u/WinsAnon hasn't posted in a bit (likely busy). I've decided to make this thread a 'community wins' thread since it's a quite a bit late where I live, but I'll post another regular WoTD thread tomorrow if Wins doesn't. Guess while I'm at it, I'll post a few quick wins.

  1. 'Senate Votes 52-48 to Repeal Biden’s Vaccine Mandate' (Biden says he will veto, but still)


  1. More Wisconsin election fraud


  1. China's economy is collapsing


  1. The Bee is at it again!


See you tomorrow frens, can't wait to see your wins! 🇺🇸


u/WinsAnon's thread: https://greatawakening.win/p/140c4rJlNh/wins-of-the-day-december-1-2021/

  1. This is personal and sadly not a win. My great grandmother sadly passed away this morning. Thank you guys for all the kind words and prayers the other day, this is truly an amazing community.

  2. "Pro-Life Activists Sing The National Anthem Outside Supreme Court"


  1. Announces she is running for governor for Georgia again (and to become a laughing stock again)


  1. Biden still refusing to take questions


  1. Deep State is terrified of Sydney Powell


  1. Must see article regarding the vaccine


  1. "DeSantis Blasts Media Over Waukesha Attack: Suspect Had ‘Anti-White Animus,’ ‘Was An Intentional Act’"


  1. 80 House RINOs expose themselves in broad daylight


  1. "GOP could halt funding of Biden's vaccine mandate by allowing a government shutdown"


See you tomorrow frens, WWG1WGA! 🇺🇸

  1. Yet another TWO spokespersons to Kamala Harris resign, this makes three in two weeks https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2021/12/just-senior-advisor-chief-spokesperson-kamala-harris-resigns/ and https://twitter.com/kayleighmcenany/status/1466260631108177920

  2. And you can see why, look at Kamala trying to talk about inflation https://twitter.com/jasoninthehouse/status/1466261758075568131

  3. Biden’s student “audience” in Minnesota were all bussed in actors and plants https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2021/12/revealed-joe-bidens-student-audience-dakota-county-technical-college-bussed-posers-plants-video/

  4. Poll says Biden’s approval rating is at 36% and disapproval is at 59% https://www.breitbart.com/politics/2021/12/01/gop-poll-joe-biden-at-36-percent-approval-rating/

  5. Yet another House Dem will not run for reelection, this makes 19 House Dems not running for reelection https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2021/12/dems-trouble-another-house-democrat-plans-retire-congress/

  6. Chinese scientists say they have identified an antibody treatment that neutralizes all strains of covid https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2021/12/breaking-two-years-5-2-million-deaths-later-chinese-doctors-admit-antibody-can-neutralize-strains-covid/

  7. Clarence Thomas begins hearing on abortion case with pointed question about infant rights https://thepostmillennial.com/justice-thomas-wants-to-know-on-what-the-right-to-abortion-is-constitutionally-based and https://twitter.com/greg_price11/status/1466083253467729920

  8. Justice Kavanaugh’s questioning indicates agreement with the theory that the Court should not be the arbiter on abortion one way or the other and should leave it to the states to allow or disallow abortion … an indication that he would vote to overturn Roe v. Wade https://www.breitbart.com/politics/2021/12/01/justice-brett-kavanaugh-on-abortion-why-should-this-court-be-the-arbiter/

  9. Fauci is asked about why border crossers aren’t tested for covid like other people entering the US … he has no answer https://thepostmillennial.com/fauci-confronted-on-covid-rules-for-thousands-of-illegal-border-crossers

  10. Chris Christie’s book bombs https://www.breitbart.com/politics/2021/12/01/nolte-first-of-chris-christie-two-book-deal-bombs-with-only-2289-copies-sold/

  11. Sorry to direct you to Twitter, but you need to read this page on the FDA being ordered by a judge to release documents about Pfizer’s covid vaccine approval process https://twitter.com/iGNORANTCHiMP/status/1465992238689923081

  12. Studies show that simply elevating vitamin D level could’ve prevented almost every covid death https://www.theblaze.com/op-ed/horowitz-studies-show-an-aggressive-vitamin-d-campaign-could-have-prevented-nearly-all-covid-deaths

See you tomorrow.

  1. Ghislaine Maxwell trial hears persuasive testimony by victim that Epstein and Maxwell together raped a 14 year old girl many times https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2021/11/frozen-fear-epstein-victim-testifies-ghislaine-maxwell-present-participated-sex-abuse-heiress-allegedly-began-grooming-victim-starting-14/

  2. Evidence introduced in Smollett trial showing he manufactured the entire event https://www.foxnews.com/entertainment/jussie-smollett-dry-run-attack-prior

  3. Savage reminder of when Biden supported Smollett in race-baiting tweet https://twitter.com/RichardGrenell/status/1465900446631882756

  4. Federal judge blocks Biden’s vax mandate for health care workers nationwide saying it is an unjustified threat to civil liberties https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2021/11/breaking-federal-judge-blocks-vaccine-mandate-nationwide-protects-health-care-workers-across-america/

