Qanaut 99 points ago +99 / -0

This is President Trump letting them know that he knows full well what their playbook is going forward. Netanyahu is telling us that they intend to start World War III by obliterating Iran. The only way that this happens, as per the messaging from Netanyahu, is with President Trump out of the picture.

Nutjob Yahoo isn't warning Iran not to assassinate President Trump. He is telling the world that the plan is to eliminate President Trump and Iran at the same time.

Remember what Q said about saving Israel for last . . . I'm thinking that this obliteration and threat of assassination will backfire severely upon the Israeli government.

Qanaut 9 points ago +9 / -0

4+7 = 11

Q Post 11


This Q post seems HIGHLY relevant given recent events.

Military Intelligence v FBI CIA NSA

There is no way that the assassination attempt nearly succeeded without the complicity of these three letter agencies. They setup POTUS and they failed.

Who is the Commander and Chief of the military?

It is clear who the Deep State consider to be the true Commander in Chief. They would not have attempted the assassination against President Trump if they didn't see him as a threat backed by military intelligence.

Under what article can the President impose MI take over investigations for the 3 letter agencies?

This is what President Trump is hinting at. The House of Representatives has failed to adequately deliver an explanation to the American people about J13 nearly two weeks after the event. The 3 letter agencies have shown their complicity in the plot against President Trump. The entire system is falling apart, and the time for military intervention draws near.

President Trump is sending a very clear message. End of occupation draws near!

Qanaut 5 points ago +5 / -0

I agree that there is a high likelihood of the dems using a.i. to generate fake Biden recordings. That being said, many of the a.i. detector tools are very inaccurate (possibly on purpose).

Qanaut 22 points ago +22 / -0

The only way

to wake up the masses

was to make everything



Qanaut 15 points ago +15 / -0

There were two calls. One back in 2019, and another on the 19th of July this month.

Sauce: https://kyivindependent.com/zelensky-trump-hold-call/

Qanaut 2 points ago +2 / -0

I agree that a spokesperson will be necessary, as episode 10 of The Fall of the Cabal theorizes. I don't necessarily subscribe to the theory that this will be JFK Jr. though. Q was very clear with an answer to this question. Then again, disinformation and misinformation being necessary, they indeed could have deflected.

There will definitely be an arbiter of peace stepping forward in the coming year in the aftermath of the Black Hat implosion. We have come to a point in our society where the left cannot speak to the right nor the right to the left. We will most certainly need someone who can unify the nation in this most critical of moments. I have often prayed that great men like Michael Jackson and Robin Williams were still around. I have theorized that some of those who have passed may have entered witness protection. Without evidence of such, these theories present only distractions though.

We shall have to see in the coming days what will transpire.

Qanaut 2 points ago +2 / -0

As difficult as it may be to hear, internalize, and understand . . . sacrifices are necessary in this mission.

True, the White Hats could have gone fire and brimstone upon the Cabalists a long time ago. After the 2016 election they could have revealed themselves and gone around arresting all of the Black Hat operatives. The problem with this is that there was not a mandate of the people for this to happen. Sure, we in the awakened community wanted it, but the masses of liberals did not understand why it was necessary. They would have joined with the Black Hats and it would have been all out Civil War. A hundred million Americans would have died, and the Cabalists would have attained their goal in depopulating America.

We are still at the stage when Civil War would be the likely outcome should the White Hats act too early. The stage is set for the Black Hats to self destruct. The White Hats are allowing for a controlled demolition of the Deep State of America and are doing the best they can to minimize collateral damage. We still stand to lose millions of Americans if the timing is not right in this operation.

Understand this Anon. The Cabal wanted America to cease to exist. We are talking the genocide of three hundred million people. They had a sixteen year plan to destroy America through a global thermonuclear war between Russia and America that would have achieved mutual destruction and the extermination of a billion people.

To your question: I would gladly sacrifice myself for The Great Awakening, and I know many of my family members would as well. Both my father and mother were in the army. My brother is in the Marines. My grandfathers fought in World War II. My family understand what is at stake in this war and that sometimes one must put themselves in harms way to preserve the homeland for future generations.

Our founding fathers understood this only too well. They too had to make difficult decisions that resulted in the loss of their lives, the lives of their brothers, sisters, fathers, mothers, sons and daughters.

Keep perspective Anon. Do not let emotions cloud your judgement and reasoning. Logic must always be applied. This has never been about saving a handful of lives. This has been about preserving our fleeting way of life for the next generation. Without the White Hat's counter plan, we would more than likely not be having this conversation right now. That much is certain.

