Zlalaa 1 point ago +1 / -0

I think he realize he was suckered big time by buying in to the hoax & wanting to be liked by hollyweird and/or realized he could make bigger money by switching (back) to being more conservative. He left California & went back to Texas. I believe he built a studio & seems to be putting out more conservative content. The real question is why.

Zlalaa 4 points ago +4 / -0

IF someone in an outta season Halloween costume but my child to further the mental illness, my child would have permission to protect themselves. Actually had a girl kicking my son in the shin hard enough to leave bruises. After telling his teacher a(5th grade) awoke hippie type; he told the play ground aide with no results. I told my son he could kick her back - and as hard as he could. Previously he'd been told to be kind to girls - mistake. Because I was an active PTA mom I was at the school a bit, I told the principal & teacher if Susie came crying to them because my son kicked her...then explained the situation & it would stop one way or the other. It did without further incident to my son's disappointment.

Zlalaa 2 points ago +3 / -1

And ppl think Utah isn't a purple state. Having lived here 10 yrs, I can tell you it is. Payson just a few years back was still on the farming side of rural.

Zlalaa 1 point ago +1 / -0

In WA St it's not just democrats. Newhouse (R) from Central WA is all for illegals because they are needed in Agriculture. Since the 70's I've watched illegals take more & more of agricultural jobs. Jobs that HS kids & housewives use to do. And like everywhere else, fast food work. And it's not just because Americans won't do the work, it got to be because Americans couldn't be hired. I worked in fields & orchards until I wasn't hired or brought back the next season.

Zlalaa 4 points ago +4 / -0

I'm pretty sure there were illegals renting the house behind us for about 2 months. Several times they came to our front door saying (in Spanish) they'd kicked their soccer ball into our backyard. Young adults & adult males. Sometimes 1-2 would be at the door & 2-3 in a car on the street. They always wanted to look in our backyard. No way! I saw right through what they were doing. Made me very uncomfortable. Oh, their ball was never in our backyard nor did I see them playing soccer in the teeny tiny yard. I don't know what happened but they had moved after 2 months, I was so relieved. This is in Utah, a mixed middle class neighborhood.

Zlalaa 1 point ago +1 / -0

Are these store they are shopping at also not carrying goods that were invented by white people? If this isn't the case, what's the point of their boycott.

Zlalaa 1 point ago +1 / -0

Nicest 3rd World country I've ever seen.... /sarc

Zlalaa 2 points ago +2 / -0

My son just won a school board election that it was doubtful he'd win. He was running against the incumbent who is also the current president. It was a small margin, but enough of a clear win. This is in a small community he grew up that is turning more woke. But it's a hopeful sign that he won. He has a reputation for being conservative. My other son is on the city council. Again he's conservative . Crossing my fingers for this community. I believe people are afraid to speak out, but will vote in the manner they believe. The woke are an ugly lot, and he had some nasty lies told about him.

Zlalaa 2 points ago +2 / -0

Carter's grandson, Hugo, said his grandfather was on hospice care.

Zlalaa 1 point ago +1 / -0

The neighbor's video, unless I'm blind, doesn't show anything but the FBI shooting. Then to leave his body on the ground for hours, there was no need for that. A warning to neighbors maybe? How do we know the guy didn't have dementia? Just bad all the way around.

Zlalaa 2 points ago +2 / -0

I was suspended from Twitter a few weeks back because I "violated the rules." When I appealed it, telling them I hadn't even been on the site, almost immediately I received their "response " which was the same. Pretty sure it was just an auto response from them. What they suspended me from was commenting but I still could read the comments. No thanks. Deleted the app.

Zlalaa 1 point ago +1 / -0

Found you & followed 👍🏻 I can be found @Zlalaa

Zlalaa 14 points ago +14 / -0

I didn't realize they were on. Shucks, missed them again. #whocares

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