  5. Rittenhouse sues Joy Behar and Whoopi Goldberg for $60 million https://twitter.com/1mZer0Cool/status/1464956557477781514

  6. Chris Cuomo suspended by CNN indefinitely for trying to dox people who accused his brother of criminal behavior https://thepostmillennial.com/breaking-cnn-suspends-chris-cuomo-indefinitely-after-revelations-he-used-position-to-help-his-brother

  7. Dem mayor of Oakland admits that defunding the police was a terrible idea https://www.dailywire.com/news/oakland-democrat-mayor-libby-schaaf-we-need-more-police-far-left-defund-movement-hurting-cities

  8. Medical examiner who did the Epstein autopsy resigns for opportunity in the private sector https://abcnews.go.com/US/york-city-chief-medical-examiner-resigning/story

  9. Pelosi violates mask mandate yet again in crowded event https://www.breitbart.com/politics/2021/11/30/exlusive-photos-nancy-pelosi-goes-maskless-at-crowded-dc-event/ Z

  10. Dorsey steps down https://www.inc.com/jason-aten/jack-dorseys-resignation-letter-from-twitter-reveals-a-harsh-truth-about-leadership-most-people-never-learn.html

  11. Microsoft CEO sells half his stock https://www.wsj.com/articles/microsofts-satya-nadella-sold-half-of-his-shares-in-the-company-11638214243

  12. Fully vaxxed LeBron James gets covid https://www.latimes.com/sports/lakers/story/2021-11-30/lakers-lebron-james-sidelined-enters-covid19-health-protocols

  13. White House has new tactic to keep Biden from rambling off script, they cut his microphone and start blasting loud music https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2021/11/white-house-cuts-bidens-audio-blasts-loud-music-soon-starts-rambling-off-script-video/

  14. Kamala rumors continue to swirl about making her a Supreme Court Justice, which would make her first Supreme Court Justice who had failed the bar exam https://www.breitbart.com/politics/2021/11/30/pollak-kamala-harris-could-become-first-supreme-court-justice-to-have-failed-bar-exam/

See you tomorrow.

  1. The WHO skipped a letter in the Greek alphabet for the “new variant” because the next letter would’ve been Xi https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2021/11/skips-next-greek-letter-nu-naming-new-covid-variant-next-letter-xi-might-draw-attention-china-named-omicron-instead/

  2. All four Omicron variant patients from Botswana – where Omicron allegedly originated – were previously vaccinated … imagine that https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2021/11/four-botswana-nu-variant-patients-fully-vaccinated/

  3. New England Journal of Medicine publishes paper describing how vaccines can harm the heart heart and brain https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2021/11/yesterdays-conspiracy-todays-medical-journal-headline-nejm-explains-covid-vaccines-may-produce-spike-proteins-lead-myocarditis/

  4. Biden imposes travel bans on African countries … after calling Trump’s travel bans racist https://www.breitbart.com/politics/2021/11/26/joe-biden-slammed-for-calling-trumps-travel-restrictions-racist-xenophobic-after-enacting-his-own/

  5. Blue states report massive covid surge while Florida has the fewest cases per capita https://www.breitbart.com/politics/2021/11/26/florida-reports-lowest-coronavirus-cases-capita-blue-states-surge/ and https://www.breitbart.com/politics/2021/11/26/blue-states-experience-massive-coronavirus-surge-in-last-two-weeks/

  6. Another House Dem announces retirement https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2021/11/texas-rep-eddie-bernice-johnson-latest-house-democrat-announce-retirement/

  7. Dems in Virginia explain why McAuliffe lost … it’s systemic, as the Dem brand is in shambles https://www.breitbart.com/politics/2021/11/26/report-democrats-worried-about-2022-as-surveys-find-brand-in-shambles-were-fed/

  8. Witness says Epstein’s New Mexico ranch had a huge media center to spy on guests https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2021/11/epstein-victim-new-mexico-ranch-clintons-stayed-computer-rooms-size-houses-spy-guests/

  9. Prison records reveal that Epstein repeatedly said he wouldn’t kill himself, was afraid of pain, and was future-oriented https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2021/11/crazy-kill-newly-released-federal-bureau-prisons-records-reveal-jeffery-epstein-future-oriented-psychologically-stable-allegedly-committed-suic/

  10. Biden continues war on domestic oil and gas, raising fees and increasing red tape https://www.breitbart.com/politics/2021/11/26/report-joe-biden-to-recommend-increasing-red-tape-fees-on-oil-industry/

  11. Lindsay Graham seems fully back under the thumb of the Left as he backs nearly all of Biden’s judicial nominees https://www.newsmax.com/politics/graham-biden-judicial-nominees/2021/11/26/id/1046314/

See you tomorrow.


u/WinsAnon's thread: https://greatawakening.win/p/140JFMbwwc/wins-of-the-day-november-23-2021/