Qanaut 6 points ago +6 / -0

If Hillary emerges from the swamp as the DNC pick for 2024, I may just have to add that GIF to our collection. I've got several Hillary GIFs in my meme arsenal ready to go for this rematch! 😁

Qanaut 12 points ago +12 / -0

Soon Anon! Very soon.

The assassination attempt on President Trump ushered in The Storm. There is a reason why we changed the banner from gathering clouds to flashes of lighting, and changed the sidebar image to President Trump's victorious rise and call to fight.

We are only 108 days away from the election. That is just 15 weeks of the narrative cycle until the gauntlet is thrown down and the American people present an election TO BIG TO RIG.

The thing is . . . the Deep State is well aware of this. There are still many moves and countermoves that can be played in those 108 days. The Cabalists still have psy-op ammunition in their arsenal. The White Hats strategy all along has been a controlled demolition of the old guard. They allow the Black Hats to reveal themselves and play their cards while the White Hats sit back and preserve their entire hand of aces until the very end.

We have come a very long ways since 2020. We are in the End Game for sure. We must have patience in these final hours while The Storm rolls over the Deep State.

Qanaut 6 points ago +6 / -0

If they were going to step in, they should have done it before all the carnage was unleashed on this country.

The carnage was necessary in waking the sleeping normies.

Remember, sometimes you cannot tell people the truth. You must show them.

The White Hats are playing a very carefully planned and dangerous game. They know that the only way to ensure the complete and total awakening of the American people is to bring us right up to the precipice; that moment when the normies think America is well and truly done for, and then bring us back from that moment.

The near death experience of America is what will save our Nation.

Qanaut 11 points ago +11 / -0

Elections cannot be secured without Military intervention.

We saw this in 2016 when the White Hats interfered with the networked vote manipulation allowing for the first honest election in many generations.

We saw this again in 2020 when the White Hats purposefully stood down in order to allow for a massive sting operation on every State and County level election network. They gathered the intelligence and have been building their legal case ever since.

The corruption in our election system is to such an astronomical extent that it cannot be repaired. The entire system must be torn down and replaced. The time is not yet right to play that Trump card.

I believe in the coming months we will see the Democrat Party completely implode as they battle and infight about what to do with Biden and Harris. They are already stuck in an impossible situation. They are desperately trying to hold onto the lie of 81,000,000 votes in 2020 for Biden; an unprecedented record breaking ticket in the history of elections.

They know that if Biden steps down, he will also likely need to be removed from office. They cannot keep up the facade that Biden is mentally and physically capable of performing his duties as President while he is exiting the Presidential ticket. This then calls into question the results of the 2020 election. We have two different dynamics in play here: Biden's popularity, and his mental state. Both of these are working against the Democrats.

We can see the trajectory of the White Hats plan and where it is leading us. The RNC this week was too early a venue to play the ultimate Trump Card. I believe there is a scenario in which we have a very Merry Christmas this year with the 2020 fraud completely disclosed and proven without a shadow of a doubt to the American people. When this happens, it will initiate a constitutional crisis wherein every down ballot candidate and appointee by the Democrats gets called into question. The whole of Congress will be ousted at the same time.

This level of restructuring will all occur in rapid succession. It truly is the final Trump Card that cannot be played until the very end of the game.

Qanaut [M] 15 points ago +15 / -0

Tonight's addition to the GIF's archive is a powerful painting of the day that God shifted the pattern of the tapestry of life to allow President Trump to finish his righteous mission. President Trump truly had the Hand of God intervening that day . . .

u/# HandOfGod


Qanaut 3 points ago +3 / -0

My only excuse for holding off on Linux over the years has been my Steam library of games on my PC. Now that VALVe have brute forced Linux compatibility for the vast majority of my library, I really have no excuse.

Qanaut 1 point ago +1 / -0

Many Q comms happened Anon.

Practice patience.

We heard the thunder today.

The lightning is on its way . . .

Qanaut 5 points ago +5 / -0

In some states, even if he does drop out it is too late to change the ticket. The DNC will have a split ticket! Biden / Harris and Harris / ? .

Qanaut 7 points ago +7 / -0

Holy shit! They're actually playing Nessun Dorma!


The comms could not be more clear tonight.

The Cabal is well and truly fucked!

Qanaut 11 points ago +11 / -0

"Last time I put up that chart I never really got a chance to look at it!"


Qanaut [M] 17 points ago +17 / -0

There could only be one GIF for tonight brothers (and sisters)!







Qanaut 42 points ago +42 / -0

He also just mentioned using the Military where Congress failed.

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