So legit question what proves that QAnon is actually real? I've not seen anything that Q has said come to pass. The month of the December will likely be no different. Or will it? Explain.
EDIT: Also, why are some of you saying there's no proof needed while others are trying your hardest to provide just that? Which is it?
He predicted McCains death thats a huge one. He said no name would be returning to the news. Also predicted flynn would be freed eventually and the total number of senate seats for Republicans after the 2018 election. There is all research threads on Q proofs alone.
McCain was old and had cancer, and had already fallen a few times that year. If Q gets points for saying a dying old man will die, then I should get points for saying that someone who is terminally ill will also die.
Flynn being pardoned could've been easily foreseen. Trump pardons people in his inner circle to reward them and stoke his base. Conservative media was already calling for a pardon and Trump basically does whatever they suggest.
The number of senate seats for Republicans could've been ascertained by simply viewing poll numbers. (Sidenote: if there's so much election fraud, how is it that Republicans retained the Senate in 2018?)
Can you elaborate on the "no name" claim? Who is no name?
He really had the most remarkable cancer. Most people who have his type of cancer are dead in a few months. They also lose cognition long before then, Except for McCain he kept going right till the last moment with full faculties.
Maybe they have some advanced drugs they haven't shared with the rest of us to make McCain's brain cancer so exceptional.
McCain was executed. Q posted:
And then McCain died I believe within hours of International Dog Day, more than a month later.