  1. CNN faces a lawsuit for illegally trying to get kids vaxxed


  1. Kyle Rittenhouse and his Mother meet with President Trump


  1. More COVID insanity


  1. Looks like Dem. vaccine mandates are doing the opposite of they are being advertised to do (we already knew that though)


  1. Biden approval underwater in 45 states


  1. PANIC from the Maxwell trial


  1. Rittenhouse says that God was on his side


  1. Pray for Australia my frens! It has gone full 1984!


  1. New Yorkers flood the streets of New York to protest vaccine mandates


  1. In case there was any doubt to Inflation being non-existent


  1. Whistleblower exposes corruption with the UN and China


  1. Goodwill decides to go full retard


See you tomorrow frens, WWG1WGA! 🇺🇸

  1. Trump slams Biden’s decision to tap the strategic oil reserves to try to make a tiny dent in the crisis Biden created https://patriotfetch.com/2021/11/trump-responds-after-biden-announces-release-of-oil-from-strategic-petroleum-reserves/

  2. New Hampshire lawmakers move to curb vaccine mandates https://www.thecentersquare.com/new_hampshire/new-hampshire-lawmakers-seeking-to-curb-vaccine-mandates/article_8920a018-4970-11ec-acd6-1bc9730cc3cd.html

  3. Missouri judge blocks pandemic public health orders https://justthenews.com/nation/states/missouri-judge-stops-state-local-agencies-issuing-pandemic-public-health-orders

  4. Dem vaccine mandates force the only Long Beach, NY emergency to room to shut down https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2021/11/democrat-vaccine-mandates-force-long-beach-new-yorks-emergency-room-shut-video/

  5. Biden reads the words “end of quote” because it was on his teleprompter https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2021/11/lost-joe-biden-reads-end-quote-off-teleprompter-speech-video/

  6. Joe heads for another vacation https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2021/11/joe-biden-leaves-vacation-no-plans-visit-victims-waukesha-blm-supporter-barrels-suv-christmas-parade/

  7. With California in a state of emergency, Gov. Newsom is vacationing in Mexico https://twitter.com/KevinKileyCA/status/1462919960359890944

  8. Confirmation that Gov. Cuomo personally covered up nursing home deaths https://twitter.com/SelectGOP/status/1462888425149894663

  9. Trump’s book available for preorder https://twitter.com/SergioGor/status/1463119907311214595

  10. Jan. 6 Commission accused of falsifying records https://thenationalpulse.com/news/revealed-jan-6-commission-fabricated-whereabouts-of-willard-hotel-war-room-attendee-in-subpoena-evidence-shows/

  11. Psaki ensures that she and Biden will be sued by Rittenhouse https://thepostmillennial.com/white-house-defamation-kyle-rittenhouse

  12. Senate Dems hold crisis meeting over Biden’s plummeting popularity https://thegreggjarrett.com/senate-democrats-hold-crisis-meeting-over-biden-poll-numbers-party-infighting/

See you tomorrow.

  1. Trump awarded ceremonial ninth-degree taekwondo belt and suit and says he’ll wear it in the halls of Congress! https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2021/11/president-trump-awarded-honorary-9th-degree-black-belt-south-korean-president-taekwondo-pledges-wear-full-martial-arts-suit-congress-president/

  2. Illinois Dem Party social media director resigns after tweeting that the Waukesha murders were karma for the Rittenhouse acquittal https://conservativebrief.com/democrat-3-55065/

  3. Supreme Court does not stay the Texas anti-abortion law, angering Dems https://conservativebrief.com/liberal-55064/

  4. Soros-funded San Francisco DA spent the last year trying to defund police and failing to prosecute crimes, and now he is somehow surprised that 80 people descended on a Nordstrom store to loot the place dry https://thepostmillennial.com/sf-da-boudin-defunding-police-outraged-mass-looting

  5. Meanwhile, just tonight a gang of thieves hit many stores in a SF-area mall, just flouting the lack of consequences under Dem leadership https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2021/11/gang-thieves-target-bay-area-mall-sams-jewelers-lululemon-store-robbed-video/

  6. Catholic University of America has many pieces of art depicting George Floyd as Jesus all over campus offices https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2021/11/catholic-university-america-posts-paintings-george-floyd-jesus-campus-ministry-office/

  7. MSNBC says Thanksgiving is racist https://neonnettle.com/news/17482-ted-cruz-blasts-msnbc-for-comparing-thanksgiving-to-white-supremacy-

  8. No attempt to hide it anymore as Bezos gives $100 million to the Obama Foundation https://nypost.com/2021/11/22/obama-foundation-accepts-100m-donation-from-jeff-bezos/

  9. CBS poll says only 3 of 10 voters think US is doing well under Biden https://dailycaller.com/2021/11/22/three-out-of-ten-americans-think-country-doing-well-under-president-joe-biden/

  10. Biden says he’s running for reelection in 2024, LOL https://twitter.com/jsolomonReports/status/1462937696528125960

See you tomorrow.


u/WinsAnon's thread: https://greatawakening.win/p/140JAemNge/wins-of-the-day-november-21-2021/

