points ago +9 / -0

No, it's that 50%+ of the criminals are black. Let's break this down further because some people use statistics to push racism.

I'm just gonna ballpark the math so we all can get an idea of how it works.

Let's say there are 40 million blacks in the country and 3 million offenders behind bars/committing crimes.

If 50% of those are black, then you have 1.5 million blacks committing crimes but that in no way represents the millions of blacks who just want to live like normal people.

What that means is there is a portion of the black population that is hyper violent. That is the population growing up without Father's, religion, education, or wealth all while being propagandized by critical race theory and gangster rap culture.

But what can the majority of blacks do to stop this? Fix the culture. It's not "be like white people", it's about having strong Christian values and being a nationalist and stopping racism within your own community.

The fact is, black history has been manipulated by satanists and once everyone realizes who the enemy is humanity will prevail. Interesting to know that 80% of the Jewish community owned black slaves during the founding of the country and they were heavily involved in the slave trade. Who founded the NAACP? What did Marcus Garvey think of them? Who controls the music studios that produce gangster rap? Who owns the jails? Who sold the drugs to black communities? Who spread AIDS and syphilis to them? Who incentivised the destruction of the black nuclear family by creating the welfare state?

Kanye was on to something brother.

Vengeance 8 points ago +8 / -0

Man I love this song. Used to listen to it all the time. Great video.

Vengeance 7 points ago +7 / -0

Anybody have any public figures, businesses, or whatever you want research done on? I'll have some free time tomorrow.

Could be a useful exercise to share recon techniques!

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