Edit 5/29/21: Above clip removed (this happens routinely, not being paranoid, but just sayin... all the same). New clip same as above, same instruction... you will know when to pause. Always a good practice to review your comment history and confirm any links you have in your comments. Norman.
Don't forget that library of the 8 classic methods of subversion.
https://youtu.be/-OWANsRG5-s?t=98 (timestamp / pause you'll know when)
Edit 5/29/21: Above clip removed (this happens routinely, not being paranoid, but just sayin... all the same). New clip same as above, same instruction... you will know when to pause. Always a good practice to review your comment history and confirm any links you have in your comments. Norman.
CIA Butterfly
Your post title claimed multiple tweets. You provided one.
Mind you, the one you provided really activates my almonds...
But bruh... YOU SAID MULTIPLE!!!