  1. Nick Sandmann trolls the media with Rittenhouse


  1. "Republicans in Pennsylvania Senate Identify Group They’ll Hire to Perform Forensic Audit of 2020 Election Results"


  1. "Hispanic Rancher Gets in Beto O’Rourke’s Face and Tells Him Not to Come Back"


  1. Protests in Italy reach their 18th week


  1. "Disney Stops Employee Vaccination Requirements, Thanks To DeSantis Law"


  1. "Travis Scott Hit With Over $2 Billion In Lawsuits In Aftermath Of Astroworld Concert"


  1. Not a win, but well worth a read


  1. 63% of Americans oppose Biden's $450k for illegals


  1. More woke BS!


See you tomorrow frens, WWG1WGA! 🇺🇸

  1. Analysis shows that for every child from 5 to 11 who is “saved” by the vaccines, 117 will be killed by the vaccines https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2021/11/shockingly-insane-cdc-big-pharma-data-show-save-lives-less-50-children-covid-5000-children-will-die-vaccine/

  2. UK study shows that death rate for people 10-59 years old is twice as high for vaccinated people than unvaccinated people https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2021/11/shocking-uk-study-stuns-medical-community-vaccinated-people-60-younger-twice-likely-die-unvaccinated-people/

  3. FDA documents reveal that Pfizer and the FDA were aware of 158,893 adverse events and 25,957 nervous system disorders in the first two and half months after the EUA approval https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2021/11/attorney-releases-first-pages-subpoenaed-fda-files-shows-pfizer-documented-158893-adverse-events-25957-nervous-system-disorders/

  4. One day after Kamala’s communications director resigned, Joe loses his comms chief https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2021/11/joe-bidens-comms-chief-resigns-kamala-harris-comms-director-leaves-administration/

  5. Pennsylvania senate identifies firm that will do audit of 2020 election https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2021/11/breaking-huge-republicans-pennsylvania-senate-identify-group-will-hire-perform-forensic-audit-2020-election-results/

  6. Pence removes any remaining doubt as to his anti-Trump stance as he vows to support incumbent governors wherever Trump supports their challengers https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2021/11/turncoat-mike-pence-vows-support-crooked-republican-governors-president-trump-wants-primary/

  7. Don Jr. with the win again, “Kyle Rittenouse found guilty of murdering prosecutor’s career” https://twitter.com/DonaldJTrumpJr/status/1462043824902049792

  8. Even Dems’ own internal polling shows them losing to Republicans in 2022 https://hotair.com/allahpundit/2021/11/19/democrats-own-internal-poll-shows-them-losing-on-the-generic-ballot-to-republicans-n430456

See you tomorrow.

  1. Rittenouse is not guilty on all counts https://thepostmillennial.com/breaking-kyle-rittenhouse-found-not-guilty-on-all-charges

  2. The moment Kyle Rittenhouse found out he was fully acquitted https://twitter.com/ColumbiaBugle/status/1461761308257366021

  3. Biden, trying to prove he is a uniter, says he is “angry and concerned” about the verdict https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2021/11/biden-angry-concerned-rittenhouse-not-guilty-verdict-initially-saying-not-watch-trial-stood-jurys-conclusion/ and ignores question about why he had previously called Kyle a white supremacist https://www.cnn.com/us/live-news/kyle-rittenhouse-trial-verdict-watch-11-19-21/index.html

  4. Don Jr wins the internet, saying “The Rittenhouse jury just gave Biden his second colonoscopy of the day” https://twitter.com/DonaldJTrumpJr/status/1461770983207931907

  5. More evidence that the prosecutors suborned perjury during the trial https://amgreatness.com/2021/11/18/subornation-of-perjury-photographic-evidence-emerges-online-contradicting-rittenhouse-prosecutors-witnesses/

  6. Georgia Gov. Kemp orders probe into 2020 vote count in Fulton County (tepid first step, but it’s something) https://justthenews.com/politics-policy/elections/george-governor-orders-probe-sloppy-november-2020-vote-counts-fulton

  7. European agency says covid vaccines have so far caused 1,163,356 adverse events and 30,551 deaths https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2021/11/european-medicines-agency-data-shows-1163356-adverse-drug-reactions-30551-fatalities-covid-19-vaccinations/

  8. Nothing weird here, as FDA seeks to hide all its documentation about approving the Pfizer vaccines for FIFTY FIVE YEARS https://www.theepochtimes.com/fda-asks-court-for-55-years-to-fully-release-pfizer-covid-19-vaccine-data_4110761.html

  9. Fauci seen at party violating mask mandate https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2021/11/dr-fauci-spotted-mingling-maskless-elite-dc-book-party/

  10. Yet another Dem congressman says he won’t run for reelection https://www.washingtonexaminer.com/news/butterfield-announces-retirement-in-blow-to-democrats-efforts-to-keep-control-of-house

  11. Republican is first GOP Mayor of Columbia, SC in 30 years … in a county Biden won by 38 points https://www.breitbart.com/politics/2021/11/19/nolte-republican-mayor-elected-county-biden-won-38-points/

  12. Three US Senate races move from lean Dem to toss up https://www.breitbart.com/politics/2021/11/19/nolte-three-senate-seats-moved-from-lean-democrat-to-toss-up/

See you tomorrow.

