Hope4thefuture 1 point ago +1 / -0

Our government is financing the NGOs with taxpayer dollars and zero oversight. It is all a money racketeering scheme.

Hope4thefuture 5 points ago +5 / -0

Government exerts control in everything put in our bodies: childhood vaccines, water, slaughter of beef, hogs, chickens-must be processed in an approved government facility, milk, GMO grains and seeds, chemtrails in the air, etc. Public schools are regulated via accepting government funds. Doctors are brainwashed and regulated by the AMA and AHA via the Rockefeller Foundation who subsidizes medical schools and the AMA, AAP and most practices are hospital owned/affiliated so the doctor spews their narrative, can only refer to other doctors in the “system”,

Hope4thefuture 2 points ago +2 / -0

Time does fly: 2015 a sleepy, shy young boy appeared on the stage with the Trump family as his father, DJT, gave his victory speech. Today a towering, confident young man accepts his high school diploma and will vote for the next President of the United States! May GOD BLESS AMERICA and watch over and keep safe the Trump Family.

Hope4thefuture 5 points ago +5 / -0

It takes years to build bridges after hit by barges, but our military took days to build a pier! Who would have thought! Guess when there is no union involved AND you want to welcome violent migrants who won’t assimilate and other MidEastern countries won’t take, miracles do happen!

Hope4thefuture 4 points ago +5 / -1

Israel is not to be trusted either. Somewhere in between lies the truth re. 10/7. Is this their attempt to draw us into war? Stop aiding all the countries that hate us. Save Israel for last?

Hope4thefuture 5 points ago +5 / -0

I am so sick of these liberal Karen bitches who have nothing better to do with their time. Washing your car in your driveway is trashy? She is the trashy one. Unfortunately these liberal shits relocate to Texas and Florida,but bring their liberal ways and rhetoric with them. I bet she owns a Tesla, and pats herself on the back hourly for doing her part for climate chang. How virtuous of her to try to point this man in the “right direction”-her liberal assumption that it is her way, or the highway.

Hope4thefuture 3 points ago +3 / -0

Judicial experts say “it is a violation of ethics rules.” Oh so now they are concerned about ethics. Where were they 4 years ago when the Presidential election was hijacked by state governors, not the legislatures, poll workers and Dominion voting machines? Please spare the hypocrisy in your attempts to oust conservative justices to replace with liberals while the Resident still can. But wait, he is a “forgetful old man whom we can’t prosecute” for his crimes, but it is okay for him to run for another term. In what world does this make any logical sense? If no MSM or the DOJ points this out, then you know (as we always have) how crooked they all are. All involved must be taken down.

Hope4thefuture 5 points ago +5 / -0

But still Bragg will push forward for a conviction, forcing DJT to appeal, even though there is no there, there. We knew it from the get go, but let’s waste more taxpayer money and time while real criminals are released to run rampant committing more crimes, or why potential criminals sit in decrepit jails for months to years awaiting their day in court when their lord and masters get around to them.

Hope4thefuture 2 points ago +2 / -0

So if JRB is an elderly man with a poor memory, it goes without saying that he is to mentally deficient to be President for a second term and the DOJ should have made that clear to Biden when deciding not to prosecute.

Hope4thefuture 2 points ago +2 / -0

Exactly, we can make zero progress when our judicial system is corrupt. The money at the top had a well placed plan: blackmail politicians and judges, infiltrate the government, infiltrate our schools, put corrupt executives in as Presidents.

Hope4thefuture 2 points ago +2 / -0

When the 2020 elections reveal the stolen election by Biden, it makes EVERYTHING he and his government have done fraudulent. Fraud perpetrated by a fraudulent President is null and void.

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