-> the first flag about this came from a German local.
Multiple insinuations from Patriots legal team, DJT entourage it really happened.
We must connect the dots and be alert, and we shall tell others this is happening from top to bottom chain for fairness and debunk or confirmation digs.
The stuff is ONGOING, theoretically, one should expect heavy smoke screen here.
"Closure of the underground from the evening of 07.11. to the late afternoon of 08.11. on the route Frankfurt Hauptbahnhof in the direction of Offenbach. On this section, the underground line runs below the Deutsche Bank Twin-Tower, among other things. "
-> the first flag about this came from a German local.
Multiple insinuations from Patriots legal team, DJT entourage it really happened.
We must connect the dots and be alert, and we shall tell others this is happening from top to bottom chain for fairness and debunk or confirmation digs.
The stuff is ONGOING, theoretically, one should expect heavy smoke screen here.
Original German sauce here (1st time I've heard about it, check the date): https://twitter.com/AndreasSchub/status/1325347577085177857?s=20
Are you familiar with Simon Parkes? Several of my Q friends say he has been very accurate:
old school autistic rider here, I don't know him!
Thank you very much, checking out right now.
R.I.P. Patriots.
Glowing board drop: https://archive.vn/F0PEd/8c8e78a138761c084da0cdf65a16df72fa189fb9.jpg
sauce: https://www.militarytimes.com/news/your-military/2020/11/14/army-identifies-5-soldiers-killed-in-sinai-uh-60-black-hawk-helicopter-crash/
even moh sauce: https://twitter.com/WeTheInevitable/status/1333088851057926145?s=20
moh sauce:
Michael Goodboe, a former Navy SEAL, died of injuries sustained in a terrorist attack in Mogadishu, Somalia. https://twitter.com/Mareq16/status/1333019758300639234?s=20
Replying to @CodeMonkeyZ "Iam from Germany and in Frankfurt where this is maybe happened, the stop the underground train and the strets around the area" (sic) - 2h ago https://twitter.com/teenmatter1/status/1333068811923320833?s=20
"hey jenna, der weltgrößte internetknotenpunkt liegt unter der Hanauer Landstraße 302-304 und word betrieben von der Interxion Deutschland GmbH" https://twitter.com/teenmatter1/status/1333089242793336834?s=20
"Closure of the underground from the evening of 07.11. to the late afternoon of 08.11. on the route Frankfurt Hauptbahnhof in the direction of Offenbach. On this section, the underground line runs below the Deutsche Bank Twin-Tower, among other things. " https://twitter.com/Pinselstich/status/1333086878669680642?s=20
News article about the bahn being shut down for a day at the time the server was seized in Frankfurt. https://twitter.com/Matoozie/status/1333111688816590849?s=20
Info about the crew here:
two pilots, a doc, a mechanic, crew chief, two foreigners.
One USA operative injured and medically evacuated.
At thedonald.win a pede said the accident really happened.
If I find more info I'll submit here:
"Sidney Retweet: PATRIOTS DIED TO RETRIEVE THE SERVERS! OH MY GOD" https://thedonald.win/p/11QSH7ZosX/sidney-retweet-patriots-died-to-/c/
more sauce at comments here: https://twitter.com/MajorPatriot/status/1333061487850614787?s=20
I see what you did here, rider.