  1. Pennsylvania whistleblower reveals video of election officials knowingly committing felonies to destroy 2020 election records https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2021/11/update-delaware-county-pennsylvania-lawsuit-going-blow-roof-off-democrat-voter-fraud-state/

  2. Racist Dems in Michigan tell black GOP candidate for Sec of State that she should be hanged https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2021/11/two-white-leftist-males-anonymous-person-threaten-black-gop-candidate-mi-secretary-state-cnn-writes-hit-piece-trumps-new-na-hope-fing-hang/

  3. NBC caught trying to intimidate Rittenhouse jurors https://thepostmillennial.com/nbc-producer-rittenhouse-jury-bus-nukes-social-media and https://twitter.com/JonathanTurley/status/1461395102199431174

  4. Incapable Kamala bungles ABC layup of an interview that was intended to buoy her flagging public image https://www.foxnews.com/media/jesse-watters-comments-on-kamala-harris-george-stephanopoulos-abc-interview

  5. With Kamala’s image in the dumpster, her communications director quits https://www.foxnews.com/politics/kamala-harris-comms-director-resigns-growing-criticism-vp

  6. Imagine that, the CBO reveals that Biden’s massive spending plan will cost money after all https://www.foxbusiness.com/politics/cbo-biden-spending-bill-add-367b-deficit-irs-tax-enforcement-plan which prompts Biden to criticize the office he once called the “gold standard” https://www.foxnews.com/politics/biden-touted-cbo-as-gold-standard-now-his-white-house-is-trying-to-undermine-it

  7. Pelosi caught at swinger’s bar (gross) without a mask https://dailycaller.com/2021/11/17/nancy-pelosi-maskless-washington-dc-bar-swingers-yvette-clarke-breaking-mask-mandate/

  8. Three mangry (mask-angry) CNN personalities seen at indoor concert without masks https://fee.org/articles/exclusive-i-spotted-three-of-cnn-s-most-well-known-names-at-an-indoor-billy-joel-concert-without-masks-on/

  9. Michigan leads nation in covid spread and Whitmer is AWOL https://redstate.com/tladuke/2021/11/18/michigan-leads-nation-in-covid-cases-and-governor-lockdown-is-all-of-a-sudden-missing-n477878

  10. Seattle Times comes perilously close to admitting that the way out of the covid nightmare is looking more and more like seeking herd immunity from having recovered from covid https://www.seattletimes.com/nation-world/covid-outbreak-in-party-town-shows-how-the-pandemic-could-end/

  11. In Biden’s nine months, we’ve caught 23 convicted murderers sneaking into Arizona https://www.creators.com/read/terence-jeffrey/11/21/23-aliens-previously-convicted-of-homicide-charged-with-illegal-reentry-in-arizona-in-bidens-first-9-months

See you tomorrow.


u/WinsAnon seems to have been a bit busy lately, so I'm gonna make this so we don't get too far behind on the wins and HOO BOY are there wins.

  1. Trump goes off on RINO Bitch McConnell


  1. and MTG is attacking the GOP establishment too


  1. Biden embarrasses himself at the 'General Motors' Factory


  1. Leftist reactions to the Rittenhouse trial seem to be going well


  1. So do the Prosecutors'


  1. "Challenges to Joe Biden’s OSHA vax mandate was assigned to the conservative-leaning 6th US Circuit Court of Appeals after a ping-pong lottery"


  1. Beto announces plan to lose Texas Governor race


  1. "Wisconsin Senate Committee Subpoenas Absentee Ballots and Voting Machine Records from City of Madison from 2020 Election"


  1. Wyoming GOP votes to no longer view Lizard Cheney as a Republican


  1. Biden's dementia kicks in again


  1. "Corrupt Vermont Democrat Senator Patrick Leahy Won’t Seek Reelection Next Year"


  1. Rittenhouse gun charge has been dismissed


  1. "The Chinese Woman Who Snuck Into Trump’s Mar-a-Lago Is Deported Back to China"


  1. "Secret Tapes Released by Omarosa from the White House that Were Scoffed At in 2018 Show President Trump Knew Hillary Paid Millions for Her Russia Collusion Hoax"


  1. "South Texas State Rep. Switches to GOP"


  1. RFK Jr. goes off the 'COVID misinformation' narrative


  1. Fauci admits that vaccines do not work as advertised


  1. Oklahoma National Guard won't comply with Biden's vaccine mandate


  1. Manchin announces opposition to Biden's FDA nominee


  1. "Majority Of Americans Say Biden Admin Not Doing Enough To Address Supply Chain Crisis"


  1. More Election Fraud in Georgia uncovered


  1. Restaurant sells 'FJB' and 'LGB' pizzas


  1. Nothing to see here!!!


  1. Trump: “The Democrat Party is a House of Cards Ready to Come Tumbling Down”


  1. "Rep. G.K. Butterfield Will Retire from Congress"


  1. "Democrat Rep. Kim Schrier Allegedly Violates STOCK Act, Fails to Properly Report $500,000+ Apple Investment"


  1. "Missouri Attorney General Sues School Board over Critical Race Theory"


  1. "Steve Bannon to Plead Not Guilty to Criminal Contempt Charges"


  1. Classic PANIC from CNN


  1. "Plurality of Voters Say Joe Biden Is Not ‘Mentally Fit’"


  1. "Florida Parents Sue School for Secretly ‘Transitioning’ 13-Year-Old Daughter"


  1. 'Build Back Better' bill shown to be massively unpopular


  1. DC Mayor finally drops mask mandate


  1. Republican's lead in generic ballot has increased to 13 points


  1. 2/3 of voters want Biden to 'step aside'


  1. "Joe Biden’s Approval Drowning in Key Swing Districts"


  1. "59% of Americans Oppose Joe Biden Expanding ‘Size and Role’ of Government"


  1. Biden's approval in Iowa drops to 33%


  1. ...and 38% in Washington


  1. Maxine Waters panicking over Trump


  1. "North Dakota Bans Critical Race Theory in Schools"


  1. "Queen, 95, to Miss Remembrance Sunday Ceremony Due to Health Issue"


  1. "NJ Sen.-Elect Ed Durr: ‘Stronger’ Red Wave Coming in 2022"


  1. "Maher: Bashing White Voters over VA Results Isn’t Liberal – ‘There’s a Lot of Resegregation’"


  1. "All Florida School Districts Defying DeSantis Drop School Mask Mandates"


  1. "21 Days Until Government Runs Out of Money" (was posted on the 12th)


See you tomorrow frens, WWG1WGA! 🇺🇸

Hello all. Looking for the "Wins of the Day" archives. Also have not seen either of the "Wins" Anons lately?

Thank you!

  1. Second grader who was suspended 38 times for not wearing a mask tells school board to their faces that she hopes they get arrested https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2021/11/must-watch-2nd-grader-suspended-38-times-not-wearing-masks-tells-school-board-hopes-go-jail/

  2. Rittenhouse judge absolutely destroys prosecutors https://thepostmillennial.com/judge-slams-prosecutors-for-trying-to-use-rittenhouses-right-to-remain-silent-against-him

  3. Manchin signals that he may sink the reconciliation bill due to out of control inflation https://hotair.com/allahpundit/2021/11/10/is-manchin-about-to-tank-the-reconciliation-bill-over-inflation-n428309

  4. NJ Senate President concedes defeat to GOP truck driver candidate on a shoestring budget https://www.northjersey.com/story/news/politics/elections/2021/11/10/nj-senate-president-steve-sweeney-concedes-edward-durr/6371480001/

  5. Majority disgust with cancel culture across every voter demographic https://hotair.com/ed-morrissey/2021/11/10/kumbaya-finally-disgust-with-cancel-culture-now-bipartisan-n428315

  6. Poll shows that an endorsement from Biden makes voters less likely to vote for that candidate https://www.theblaze.com/news/biden-endorsement-less-likely-to-vote

  7. Fake news purveyor Brian Williams to leave MSNBC and NBC News https://www.foxnews.com/media/brian-williams-leaving-msnbc-nbc-11th-hour

  8. Illnesses caused by booster shots force Michigan school system to close https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2021/11/michigan-school-system-closes-large-number-teachers-become-covid-shot/

  9. Rittenhouse judge’s phone rings in court, and his ringtone is Lee Greenwood’s “God Bless the USA” https://www.outkick.com/watch-kyle-rittenhouse-judge-sets-off-libs-with-patriotic-ringtone-that-plays-during-trial/

  10. China mega-company Evergrande keeps teetering on the edge of default https://www.wionews.com/world/embattled-chinese-real-estate-firm-evergrande-officially-defaults-428368

See you tomorrow.

  1. Biden’s National Security Advisor and past Clinton campaign advisor is identified as person named in Sussman complaint https://thepostmillennial.com/bidens-jake-sullivan-foreign-policy-advisor-sussman

  2. Prosecutors in Rittenhouse case had tried to get a witness to change his sworn statement https://thepostmillennial.com/breaking-rittenhouse-prosecutors-grill-journalist

  3. The Left is trying to dox the Rittenhouse jury https://hotair.com/ed-morrissey/2021/11/09/todays-mystery-is-someone-trying-to-dox-the-rittenhouse-jury-n428060

  4. Accuser describes being sexually assaulted by Don Lemon https://thepostmillennial.com/accuser-details-sex-assault-allegations-against-don-lemon

  5. Naturally immune federal workers file class action lawsuit against Fauci for vax mandate https://justthenews.com/government/federal-agencies/naturally-immune-federal-workers-file-class-action-suit-against-fauci

  6. Biden’s Treasury nominee admits out loud that they want to bankrupt the fossil fuel industry as part of climate change movement https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2021/11/bidens-marxist-treasury-nominee-says-quiet-part-loud-fossil-fuel-industry-want-go-bankrupt-want-tackle-climate-change-video/

  7. Confused Biden can’t even handle a ceremony with the NBA champs https://twitter.com/mrctv/status/1458185124902621189

  8. Florida remains the state with the lowest covid rates despite being wide open, while California has twice the rate as Florida https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2021/11/daily-rate-new-covid-cases-california-now-double-floridas-rate-despite-newsoms-covid-mandates/

  9. Schiff gets thrashed during his appearance on the View for never backing down from his role championing the Steele Dossier and Trump/Russia hoax https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2021/11/amoral-sociopath-adam-schiff-gets-eviscerated-role-promoting-steele-dossier-video/

  10. Judge dismisses Trump Org from lawsuit claiming misuse of inauguration funds https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2021/11/huge-blow-dc-attorney-general-judge-dismisses-portion-inauguration-lawsuit-trump-org/

  11. Yet another covid treatment emerges, further rendering vaccines unnecessary https://100percentfedup.com/not-making-news-chapel-hill-unc-and-duke-univ-scientists-discover-antibody-that-can-protect-people-from-getting-covid-and-all-variants/

  12. Oldie republished: UN study finds that the world’s temperature hasn’t gone up for the last 15 years and the UN tried to cover this up https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2425775/Climate-scientists-told-cover-fact-Earths-temperature-risen-15-years.html

  13. Deleted, mistakenly duplicated a post from yesterday

  14. Town of Brandon, VT holds “Let’s Go Brandon!” rally https://www.newsweek.com/republicans-hold-lets-go-brandon-rally-brandon-central-park-city-brandon-vt-1647241

See you tomorrow.


u/WinsAnon's thread: https://greatawakening.win/p/13zzxzlSGe/wins-of-the-day-november-8-2021/

  1. "Formal Complaint Filed Against Green Bay Mayor for Turning 2020 Elections Over to Far Left Operative, Including Secret Access to Internet and Ballot Warehouse"


  1. Newsom's wife tries to defend his absence but then deletes tweet in a panic


  1. "Outraged Students at Hawthorne Academy Stage Massive Walkout to Protest Classmates’s Bewildering Suspension For Reporting Sexual Assault In Schools Restroom"


  1. Even Senate Dems. are begging Biden to lower gas prices


  1. New York Magazine calls Facebook's Metaverse DOA


See you tomorrow frens, WWG1WGA! 🇺🇸

  1. Witness confesses that Rittenhouse shot him only after he had advanced on Rittenhouse and pointed his gun at him https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2021/11/witness-gaige-grosskreutz-forced-admit-pointed-gun-kyle-rittenhouse-got-arm-blown-off-video/

  2. 64% of Americans, including 28% of Dems, say they don’t want Biden to run for a second term https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2021/11/new-poll-shows-kamala-harris-lowest-approval-rating-recorded-history/

  3. Thousands of people, including police, firefighters and city workers, assemble in Los Angeles to protest vax mandate https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2021/11/will-not-comply-thousands-including-city-workers-lapd-officers-firemen-gather-outside-los-angeles-city-hall-protest-upcoming-deadline-covid-vaccine-mandates-video/

  4. White House cannot name a single thing they are considering to lower gas prices https://www.dailywire.com/news/watch-white-house-cant-name-a-single-thing-biden-is-considering-doing-to-lower-gas-prices

  5. California plan to inject “social justice” measures to dumb down math in schools is put on hold after backlash https://www.dailywire.com/news/california-plan-to-inject-social-justice-into-high-school-math-on-hold-after-backlash

  6. DeSantis announces he is running for reelection https://townhall.com/tipsheet/leahbarkoukis/2021/11/08/desantis-announces-reelection-campaign-n2598766

  7. Trump says he won’t announce running for president in 2024 until after midterms, but that it will make a lot of people happy https://thepostmillennial.com/trump-to-probably-announce-us-presidential-run-after-midterm-elections

  8. Biden in 2007, “if you leave those billions of dollars of weapons behind in Afghanistan, they’ll be used against your grandchild” https://www.cnsnews.com/blog/craig-bannister/flashback-biden-if-you-leave-those-billions-dollars-weapons-behind-iraq-theyll

  9. Buttigieg celebrates infrastructure bill’s ability to fix racist roads https://www.breitbart.com/politics/2021/11/08/pete-buttigieg-biden-infrastructure-bill-delivers-swift-action-to-fix-racist-highways/

  10. An overwhelming majority of swing voters don’t want Biden’s $450,000 payoffs to illegal immigrants https://www.breitbart.com/politics/2021/11/08/poll-2-in-3-swing-voters-oppose-bidens-450k-payouts-to-border-crossers/

See you tomorrow.

  1. Appeals Court puts hold on Biden’s vaccine mandate while challenges are growing nationwide https://www.cbsnews.com/news/covid-vaccine-mandate-halted-osha-appeals-court/

  2. We’re up to 27 states fighting Biden’s vax mandate https://justthenews.com/government/courts-law/27-states-are-suing-biden-administration-over-covid-vaccine-mandate-private

  3. Biden approval drops to 38% and Kamala's approval rating is at 28% https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2021/11/biden-approval-plummets-38-percent-harris-approval-28-percent/

  4. Biden pollutes at the Climate Summit, lets out huge long, loud fart https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2021/11/duchess-cornwall-biden-farting-climate-summit-long-loud-impossible-ignore/

  5. Corrupt FBI cracks down on citizen journalist who had asked questions of FBI informer Ray Epps about his role on January 6 https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2021/11/exclusive-fbi-follows-questions-citizen-journalist-confronted-alleged-jan-6th-fed-informant-ray-epps/

  6. Governor Newsom has disappeared after his booster shot 10 days ago https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2021/11/gov-newsom-cancels-scheduled-appearances-hasnt-seen-public-since-getting-covid-booster-shot-october-27/

  7. Only 17% of Americans believe there are “multiple” genders, down from 24% two years ago https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2021/11/17-americans-strongly-believe-multiple-genders-24-two-years-ago/

  8. The US government has a vaccine injury fund which has so far paid $247 million to citizens in 2021, but not a single dollar was paid for injury/death caused by the covid vaccines https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2021/11/fiscal-year-2021-feds-paid-zero-claims-covid-vaccine-related-deaths/

  9. Former DNI John Ratcliffe says he gave Durham documents that prove Hillary was behind the Trump/Russia hoax https://www.foxnews.com/media/john-ratcliffe-on-durham-indictment

  10. Kash Patel also confirms that Durham is after bigger targets in conspiracy case https://www.breitbart.com/radio/2021/11/07/exclusive-kash-patel-durham-building-bigger-conspiracy-case/

  11. Looks like the recent spending bill has taken all the air out of trying to get a larger spending bill which was supposed to disguise all sorts of election law changes to force mail-in ballots everywhere https://justthenews.com/nation/states/bipartisan-infrastructure-bill-passes-leaving-larger-dem-bill-limbo

See you tomorrow.

  1. 14,000 Americans were left behind in Afghanistan despite all the attempts by the Biden Admin to say there were “around 100” https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2021/11/impeachable-offense-joe-biden-abandoned-thousands-americans-many-14000-afghanistan-us-fled-country/

  2. Biden’s Energy Secretary has a huge laugh on TV when asked what can be done to lower gas prices, she says it’s all up to the powers in the Middle East and out of our hands entirely https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2021/11/ha-ha-ha-hilarious-biden-energy-secretary-laughs-asked-bidens-plans-bring-gas-prices-video/

  3. Aaron Rodgers takes ivermectin and feels fantastic almost imediately https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2021/11/quarterback-aaron-rogers-catches-covid-says-will-follow-joe-rogans-advice-take-ivermectin/

  4. Imagine that! After “vaccinating” 70% of the populace, and getting way above herd immunity with natural immunity numbers as well, hospitals are being overrun with non-covid illnesses like heart problems that are much worse than they’ve ever seen before https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2021/11/hard-watch-hospital-ers-across-nation-completely-overwhelmed-non-covid-patients-sicker-ever-seen-nurses-forced-give-treatments-hallways-no/

  5. After Joe Biden’s daughter’s diary is leaked to Project Veritas, Dirty Joe calls on the FBI to immediately raid the Project Veritas offices https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2021/11/fbi-raids-project-veritas-ashley-bidens-diary/

  6. Lawsuit filed against Michigan’s Dem Sec of State for failing to purge dead voters from voter rolls, several thousand have been dead for 20 years https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2021/11/breaking-lawsuit-filed-michigans-dishonest-sec-state-jocelyn-benson-legal-group-found-nearly-26k-potentially-dead-voters-voter-rolls-4k-dead-least-20-yrs/

  7. Lauren Boebert trolls Dems and AOC by wearing custom dress that says “Let’s Go Brandon” on it https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2021/11/rep-lauren-boebert-steals-show-go-brandon-dress-mocking-aoc/

  8. Boebert also posts excerpts from Ashley Biden’s diary to her Twitter page https://twitter.com/laurenboebert/status/1456734891337465858

  9. Unreal: Federal Elections Commission votes to allow foreigners to fund US election campaigns https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2021/11/unreal-federal-elections-commission-votes-allow-foreigners-fund-local-us-ballot-initiatives-congressional-redistricting-efforts/

  10. CNN failed to reach a million viewers for the entire month of October https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2021/11/ratings-starved-cnn-struggled-break-one-million-viewers-entire-month-october/

  11. Pelosi appears to have a stroke or something https://twitter.com/JosephJFlynn1/status/1456748746973319173

See you tomorrow.

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